Vladimir Lensky - biography, character and image, quotes


Character History

The poetic novel "Evgeny Onegin", owned by Peru Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, is not just a love story. The work affects ethical and moral issues important for the younger generation of that era. The elegant syllable creates aesthetic architecture of the novel, and the plot describes the life of frustrated people. Vladimir Lensky, whose fate turned out to be tragic, acts as a protagonist of the chief hero - Onegin. His characteristic justifies the actions of a young man and allows the reader to understand the essence of the person. A romantic poet, the author himself served as the author himself, plays an important role in the work that has become the classics of world literature of the XIX century.

History of creation

Evgeny Onegin was created for seven years, in the period from 1823 to 1830. At this time, Pushkin experienced a reference, turbulent times in St. Petersburg, imprisonment in Boldin. The author planned to write 10 chapters. In 1833, the light saw the first edition consisting of 8 parts. Roman published under the name "Excerpts from Onegin Travel"

Alexander Pushkin

The poet was skeptical about romanticism. He sought to innovate in the work, but not romance to the plot failed. Pushkin represents a portrait of a man who appreciates moral ideals. The image and nature of the hero is collective. Many friends of the writer presented the character unique qualities. Pushkinists celebrate the characteristic feathers in the description of Vladimir Lensky.

Vladimir Lensky destined to die. The cause of death is not a duel, but misunderstanding around. The maximalist could not be restrained and did not hide emotionality. Common sense did not prevocate in his nature, and in the fuel situation, Lensky could not seem coldly and show the resistance of the Spirit.

Vladimir Lensky - biography, character and image, quotes 1739_2

Pushkin decided to kill the hero, so as not to give this to become a simple tradesman, an observer experiencing eternal disappointment in humans. The author saved a character from the moment when sentimentality would result in cynicism.

Lensky is a special character, which, having excellent education and education, is useless for society. His future is ghostly, unlike Onegin.


The love romance "Eugene Onegin" could not do without the motive of jealousy, let both unfortunately. Lensky simultaneously with the new friend of Onegin turns out to be in the village. Thanks to him, the main character becomes driving in the house of Larina and recognizes Tatiana and Olga sisters. The annoyed Onegin, seeking to hurt a friend, begins not seriously to care for his lady of the heart of Olga and in a rummy anger causes Vladimir to duel.

Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina

The task of Lensky in the novel lies in to demonstrate the temple of Onegin. The poet not from this world does not look like a friend with a dreaming, the hill of the feelings and the lack of a sober look at things. His nobility is just as large as the egoism of Onegin. The novel is written taking into account specific proportions, and Lensky is a character, balancing the poetry of the image of Tatiana Larina.

Lensky returns to his native village from Germany, where he opened in itself poetic inclinations and carried away by Kant. The appearance of the hero is attractive. At the time of dating with Onegin his age does not exceed 18 years. Forky young man seems to be surrounding strange due to enthusiasm and sensuality. His behavior indicates the prospects of fretsity. Unlike Dandy Onegin, Lensky, owner of long curves, does not trump a high intelligence and a thin soulful organization.

Vladimir Lensky and Evgeny Onegin

Pushkin describes a young landowner as a person to whom it is impossible not to feed respect and sympathy. The prominent groom, who could choose any girl, opted his choice on the one to whom it was indifferent. Olga Larina saw a toy in it. A talented character wrote a beloved poems and, fascinated by her charms, did not notice ridicule. Love for Olga was the first serious romantic feeling that was not destined to find a response.

The author neighing two heroes in the face of Onegin and Lensky, so that, being antipodes, they shaved each other. Friendship was built on the absence of understanding from society. On the night before duel, Lensky did not sleep, or from the excitement, whether the contrarms of the tragic finals of the fight. His inexperience, pride, romanticism did not allow to avoid the duel. Non who did not know the life of the young people turned out to be a hostage of circumstances and low-lying human manifestations. In his veins, alas, the elven blood did not flow, so the hero to death led the hero to death because of the trifling.

Duel Onegin and Lensky

Lensky was an educated, smart person, but Pushkin does not explain how he led him, whether knowledge was applied in practice. The philosophical thoughts expressed by the hero were reflected only in the dialogues with Onegin. Fate Lensky had two ways to development. He had to become a great literary figure or to marry in the meshman. Stressing that Lensky is not alone in their principles, the poet indicates that the society is fully similar to him young people. But they do not have that purity and innocence, which he had a work hero. Those who surround Pushkin have great self-conceit and told toldolika.

Interesting Facts

  • In the imagination of the reader of the heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin" appear mature adults who have managed to be happy with the light that feel the strength for the duel, experiencing fateful failures. In reality, the characters are young. For example, Tatyana Larina, judging by the description, only 13 years old, and Onegin turned 26.
  • The work was published on heads from financial calculations. The poet saw in this benefit, so the novel was defeated on the chapter and after only the publication became one.
Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina
  • In the process of writing a book, the Pushkin gambler lost the manuscript of the fifth chapter of Zagralozsky. He put it on the con with a price of 25 rubles per line. Duel pistols became the next rate. Writer was lucky: he won back part of the work, pistols and money.
  • Duel, described by Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin, was partly a prophetic. Going to a duel with Dantes, the poet did not think that he would take death as his character: from an unexpected shot that had happened while he was aimed. That is how Lensky died, having received a bullet from a former friend. Dantesu, like Onegin, was 26 years old.
Duel Pushkin and Dantes
  • Roman has an open finale. Initially, the author wanted to complete him by sending the main character in the Caucasus or a link with the Decembrists, but gave the public the opportunity to come up with an end of history independently.
  • 10 Chapter, containing an overdeclast chronicle, did not see the light. The author burned her, deciding the unworthy book. Only excerpts from this part of the work recorded on drafts came to the modern reader. In modern collections, 10 Chapter is not published.


Many are called the "Eugene Onegin" encyclopedia of Russian life. The descriptive work allows you to make an impression of the nears of era, clothing, etiquette and historical nuances. The characteristic of the heroes of the poet gives in several capacious phrases. So, the faith of Lensky in good friendly feelings, he describes the quatrain:

"He believed that friends were ready

For honor to take shackles,

And that does not get drogle their hand

Break the slander vessel. "

The touching naivety, the purity of the motives and the fervor of the feelings of the in love poet Pushkin outlines with the words:

"Oh, he loved how in our summer

No longer love; As one

Mad soul of the poet

Still loving condemned ... "

The writer concluded the entire essence of the soul of the hero:

"... he was cute my heart ..."; "... Neither the noise of cheerleh, no science of the soul changed in it, warmed with virgin fire ..."; "... His trusting conscience, he frightened ..."

The touching description of Lensky is consonant with his image and role assigned to the character in the literary work.

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