Vladimir Sorokin - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



There is such a category of readers who are looking for something new and unusual, then what the pages of classical authors will not find the pages of classical authors on the transfusion. Therefore, the very sharp sensations and originality of the genre of the book is looking for on the shelves of the writers of the 21st century. And, speaking of them, it is worth saying about Vladimir Sorokin. This master of the pen is original. In it, neither notes of the Palanik, nor the handwriting of Welsh, and even on Pelevin and Prilepina he does not look like.

Writer Vladimir Sorokin

The manuscript of the genius of literature in some cause delight, and others have an incomprehensible feeling, the same precipitate, as from watching the film Alexey Balabanova "Cargo 200". But Vladimir Georgievich got used to describe the reality, what it is, his books are created for those who have long time to remove pink glasses. He is known for the novels "Sugar Kremlin", "Thirty Love Marina", "Norma", "Mistel", "Day of the Ochrichnik", "Manaraga", etc.

Childhood and youth

Unfortunately, information about childhood and youth of the writer is not enough. Vladimir Georgievich was born on August 7, 1955 in the Moscow region, in the village of Urban-type Bykovo, who is also the birthplace of the singer Nikolai Rastorgueva and the film director Pavel Chukhraya.

Vladimir Sorokin

According to Sorokina, he grew and brought up in a secured and intelligent family. Parents often moved from place to place, therefore, being a child, Vladimir changed far from one school. Grandfather Sorokina was a foreman and often took a little grandson in the forest on mushrooms and berries. The writer with delight remembers those days from childhood when he wandered along the paths, enjoyed the singing of birds and admired the crowns of the trees, hunted and fishing on the banks of the river.

Vladimir Sorokin in youth

After receiving the certificate of middle education, Vladimir Georgievich became a student of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin. Why Sorokin chose a non-arrangement path, the writer simply explained:

"There was one consideration - not to get into the army. Absolutely Soviet reason. "

Since the writer did not hear in his time in a specialized educational institution, he could not enter an art university. But love for the canvases, paints and pencils, which increased in the youth years, left a trace in the biographies of the author's "Blue Sala": being a four-year school, he began seriously engage in graphic art. The writer recalled in one of the interviews that they also illustrated the first book-detective book with friend Oleg Smirnov called "fast to Baku" with each other.

Vladimir Sorokin

Having received a diploma mechanical engineer, Vladimir Georgievich did not work with a specialty, but began his work in the then still the Soviet magazine "Change", but after a certain period of time was fired due to the refusal to join the Komsomol.


"Creativity began with some outbreak that occurred when I was broken from the table. I climbed on the battery for a desk and broke, hung on the pin - it is on old batteries, now such no longer do. Shtychek entered into the head of the head. Fortunately, everything cost, but after that I began visions, and I began to live as it were in the two worlds, "Vladimir Georgievich shared memories.

His writer career began back in 1985. Then in the journal of informal Russian art "A - I", six stories of Sorokina were published, and later the "Syntax" edition printed his novel "Queen", which was written in the genre of dialogue: almost two hundred pages consist of the replicas of people alone.

Writer Vladimir Sorokin

With each new book, Sorokin warms up interest in his person, some works of a follower of postmodernism have repeatedly caused disagreements from the reading public. The official youth movement "Going together" demanded from the author to answer the court for the use of pornography and demonstratively threw the manuscripts of Sorokin in the toilet. But the court of nothing illegal on the pages of Vladimir Georgievich did not find.

In 2005, the same organization became the initiator of a round-the-clock picket on theatrical square, protesting against the opera "Children of Rosental", which was written by the author of Telluria. Vladimir Georgievich himself refers to such unfriendliers easily and calls their shares of "state maidenism".

Books Vladimir Sorokina

But it is worth saying that the writer is used to shocking his reader a kind of Sorokinsky reception, and the collection of stories "First Saturday" (1979-1984), published in 1992 - a vivid proof of this. However, the author does not make a sensation on the pages of his manuscript for the sake of bread and spectacle, and concentrates at the point of inflection of human morality.

Usually in the first part of the stories, Sorokina is a literary description of a typical Soviet time, the writer tells about the fate of ordinary citizens - from the veterans of labor to ordinary children who love to go on the river. But by the end or even closer to the middle of the work, Vladimir Georgievich is dipping the reader into a completely different reality, in a half-heartment state, when the word "censor" turns off by clicking.

Vladimir Sorokin

For example, in a small story "Topolina Pooh", Sorokin describes the intelligent professor of Voskresensky, who welcoming flowers from his students. But unexpectedly, indulging in memories of the past years, the main character beating his spouse, seasoning the vocabulary of obscene Brani.

In 1999, Vladimir Sorokin pleases the fans of his creativity by Roman "Blue Salo", which includes two lines - the past and the future. The main character of the work of Boris Gloger works in 2048 at a military facility, the essence of the project of which is to obtain a strange substance with zero entropy - blue bass. True, the practical essence of this wonderful opening is not clear.

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This substance is isolated by the skin sediments of the clones of great writers, from Chekhov and Tolstoy to Dostoevsky, Nabokov and Pasternak. Thus, Sorokin tries in his novel to use the letter of the letter of the great writers of Russian literature, seasoning the speech of heroes by foreign language and outdated expressions. In the alternative line of the book showed 1954, describing the relationship between Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.

It was this novel that became a stumbling block between the Sorokin and the organization "Going together." It is also known that the writer Vasily Aksenov was mentioned that in the work of Vladimir Georgievich, there is a "marzed mockery over Akhmatova". But, as you know, black PR is also a PR, so this book Sorokina has become one of the best-selling bestsellers.

Portrait of Vladimir Sorokina

In 2000, the Genius of Literature comes out of the Nastya's cargo) (the collection "PIR"), the plot of which is quite an unusual way shows the Russian intelligentsia of the 21st century. Works Sorokina are elegant, but cruel metaphors and dialogues that reflect the essence of being. The author's dedicated fans try to absorb the novels of the genius of literature one by one, because he is not only a writer, but also a prophet who, as if Nostradamus, sees the future of our society.

Writer Vladimir Sorokin

No wonder the manuscript of Vldmra Srkna (author's pseudonym) were translated into 27 languages. Vladimir Georgievich read not only in Russia, but also in European countries. Also, the master of the pen for his talent was awarded several remarkable awards, including the "Folk bunker" (2001), "Liberty" (2005), "Gorky Prize" (2010), etc. In addition, Sorokin was awarded the German Ministry of Culture Prize.

Personal life

It is known that in moments of rest from the writer creativity, Vladimir Georgievich creates gastronomic masterpieces in the kitchen than pleases the households. The crown dish of the writer is a triple ear. Sorokin admitted that she loves to read culinary books, which he considers not just a collection of recipes, but a nontrivial novel.

Vladimir Sorokin and his wife

Also, the author of the play, the agent, novels and stories loves to communicate with friends, walk with dogs, play ping-pong and go on a trip to distant countries. Among other things, Vladimir Sorokin is an avid player in chess. The writer does not like sweet wines, football, russian rock and smell of perfume.

Vladimir Sorokin with daughters

As for love relationships, Vladimir Georgievich is an approximate family man. In the distant years, he, being a 21-year-old young man, made a proposal of the hand and hearts of 18-year-old Irina, who gave the beloved two daughters Anyu and Masha.

Vladimir Sorokin now

In 2017, the writer submitted a new product called "Manaraga" to the public, which talks about the specialist in Russian classics (Book'n'Griller) Geza Yasnodvor, a fool is prepared on the great works burning in the oven.

Vladimir Sorokin in 2017

Vladimir Sorokin also returned to his hobby, artistic art, and pleases the fans with conceptual art objects at personal exhibitions. Among other things, the writer leads its own website where the latest news, interview, criticism, etc.


  • 1983 - "Queen"
  • 1983 - "Norm"
  • 1984 - "First Saturday"
  • 1984 - "Thirtieth Love Marina"
  • 1989 - "Roman"
  • 1991 - "Four Hearts"
  • 1994 - "Month in Dakhau"
  • 1999 - "Blue Salo"
  • 2000 - "Eros Moscow"
  • 2000 - "PIR"

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