How to choose a red caviar to the new year: right, tips, by the date of manufacture, manufacturer


The new year is in a hurry to the threshold, and in stores are growing. and unchanged tangerines. Without what it is still difficult to present the traditional New Year's table of Russians - sandwiches with red caviar.

How to choose high-quality red caviar to the coming new 2020 and not run into the fake, will tell the material 24cm.

About tasty and healthy calam

Artificial caviar substitutes become a decent alternative to natural product are not capable. Not only because of taste, but also because there are no use from synthesized products, while the real caviar supplies the human body with a mass of essential substances and trace elements, and also improves health:
  • increases the mobility of the joints and the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • stimulates the health of the heart;
  • contributes to the strengthening of immunity;
  • slows down aging;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • improves eyesight;
  • Stimulates sexual function.

In addition to the listed, the real caviar reduces the stress level and charges energy.

When and where to buy

The cost of a delicacy is usually reduced in December due to increased demand. So buying caviar to the new year is better in 1-2 weeks before the holiday. However, it is not necessary to delay - in the last couple of days the price can and grow.

Purchase is recommended in retail outlets specializing in selling fish or network stores - it's easier to purchase good quality caviar, and a chance to buy a fake practically zero.

But "from the hands" delicacy is better not to take - it is not a fact that the product is cooked correctly, which will affect the term of storage and taste: opening the bank, instead of the "fishing spirit" it is possible to feel only the characteristic smell of metal or at all - tukhlyatin. And this is not speaking of high risk buy instead of smuggling counterfeit.

How to choose caviar

What to pay attention to when buying caviar in a tin can is the date of the rigging, the expiration date and production standard:

  • The convex numbers indicate the factory production, although often manufacturers of the date of manufacture and fitness are inflicted in ink (as a rule, it concerns products done on TU);
  • On the spawning salmon go from May to October-December - at this time the product and should be packaged, so in case of inconsistencies by the date of manufacture, it is easy to identify caviar made of frozen raw materials;
  • The fact that in the bank of the caviar, which has passed freezing and, therefore, which has lost in taste, indicates and the place of production, removed from the catch regions. It should not expect that the caviar made in a thousand kilometers away from the area of ​​salmon habitat near Moscow will be prepared from fresh raw materials, and not from ice cream jasons;
  • Preferred is a product made according to GOST - such a caviar roll in Putin, therefore do not frozen.

Note : The delicacy made from jassuels is distinguished by the worst taste, but it does not apply to poor-quality products, but it is cheaper.

Written true for caviar in glass jars. Plus, with such packaging, the buyer is able to assess the appearance of the content:

  • The consistency should not differ excessive dryness;
  • When tilting the can of caviar should slowly drain;
  • On poor quality indicates the presence of burst eggs and overabundance in the juse - liquid bank;
  • The painted caviar is distinguished by a burgundy tint.
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It is easier to determine the quality of the product purchased for a swim, because in this case it is possible to evaluate both the appearance and, with the permission of the seller, the taste. Good signs: Irish crumbly, eggs are easily separated, there is no excess Jus, minimum of burst eggs, smell - nice, taste - soft, without an excess salt, notes of bitterness are allowed (in sparks and cozy).

Open caviar is allowed to store in the refrigerator no more than a week. From a metal can after opening, it is better to shift the product to another dishes so that the caviar does not whine ahead of time.

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