Snacks for the new year 2021: a year of metal bull, recipes, with photos, lungs, on table, festive, cold, hot, menu, budget


Every closer festive night, when the year of the Metal Bull will come under the battle of the chimes. In the light of the garlands champagne in the glasses. The eyes of the guests will break away from the mass of original and interesting dishes put on the table with the launder. And in addition to the main menu, it will not cost and without light yokes that the appetite is "raid" and will allow to get the risen toasts.

What hot and cold snacks for the new year 2021 should be offered to the coming, in the material 24cm.

1. Chicken and tomatoes in the pita

A modern person is not easy to surprise even overseas exotic solutions. And the owners preparing the table to visit guests on the festive night, you want the main dishes, and snacks for the new year 2021 were not only beautiful and delicious, but also caused the culinary enthusiasm. Yes, even budget is desirable. So all sorts of unusual recipes appear. Type simple snacks from pita with chicken and tomatoes.

For cooking you will need:

  • 400-450 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 sheets of thin pitaway;
  • 1 Pepper Bulgarian;
  • 1 large bow head;
  • 2-3 medium-sized tomatoes;
  • mayonnaise, lettuce leaves or other greens - by choosing the preparing;
  • Salt, spices - on its own discretion.


  1. Pre-delighted pepper, bulb and fillets to cover with small pieces.
  2. Onions fry in a frying pan until a golden shade, after which, without turning off the fire, add chicken chicken meat to it.
  3. For 7-10 minutes before the fillet is ready to put chief pepper to him in the pan. Salt and spices add at the very end.
  4. On the first sheet of footwash, decompose the resulting filling and cover the second. Top to put the salad sheets and sliced ​​tomatoes with mugs, pour mayonnaise. Then close the last sheet of footwash and roll into a dense tube.
The resulting roll is removed half an hour to the refrigerator, then cut into portions and decompose on the serving plate - can be placed on the table.

2. Bedroom roll with sprats

From the pita to the New Year's feast you can cook another snack - the roll with sprats, cheese and egg.

You will need to take:

  • 2 sheet of thin pita (square);
  • 1 jar of sprat in oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2-3 boiled eggs;
  • 120 g of melted cheese;
  • 1 Pepper Bulgarian;
  • Greens - in his choice.


  1. Finely rub eggs. Cheese to peel into small cubes. Pepper choking thin straw.
  2. The first sheet of footwash is abundantly smeared by mayonnaise. Top to put the second.
  3. On the top lavash it is finely applied mayonnaise. Then, leaving a couple of centimeters along the edges, scatter a grated egg over the surface and put sliced ​​cheese. Evenly distribute pepper and fish throughout the area. Sprinkle with greens.
Lavash with stuffing roll in the roll, pack in the food film or foil and remove into the refrigerator - soak. After 3 hours a snack can already be taken and cut into portions.

3. Pork, baked with spicy herbs

We will have to do with guests and gathered at the festive table guests, and not only the taste, but also the aroma of the owner of the year - the metal bull - and the recipe for cold snacks made in the oven with fragrant herbs.


  • 1 kg of pork (fillet without bones and other sub-products);
  • 5-7 cloves of garlic (medium, larger enough 2-3 pcs.);
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice (it is permissible to replace with apple vinegar or use citric acid - dilute with water ¼ h. l.);
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (it is preferable to take olive, but can also be replaced with refined sunflower);
  • 2 tbsp. l. fragrant herbs (it is recommended to use olive, but allowing a replacement for any other fragrant mixture);
  • pepper peas;
  • salt.


  1. Garlic cut into thin narrow stripes. Herbs mix with butter and lemon juice.
  2. With the help of a long narrow knife to do in the meat of holes in which to put the chopped garlic and pea peas. Then rub the pork salt and a mixture of spicy herbs with butter and juice.
  3. Place the smeared fillet in the sleeve for baking. There also to pour the remnants used to fae the oil with herbs. Sleeve tie and leave for 2-3 hours - pickled.
  4. Heat cabinet to heat up to 180 and put in it sleeve with meat. Bake exactly 55 minutes to avoid cutting and at the same time do not leave impenetrable.
After cooking, the meat give a slightly cool, then slim into slices fine and serve on the table.

Note: A snack is usually fed in a cold form, however, it has a distinguished taste.

4. Egg rolls

Selecting snacks for the new year 2021, do not forget about chicken eggs, of which are excellent and lungs in the preparation of the roll.


  • 3-4 raw eggs;
  • 1 melted routine;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • Salt, spices - on personal discretion.


  1. Cheese and garlic finely rub. Mix.
  2. Eggs break into deep dishes, add salt, spices, and mayonnaise. Stir up to a homogeneous state.
  3. From the resulting mixture, bake the lack of "pancakes". Give them to cool and smear garlic and cheese. Collapse in the tube - egg rolls are ready.
If desired, you can safely experiment with stuffing. For example, add greens or grated cucumber.

5. Sandwiches with herring and egg

If we are talking about snacks for the new year 2021, then it does not pass by all sorts of original sandwiches. For example, remember the recipe with herring.

For cooking 1 sacks of sandwiches you need:

  • 4 pieces of rye bread (also suitable with cereals, but wheat will not allow the taste of dishes to fully reveal);
  • 2 boiled "into the bag" eggs;
  • 1 fillet of herring or salted springs;
  • 70 g of butter;
  • 1 bundle of green onions (you can also take an additional red bow head - for taste and decoration);
  • Salt, pepper - on its own discretion.


  1. Fir fillet cut into pieces. Oil give to detail.
  2. Squeeze a piece of green onions on the decoration. The rest is crushed and mix with oil. The resulting mixture is desired slightly salt and pepper.
  3. Oil-onion smeared bread. From above putting slices of herring and half a pre-cut egg.
To reflect the resulting snack and make it not only delicious, but also beautiful, it is possible with a finely chopped green onion, lemon, lettuce leaves, as well as a red bow, serving on the table according to personal preferences - so that in the photo from the feast it looks nice and harmonized with the solemn atmosphere.

6. Sandwiches with spray

And this light and budget snack can be prepared in just 10-15 minutes.

This will require:

  • 1 killea bank in tomato sauce;
  • 100-150 g of cheese (solid grade);
  • Rye bread.


  1. Bread cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. Cheese crush on a large grater. Split spin to a fork to a porridge state.
  2. Fish mass to smear on bread and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  3. Sandwiches are placed in a previously preheated to 180 oven and leave for 5-7 minutes (before melting cheese).
You can feed snacks both in hot and cold, pre-decorating greens.

7. Sandwiches with radish and avocado

The New Year's menu will be incomplete and without dietary snacks. Bright and original representatives - sandwiches with avocado, tasty, despite the absence of meat or fish.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 avocado;
  • 100-120 g fried hazelnuts (without husk);
  • 7-9 medium radishes;
  • 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • greens;
  • Baton.


  1. Redishes cut into thin circles.
  2. Avocado clean, remove the bone from the fetus. Together with soy sauce, hazelnut and lemon juice, crush the fruit with a blender to a pasty state.
  3. Baton cut into pieces and smear the resulting mass. From above, decorate with pieces of radish and greens.

8. "Mushroom Polyanka"

It will be pleasantly surprised by the gathered at the festive table and such a kind of snacks for the new year 2021 - "Mushroom Polyanka".

It will be necessary to prepare:

  • 1 Fresh cucumber;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 100 g of crab sticks;
  • 2-3 boiled boiled eggs;
  • 1 bank of marinated champignons;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Cheese and eggs finely rub. Crab sticks chopped with a knife to a similar state. Crushed ingredients to mix, adding mayonnaise, before the formation of a viscous mass.
  2. Cucumber cut into circles. On them to put the balls scattered from the cooked cheese-crab mass, in which then stick champignons.
The resulting design to pierce with sparecrows or toothpicks. Before serving on the table, decorate lettuce and greens leaves.

9. Sharp pies

Small, but satisfy meat pies, cooked from Lavash, not only wobbing appetite before the main meal, but also perfectly shade the taste of strong drinks, without allowing too much to be caught.


  • 250-300 g kaishena cabbage;
  • 250 g of meat minced meat (and even a pork, and lamb, and even a bird can not only take a veal with beef, so as not to offend the owner of 2021 - metal bull);
  • 1 raw egg;
  • 1 Packaging of thin pitaway;
  • 1 bulb;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Ground pepper (black, red or mixture thereof - for personal preferences).


  1. Minced meat with onions, to taste.
  2. Wash cabbage to water, carefully squeeze and fry, richly more.
  3. Stuffing and cabbage mix and leave cool.
  4. From the pita to cut pieces - billets for future pies. Eliminate the fitting stuffing and minimize them into the envelopes.
  5. Beat egg. To dip the pies before sending to the pan with the oil previously heated to boiling. Fry on both sides before marshedting.
Note: If desired, instead of lavash converters, you can roll up with rolls.

10. Salad sheet rolls

By the way, you can make an avocado and another wonderful snack - routines from salad.

To do this, you will need to take:

  • 200-300 g of weakly salted red fish;
  • 1 Fresh long cucumber;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 140-150 g of cottage cheese (can be made independently by placing fat kefir (3.2%) in the freezer, and after freezing, clogged into the gauze, leave at room temperature for the night in a deep bowl of the sieve - the mass remaining after the setting serum, and there is curd cheese);
  • Therechiki sauce (can be replaced by the usual soybean with the addition of ground ginger or honey with wine and vinegar (or wine vinegar));
  • Lettuce leaves.


  1. Avocado, pre-purified from the peel and with a remote seed, and fish fillet cut into slices. Cucumber chicked straw.
  2. Salad sheets to smear cottage cheese. Then decompose on them sliced ​​fish, avocado and cucumber, after which we can turn out the cabbage rolls.

The resulting rolls are watered with TEURIKA sauce. If desired, they are sprinkled with sesame and flax seeds. After that, they are served on a festive table, where other dishes and snacks for the new year 2021 are already waiting for their turn, as well as drinks of various fortresses.

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