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If a person is experiencing a feeling of burning in the esophagus after meals, he also has heartburn. The main component of the gastric juice is hydrochloric acid, so the medium in the stomach is acidic. In the esophagus, it is neutral, and if the acid falls into the esophagus, there is a burning sensation. Often, its cause becomes improper nutrition. If you refuse to cause heartburn, the digestive system will start working better.

1. Citrusovs

Citrus fruits include tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime, etc., despite the benefit that they carry, people with increased acidity of the stomach use them forbidden. From hearths are tormented mainly by those who have an acidic environment improved. For example, lemon contains apple and succinic acids that annoy the mucous membrane even more.

The heartburn serves as a "signal" that it is worth abandoning some products and revise the diet. Due to the use of citrus gastric juice becomes caustic and begins to destroy the stomach.

2. Bean

Beans benefit the heart and vessels, remove toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system. Vegetable protein in them is more than in fish and meat. But, even despite all the pros, the cereals hit the list of products from which it is worth refrangiving.

Peas, beans, lentils, chicks, soybean cause bloating and meteorism. Carbon dioxide that stands out during food digestion, mechanically annoying the digestive body and provokes heartburn. Despite the fact that this cereal is a storehouse of plant protein, during pregnancy it is better to refuse.

3. Coffee

Morning almost every person begins with a cup of fragrant coffee. It helps to cheer up and improves well-being. Those who have come across problems in the field of digestive system know - drinking coffee an empty stomach. Caffeine activates all organs. The first "wakes up" the stomach. It is annoyed because the coffee stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. If sugar is added to it, burning is stronger.

Components contained in coffee, narrow vessels. Bloodstock is broken and leads to a failure of the esophageal sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach.

4. Milk

When a person thinks about what products to exclude from the diet, he will last think about milk. Missing "advisers" recommend drinking it under heartburn. A person takes 10-15 minutes to a person, until it fell. Milk protein, which falls on the mucous membrane, provokes an increased formation of hydrochloric acid.

If the body lacks calcium or vitamins that contain dairy products, it is better to prefer kefir. But people with elevated acidity of the stomach from such food should be refused.

5. Tomatoes

This southern vegetable is rich in vitamins, minerals and acids. The fiber cleans the intestines and helps free the walls of the stomach from food. Her assistance is invaluable, but for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract harm more. To digest fiber, the stomach produces more hydrochloric acid. It remains for a long time in such a concentration, so when the puree from the tomato moves to the next stage, the stomach begins to eat its own walls.

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