Jean-Paul Sartre - biography, photos, personal life, books, death



Disputes on how to call Sartre, last today. Martin Heidegger assured that Jean-Paul is a writer, and Vladimir Nabokov called the philosopher. But everyone converges that the symbol of the thinker and the psychologist will suit him.

The famous French has both admirers and critics. The first extomed the writings through which the red threads are the topics of the absurdity of being, freedom and loneliness.

Sartre is called an idol of Beszhabashnya Paris and the father of existentialism, which influenced the time, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. But I declared that "his freedom is the choice to be God!", Award to nothing.

Opponents of the teachings of Sartra reproach the author in mansionateness and name is a sociopath, whose human caused nausea. The truth was attached somewhere in the middle.

Childhood and youth

Jean-Paul Charles Emar Sardr - Parisan. Born June 1905 in the bourgeois family. The firstborn did not remember the parent - officer of the Navy: Jean-Batist died from the yellow fever when the boy was fulfilled a year and 3 months. Later, the son peculiarly "thanks" the parent, calling the premature death of the Sartra Sarter's only merit: the father did not raise him and did not suppress him.

Ann-Marie Ballery Child, sorry that he grows without his father. Another reason for the irrepressible maternal tenderness was the appearance of a boy: Jean-Paul was born with a kosying left eye and Belm on the right. The spoiled child by 12 years grew by a daffodil and the egocentric. But in the adulthood, the philosopher and the essayist admitted that in the early years he felt like a "tangible tool, creature without meaning and purpose."

The mother of a bright representative of existentialism came from the genus of Elsass scientists. Charles Schweitzer - Grandfather Sartre - Philologist-Germanist, Professor, founded in the capital of France Linguistic university. Uncle - Albert Schweitzer - Nobel Laureate, theologian and Christian Humanist.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Zhan-Paul Sartre grew up in the honey (commune on the southern coast of the Seine), in the house of the famous grandfather, where their relatives surrounded the boy care and love. But they also did not wait for: in the novel "Words", the writer called life in the house of hell, which reigned a blowable hypocrisy. It is noteworthy that uncle, grown in the same house, described the family atmosphere as amazing warm.

Atheism, Sartra became a "product" of education. Grandmother Catholic and grandfather Protestant pounds unfortunately, laughing at the "half" religion, from which Jean-Paul concluded that both religions were not worth a penny.

Education The philosopher received in the Lyceum of Porta La Rochelle in the west of France, then in the prestigious Paris University Normale Sup (Higher Pedagogical School), having passed a difficult competition. After the protection of philosophical dissertation and work by the teacher of philosophy in the Gavrian Lyceum of Sartre in the mid-1930s went to internships in Berlin. After returning to Paris, a young scientist returned to the work of the teacher.

Philosophy and literature

The first significant essays in the biographies of Jean-Field Sartra appeared in the late 1930s. The initial pages of the novel "Noshnota" are written in Havre. Publication in 1938 had the effect of a broken bomb: the author indicates the absurdity of being, chaos and despair, about the irrationality of life. The hero of the novel comes to the conclusion that there is a meaningful being creativity.

Next year, Jean-Paul Sartre presents a new surprise - a collection of 5 novel "Wall", the name of which gave the first story. Both writings become bright events for reading French.

The resulting Second World War bypassed Jean-Fields Sartre Party: Because of the blindness, his eyes were sent not to the front, but in the meteorological body. After the occupation by the Germans of France, the writer spends in the concentration camp for prisoners of war half a year, but in 1941, a semi-blind meteorologist was released, Sartre returned to writing.

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In 1943 to the publication, the play "Flies" reached. An ancient Greek myth is based on an existentialist for analyzing the problems of modernity.

1943 For the Jean-Field of Sartre Triumphal: The second called "behind closed doors" and the work "Being and Nothing" was added to the sensational play "Flies". Books read millions, newspapers and magazines are written about the great philosopher, his idle intelligentsia. Published books allow Sartra to leave teaching and concentrate on philosophy and literature.

For the French intellectual elite, the book "Genesis and Nothing" becomes desktop. A red thread through labor is the thought that there is no consciousness - there is only a realization of the world around us. A person is responsible for perfect actions ahead and anyone else.

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The ideas of Jean-Field Sartra are so popular that the philosopher becomes the Paris idol, the fans of his teachings, young existentialists, are going to the Paris "Cafe de Fleur". The popularity of existentialism in the young generation of the French is explained by the spirit of freedom-lodging, which in those years the atmosphere was impregnated. The Sartrovsk "Man is doomed to be free" becomes the motto, fetish.

In 1946, Jean-Paul Sartre presented the ideas to readers and adherents a single-acting play "Virtuous Slut". After 7 years, the ArteS Films Studio shot the film in which Louis De Füne played. And in 1955, in the Soviet Union on the play, the play "Lizzy McKei" was raised, the main role in which the love of Orlov was played.

In his writings, Jean-Paul Sartre rejects the popular idea of ​​the unconscious from Sigmund Freud. The French thinker claims that a person always acts consciously, and attempt to write off the actions on something independent, physiological - an attempt to avoid responsibility. According to Sarter, even the hysteries attacks are not spontaneous, and they rolled consciously.

In the 1960s Sartre in the Zenith of Glory. He criticizes the existing social institutions, accusing in an encroachment on human rights, legal norms calls the identity levevating, and laws - the suppression of freedom. The cummy students convinces that only a spontaneous and one-time protest against social institutions is justified: organized movement with the program and the charter of the Sartre does not recognize.

In 1964, the philosopher refused the Nobel Prize, not wanting it to be turned into a "social institution", against which he was so zeep. The philosopher became a symbol of the 1968 revolution. He defended the Jews, protested against the Algerian and Vietnamese wars, accused of America for the invasion of Cuba, and the USSR - in Czechoslovakia. The dwelling of the leader was twice, the militants broke into the editor.

In the spring of 1968 during student rebounds inside the captured sorbonna revolutionaries allowed only 63-year-old Jean-Fields. During the riots associated with the next protest, the thinker and idol student detained. Charles de Gaulle, having heard about it, said:

"France Voltaires does not plant."

The philosopher was released.

Personal life

As a student, Jean-Paul met with Simono de Bovwar. The appearance of the Sartre (squint, smoked yellow teeth, a row face, an increase of 1.58 m) did not stop the slim beauty. Simon wrote that he met his twin and deity. A non-frozen externally, Jean-Field surrounded the crowd of admiring French, for whom he hardly left the death to death.

Jean-Paul Sartre and Simon de Bovwar

Sartre and Bovwar became civil spouses, but in this marriage there was too much strange and scandalous even for France with her free nrawals. The philosopher has repeatedly and openly changed Simon, she remained calm and also changed with men and women. Marriage did not "complicated" children and life - spouses lived in different homes and met when they wanted.

A novel with an aristocrat from Russia Olga Kozakhevich became illustrative for the personal life of the pair. The Frenchman fascinated by the beauty, dedicated her to her "Wall" and spent his vacation. Simona did not remain in debt - seduced Kozakevich and dedicated her novel "She came to stay." The mistress became a family member, and Sartre became interested in her sister - Wanda.

Then the teacher of Bovwar seduced a 16-year-old student Natalie Sorokin. Soon the girl became the mistress of Sartre. Mother Sorokina complained to the Ministry of Education, and Simona fired.

The decision of the elderly spouse to convey the rights to the literary heritage of the young mistress - Algerke Arlette Al-Kaim - the woman was outraged, but did not surprise. The circumstance is that Sartre admirers, trying to legally protect the heiress, also did not led to a grinding: Simon came to the mirror - he took the work and money to a young girlfriend. But when Jean-Paul is running around, there was a faithful - no matter how strange it sounds - Simon.


During the end of the life of Glaucoma, he made Jean-Field Sartre blind. He did not write, but distributed interviews and arranged the disputes with followers. Before the death, the philosopher asked him to spend it without pathos and loud necrologists: insincerity and parade epitaphitis was pretty him.

Grave Jean-Fields Sartre

The famous Parisian died in mid-April 1980 from edema of the lungs. As you guessed, official funerals did not declare. But when the sorrowful procession was moving along the left bank of the hay, 50 thousand Parisians joined it spontaneously.

The death of her husband and Kumir Bovwar took hard: from shocks slightly with inflammation of the lungs. Simon survived her husband for the age of 6, which spent in pinching and forgetting. The object of worship disappeared, and there was no sense in the future life. Boroni Bovwar in one grave with her husband on the Montparnasse cemetery.


  • 1938 - "Noshnota"
  • 1939 - "Coten"
  • 1943 - "Flies"
  • 1943 - "Genesis and Nothing"
  • 1943 - "For closed doors"
  • 1946 - "Virtuous Slut"
  • 1948 - "Dirty Hands"
  • 1951 - "Devil and Lord God"
  • 1964 - "Words"


"Nothing new. Existed."

"Hell is others."

"If you are bored alone with you, then you are in a bad society."

"You are always responsible for what I didn't try to prevent."

"In order to sympathize with someone else's suffering, it is enough to be a person, but in order to sympathize with someone else's joy, you need to be an angel."

"Genius is not a gift, but the path elected in desperate circumstances."

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