Feofan Reasanizer - biography, photos, personal life, books, cause of death



Teacher of the Russian Orthodox Church, Feofan, the recovery was canonized in 1988 for a deep faith, love for God and sincere piety. The priest worked on the spiritual elevation of the people in the name of salvation of Orthodox souls.

Childhood and youth

The name of the rejupping of Feofan of the rejection in the world - Georgy Govorov. The boy was born on January 10, 1815 in the Oryol province. His father, Orthodox priest Vasily Govorov, served in the Vladimir Church. Tatiana's mother Tamezov came from the priestly family.


To predict what would be the biography of their child, it was easy. Parents brought up the Son, introducing the Gospel, gave instructions in accordance with the commandments, told about the importance of human spiritual life. From the young age, the boy participated in Orthodox rites, serving in the Altar of the Temple, where his father worked.

In 1823, Georgy was given to the spiritual school. The boy showed zeal and interest in knowledge. After 6 years, he successfully completed his studies and entered the Oryol spiritual seminary. He liked to learn and read books. The seminarist on his own request re-passed the educational course on philosophy.

Portrait of Fefan Poophal

Having received the blessing of the tin bishop, Georgy Govorov went to the Kiev Great Academy. For the successful success of the pupil sent there to continue their studies at the expense of the state.

With the adjacent and interest, the young man mastered new disciplines and showed itself as a creative nature. He began to write notes and small theological works. Georgy loved to retire in the quiet corners of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery and pray. This period of theologians later considered one of the most reverent in his life. After all, it was then that he realized that he would like to associate life with the execution of monastic debt.


In 1840, Govorov turned to the leadership of the Academy, with the past of the monks. The ceremony was held in the winter of 1841 under the leadership of the historic father of Jeremiah, the rector of the educational institution. So Georgy Govorov received the name of Feofan in honor of the Holy Feophan confessor. In the same year, the monk received San Ierodicone and was already dedicated to Hieromona to the summer. The Kiev Academy The priest graduated from the Master's status, defending the thesis.

Icons of Feofan Reasanizer

After learning the Godlov, appointed the rector of the Kiev-Sophia Spiritual School, where, in addition to the teaching of the Latin language, he studied the lives and life-in-law of the Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1842, Father Feofan became an inspector of the Novgorod Seminary. There he taught logic and psychology, bringing to the consciousness of pupils the idea of ​​the need for an awakening activity. According to the teacher, dry science should not dominate in human life, without leaving the expiratory site.

In 1844, Faofan appointed a teacher of the St. Petersburg Academy. The clergyman worked at the department of moral and pastoral theology, and already in 1845 he was raised to an educational institution inspector. After some time, theologians became a member of the Russian spiritual mission in Jerusalem.


As part of the group, he arrived in Palestine, and then to the Holy Land. The monk continued to study French and Greek languages, got acquainted with the original manuscripts, the foundations of other denominations: Grigorianism, Catholicism, Lutherancy.

The beginning of the Crimean War stopped the activities of the Russian Mission in Jerusalem. In 1853, its participants were called back to Russia. In 1855, Father Fefan was dedicated to Archimandrite, and he again began to teach the Sacred Academy in St. Petersburg. Already after a couple of months, the theologian was transferred to the post of rector of the Olonetsk seminary. The monk was led by an educational institution and supervised construction work on its reconstruction.

Monastery of Feofan of the Navnik in the Koshenskaya Desert

In 1856, Father Feofan went to Constantinople to fulfill the responsibilities of the rector of the Russian Embassy Church. A year later, conquering respect and location, formed and wise theologian returned to Russia, where he took the post of rector of the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy. In parallel, he participated in the magazine publishing called "Christian reading".

In 1859, Archimandrite was transferred to San Bishop Tambov and Shatsk. In his dioceses, educational institutions and schools appeared. Educational case Father Feofan did not leave any of the places of his ministry. But more and more often he wondered about privacy and male.

Books of Feofan Prology

In 1863, Bishop was transferred to the department in the city of Vladimir-on-Klyazme, where he also founded the diocesan edition and sought to increase the number of schools and schools. Over time, the service has ceased to bring satisfaction to Father Fefan, and he turned to the Synod with a request to assign from affairs.

At the request of the monk, he was prescribed by the abbot of the Koshensky desert. So began the gate of the clergyman. He rarely had guests and visitors. In the cells, the monk organized the house church, where he served Divine Liturgy. Feofan The rejuple spent his days in prayers, and also led theological work, responding to letters of people who appeal to him for help, tips and instructions.

Personal life

The private life of Father Feofan was as vaguely, how much and activities for the benefit of the Russian Church. The orientation on the principles of asceticism in all suggested content to small. In addition to scientific and literary works, the monk engaged in manual labor.


Leisure he was kotal behind carpentry or lathes, made of wooden crafts. In the dwelling days walked outdoors. Nature admired the clergy. In her, he saw the crown of creation. At the disposal of Father Fefan was a telescope, in which the theologians watched heavenly luminais. Feofan The rejupping also wrote icons and sewed clothes alone.

High posts and san did not affect the attitude of Faofan's father to others. He was democratic and did not admit to the sayings and statements of extra. A man kept adequately, but not arrogant. Subordinates trusted the monk and respected for delicacy, nobility and wisdom.


Feofan The Navitnik died in the monastery in 1894. He was given pain and discomfort cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism and neuralgia. The progressive cataract led to the fact that in 1888 the clergyman is blind on the right eye. The cause of death was the old age and accompanying diseases.

Sarcophage Faofan Poorovenika

The journal of the monk passed on January 11th. A large number of people came to say goodbye to Father Feofan. The burial of the clergy was in the Kazan Cathedral of the Sunday Desert.

The relics of Feofan the Navdapa were transferred, and today they are stored in the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, where the Akathist is read in honor of the deceased. You can get acquainted with the photo of the priest thanks to modern technologies can any Internet user.


  • 1859 - Collection of sermons "The Word of Archimandrite Feofan"
  • 1861 - "Words to the Tambov Pacial"
  • 1868 -1869 - Lecture book "Path to Salvation"
  • 1887 - "Thoughts for every day of the year"
  • 1891 - "Inscription Christian moralization"
  • 1891 - "Psalm one hundred eighteenth, interpreted by the Bishop of Fauofan"
  • 1892 - "Letters to various persons about various subjects of faith and life"
  • 1898 - "Letters of Christian Life"
The letters and sermons of Feofan The Navashnik are combined into collections, which are a monk heritage. Books published decades after his death:
  • "Repentance doors. Words and sermon "
  • "Disease and Death"
  • "Fighting passions"


"You can live a whole century with one gospel or the new covenant - and read everything. For a hundred times read, and everything will be undelated everything. "There are people who think that they are expanding the range of freedom in the unrestriction of their desires, but koi act on the monkeys who are arbitrarily confusing themselves online." "When the samppression comes, collect Then, all of the former life, which, according to conscience, you can't praise and fill it up with these thoughts. "" The enemy usually runs up and says: do not descend, otherwise they come down. He is lying. The best hollow from the creek is a humble pliability. "" Do not say: "I can not". This word is not a Christian. Christian word: "All I can". But not by itself, but about the Lord who strengthen us. "

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