What should be on the table in Easter - 2021, dishes, Easter, eggs, hot, drinks, snacks


On May 2, 2021, the Orthodox Russians will celebrate the Light Resurrection, one of the most spiritual holidays, when I want the food to be delicious and pleased the eye. At this time, the hostess delivered linen tablecloths and covered tables from 40 dishes by the number of days of the quarter. What should be on the table in Easter - in the material 24cm.

Easter cake

Mandatory for the festive table is considered high Easter bread round shape, which is called coulich in Russia. He symbolizes the revival of Christ, and the dough dishes make yeast and messy, which emphasizes the festive atmosphere and the joy of contact with eternity. Raisins, candied frills are added as a filler, dried berries or nuts. To ensure that the pastries are fragrant, it is recommended to introduce such spices in the dough as lemon zest, saffron, cardamom. Vanilla aromatization is also possible.

Today, by virtue of employment, the Easter dish is bought, but if the hostess there will be time, then Kulich is made by proven recipes. By the way, baking, cooked according to the old books, long retains freshness and does not deteriorate.

Kulich decorates on top of white icing and nuts, or raisins lay out the image of the letters "KH", which is consonant with an Easter greeting that the believers utter.

When applying for a table, Kulich occupies a central place and cuts into circles. The baking cap covered with icing is left until the festive treats will be eaten. The upper circle will cover the remaining dish from the dwelling.

Curd Easter

On the table in Easter should be a curd festive dish. A mixture of cottage cheese, butter, zuchats, raisins and other satisfying ingredients, called "Easter", are laid in a special assault in the form of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes Calvary, where they crucified the Savior. In the design there is a symbolic inscription and ears, sprouts, flowers, emphasizing the resurrection of Christ.

The finished decorated festive treats is interpreted as an image of the resurrection of Jesus, a reminder of the victim in the form of the inscription "Holy" and the promise of a heavenly sweet life, which is emphasized by the taste of such ingredients like honey.

Easter on a festive table is raw, gres or custard. The priests emphasize that according to tradition, the dish must contain cottage cheese, eggs and oil, and improvisation in the kitchen does not take place in the recipe. Easter is eaten as an independent treat, or smear it into cake.

Painted eggs

In the Easter celebration, a separate role is assigned to painted eggs, which are a symbol of life and revival. According to tradition, they are painted in red. This refers to legend about Mary Magdalene, who brought the symbol of life Tiberius as a sign of the resurrection of the Savior. The emperor did not believe in the heard news and said that the egg would turn red. And in one moment a miracle happened.

The church does not adhere to unification, and the egg is decorated at the request of a food dye or onion scales. And then the Easter symbol will be called "painted".

If you add a painten pattern, clapping on the shell of paint to bright lines with a sharp selection, then such a table decoration will be called "Drape". When applied to the shell of a drawing or ornament using paints and wax, a written can be obtained. And if he visited inspiration, and the egg turned into a cloth of the artist, then they talk about Malevanka.

During meals, the first egg is divided during breakfast between family members. After the Easter feast, the shell is buried to the ground, burn or thrown into the river.


According to church canons, restrictions in food are removed, and therefore you can put meat on the table to taste. However, as the main hot dish for Easter, it is recommended to make a chicken or fish. It will symbolize a joyful moment after grief.

Previously, fatty meat varieties were recommended to enter the menu after the end of the bright week. Nutritionists agree with such traditions and advise you to use lean beef and pork on the 5th day after Easter, and goose in a week. From the steak with blood should also refrain 7 days.

If I want meat, the first holidays are recommended to limit the use of up to 3 small pieces and gradually return to the usual power mode. According to the method of preparation, it is necessary to choose quenching, and bake fishes with fragrant herbs that improve digestion.

Vegetable salads

In order for the body easier to change the power to change, it is recommended to leave vegetable dishes in the diet. Carrots and celery are the best helpers preparing the stomach to unusual protein loads. Communicable on the festive table is fresh greens, which symbolizes the victory of eternal life.

Plant oil salads, and sauces and mayonnaise are recommended to be introduced into the diet, as well as meat, a week from the day of the Great Holiday.

Do not rush to include acidic vegetables in the menu, which are worse than the organism and become an additional load on the digestive system.

Light and useful snacks

Snacks may be primarily based on the egg, which has become a symbol of the holiday. Since meat dishes should be on the table in Easter, it is recommended to make portion rolls.

For bunting snacks, canapes with cherry tomatoes, cheese spanks, creamy cheese dishes, unsweetened casseroles or sandwiches are suitable.

At the snack, prepare useful caviar sandwiches or seafood tartlets. If limited in the budget, then you can take herring as the basis for snacks, which is also well taken at the festive table.

The drinks

First, try not to drink food with water, tea or coffee, and drink it is better to serve 30 minutes after the meal. You can also offer compotes, extensions, kisins.

On the table in Easter there should be fermented fermented products, such as kefir, ryazhenka, prokobvash. These drinks are well absorbed and favorably affect digestion.

If you want to drink wine, the doctors recommend limited to 50 grams. The Orthodox Church also does not prohibit a little drink, but not to severe intoxication. Cahors is considered a traditional alcohol. You can also put a honey. However, those who stop at small doses of alcohol cannot be restricted to spiritual fun.

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