Pregnancy Sasha Zvereva - weight, childbirth, children, hospital, news, weight loss, problems


Ex-soloist known in the late 90s - early 2000s of the "Demo" group, which listeners are remembered thanks to the Solnyhchko Hita in Hands, Sasha Zvereva rightfully deserves the title of "Maternity Guru". The singer has four children who were born outside the hospital walls, and she willingly share with the fans of their personal secrets and answers to questions that exciting future mothers. The celebrity holds seminars on motherhood and organizes video firs, in which it tells about pregnancy, childbirth, raising children and other important topics for women.

In material 24cm - about how four pregnancies Sasha Zvereva passed, what problems were expected on the path to motherhood, and also as an instader led the figure in order after delivery.


The first pregnancy and childbirth of Sasha Zvereva happened in 2003: then, in December, her daughter Vasilisa appeared on the world. It is known that the singer was originally an opponent of childbirth in a medical institution, so the appearance of his daughter was left to wait for the house, in the Moscow apartment, inviting an experienced midwife to the aid. Birth took place in the bath, and later Zvereva told in details about their feelings that experienced during the process.

Sasha Zvereva after childbirth with daughter Vasilisa

According to the singer, during the childbirth, she received the true pleasure and mass of positive emotions. The process was "natural and beautiful, just space!" - emphasized the celebrity in an interview. It was then that Sasha Zvenev understood that he did not want to stop, giving birth to one child, and began to dream about the status of a large mother.

Sasha Zvereva promotes natural, homework and explains to the future mothers that they have the right to listen to their body, control the birth of a baby without medical intervention and disagree to "services imposed by doctors: stimulation, anesthesia and so on."


The son of Sasha Zvereva Makar was born in 2008. The father of the boy became a bank employee Ilya Gusev, from which the celebrity was born and the first daughter, Vasilisa. However, soon after the birth of the son, the marriage of spouses collapsed, and Zvereva met a new love.

Births took place in the home atmosphere, Makar, as well as the eldest Vasilisa, was born in the bath.

Sasha Zvereva after the second birth with the son of Makar and her husband Ilya

The singer believes that to restore the figure after childbirth - the task is responsible and complex. According to a large mother, you should not hurry slightly after childbirth. The first few days of the woman who gave birth was better to rest and fill strength and health, rather than hurry at once in the gym.

Sasha Zvereva and Son Makar and daughter Vasilisa

For training, it is better to start 30-40 days after rest, Zverev believes, but it is important not to overdo it in order not to faint and not to bring the body to exhaustion. Reset the extra kilograms of celebrities recruited for pregnancy helped sports. Sasha Zvereva notes that he continued to train even being in the later dates and resumed the exercises shortly after delivery in order to quickly bring the parameters of the body to normal.

a lion

The name of the third child singer chose long before his birth. According to estimates, the boy should have appeared on the light under the fiery sign of the zodiac, so the lion name was not chosen by chance. But it turned out that the birth began a week earlier, however, the celebrity did not change the name of the Son. The lion was born in the United States in July 2015, and Dmitry Diamond became the father of the child, which is also known as DJ Bobina.

About pregnancy and childbirth Sasha Zverev told fans in "Instagram" in detail. The lion appeared on the light at home, in a bath, filled with water, like his older brother and sister. The actress was not hesitated to show the figure shortly after childbirth. It was a happy mother to hide and face the baby: 12 days after his birth, she laid out a touching video with a third child on her page. In addition, the star decided to organize in the network for future moms, breastfeeding courses, which were shared with the subscribers with their experience.

The singer told that the diet was helped to restore the shape after childbirth, walking and cycling. Remove the belly of Zverev managed with the help of special exercises and massage with vacuum banks.

It is known that Lion's father did not share the desires of Sasha move to a permanent place of residence in the United States. In the family there was a disorder and in 2015 the spouses issued a divorce.


The news is that the famous large mother mother is pregnant for the fourth time, appeared at the end of 2019 - early 2020. However, Zverev, this fact initially rejectedly denied. Later an interesting position became apparent, and no sense was hidden. In March 2020, the singer confirmed what the child expects, whose father was her third spouse, American lawyer Dan Walbran.

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During the fourth pregnancy, Sasha Zvereva, which came at the age of 39, she had to carefully monitor the power to control the weight gain. Zvereva marked in an interview that she had to abandon the use of meat, shop fish and fermented products. At the same time, Zverev did not feel a lack of energy and did not suffer from anemia, and the child gained weight as it should be.

The star also continued to play sports and did not miss the workout, which passed 2 times a week. Before childbirth, Sasha Zverev and her husband were looking at the preparation of the room in the house where childbirth was held. Also, spouses prepared nursery for a newborn baby. It is curious that the celebrity did not disclose the sex of the future child even on a specially organized for friends of Gender-Party: the envelope with cherished information was decided not to print, and the question remained open to the birth.

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In the late pregnancy, Sasha Zvereva was not hesitated to pose in a swimsuit, demonstrating the tightened sports figure and even noticeable cubes of the press on the stomach. In "Instagram", the singer continued to post video with training shortly before childbirth. Special vacuum massage, hiking and cycling, also helped to keep the elastic skin and tightened. The singer also told that once a week did wraps with algae.

Son Sebastian was born in June 2020. During pregnancy, Sasha Zverev scored 12 kg. According to the celebrity, everything was much harder for the first time than in the fourth. The subscribers in the comments did not cease to admire the large mother, her will of the will and the tightened figure, and also fell asleep by instading on losing weight. Many fans were difficult to believe that after three clauses it is possible to keep such a figure. Restore the former singer's parameters succeeded pretty quickly with the help of sports and diets: a few months later pictures appeared in the instagram account, pictures on which the flat stomach of singers appeared.

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