George Sedov - biography, photos, expeditions, personal life, cause of death



The name George Sedov is known to most Soviet travelers. The first Russian citizen who set the goal to conquer the North Pole, perpetuated his last name in the textbooks. Modest, but an ambitious rustic guy became known worldwide, despite the tragic finale by the expedition to them.

Georgy Sedov

Passing only 200 km in the direction of a given point, to which other pioneers have already reached at that time, the brave researcher died. But this act noted as a feat. The names of Sedov today are named geographical objects, ships, streets, educational institutions.

Childhood and youth

Biography George Sedov is interesting. The younger son in the family, where there were 9 children, was born on May 5, 1877 on the farm Kosh curve, in the Donetsk region. The boy's father was a fisherman and did not always have the opportunity to feed the family. Mother worked as a laundry. Labor, fatherly drunkenness and the rudders, which have been marching, prompted George and five of his brothers to hire workers to local ricers.

Marine Officer George Sedov

The children worked for pennies, getting meal. It was not necessary to talk about obtaining education in such a situation. Sedov learned to read only 14 years. This happened due to the decision of the parents to give a teenager to the church-parish school, recently opened in the village. There were an outstanding ability.

After 2 years, George in his arms turned out to be a commendable sheet issued for the development of a 3-year program. The guy learned a diploma, but it did not contribute to its development. No one has canceled the need to work much and hard. At first he was the key to the office, then the cucer in the store.

George Sedov in youth

In life there were prospects, but there were few George. Standing for Sedov was reading. Having learned about a variety of states and countries, he cherished the dream to become a captain of long-range sailing. His idea did not like to moral parents, and rather looked like a fantasy. Perseverance helped to achieve the goal.

In 1894, secretly from his native guy went to Rostov-on-Don to enter the seaworthy courses. Free to receive education on them could one who had previously worked as a sailor.

Georgy Sedov

The first vessel on which the young man came out into the sea was a paryboat "Labor", krassed by the Azov and Black Sea. So George Sedov received the first experience of walking on the ship. Two years later, he passed the exam on the navigator of the coastal sailing, and in a year he became a distant naval navigator. Now he dreamed of expeditions.

Participation in such projects required the passage of military service. For this, Sedov went to Sevastopol and in 1901 she passed the external final exams in the Marine Cadet Corps. Receiving profile education instilled confidence in a talented young man. He gained the necessary skills on the ships "Berezan" and "Sultan".

Expeditions and scientific activities

Since 1902, Georgy Sedov worked as a hydrograph in administrator management. The received rank of lieutenant, as well as the accompanying letter from the counter-admiral Anatoly Drizhenko, the seaworthhop inspector. Now the path to research was opened.

Sailor George Sedov

In the same year, the freight forwarder became a member of the journey through the Arctic Ocean, visited Waygach Islands. The soul of a novice researcher has crafted discoveries and studying geography in practice. In April of the same year, the shores of the New Earth explored the shores of the "Pakhtusov" of Sedov and the Kara Sea.

Acquaintance with the captain of the ship "America" ​​Anthony Phials provoked the emergence of the idea of ​​conquering the North Pole. An obstacle to overcoming new latitudes was the Russian-Japanese war. Service in the Siberian Flotilla and participation in hostilities took a long time.

Anthony Fial

At the end of the battles of Sedov, it turned out to be an assistant pilotaster in the fortress in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Another 2 years of Sedov was in the Pacific Ocean, studying scientific activities. Thanks to this, the lights saw the articles "Northern Ocean Way" and "The meaning of the Northern Ocean Path for Russia".

In 1908, Sedov participated in the expedition on the Caspian Sea, and in 1909 he studied the mouth of the Kolyma River. His research work appreciated the Academy of Sciences. George Sedov was recognized as a member of the Russian Geographical Society.

George Sedov Units the Secret and Chronometer

The leaving from the ordinary Russian village received as a reward for the merit of the Order of St. Stanislav 3rd degree. His contribution to the optimization of shipping on Amur was appreciated by the higher authority. During this period, Lieutenant George Sedov became the spouse of the faith of May Maevskaya. The social status of his wife from the Supreme Society opened the door to the Military Savory.

The prejudice attitude now seen Sedov from any interlocutor, because it seemed to him that the surrounding neglected his origin. The pride of men suffered increasingly and thus provoked on rampant actions and adventures.

George Sedov with expedition participants

The adventure, which was drunk by Sedov, was the journey to conquer the North Pole. Since 1912, the expedition has been prepared. He could not be the primary retainer of Sedov, since at that time two American travelers were already visited at this point. The trip became a challenge to myself and society, which, according to the freight forwarder, did not want to take it.

In 1913, it was planned to conduct a number of solemn events in honor of the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov. Sedov considered the installation of the Russian flag at the most extreme point of the North, the ideal gift of the sovereign. To conquer fame and authority, it was necessary to hurry: the time for the conquest of iced lands was a bit.

George Sedov with expedition participants

To finance the financing of the Sedov project was through the main hydrographic management and the Council of Ministers. There was a refusal for petition. Hurry, lack of technical resources and proper training forced scientists and officials to doubt the idea of ​​Sedov. He regarded it as arrogance.

Sports interest replaced the zeal to research activities. The energetic adventurer appealed to the public through the newspaper "New Time" and received the necessary material assistance. Even Emperor Nicholas II donated 10 thousand rubles for the project, compiled 20% of all contributions.

George Sedov in the north

Georgy Sedov acquired a sail-steam vessel "Holy Great Martyr Fock" and the hurry began to repair. The company in the journey was a geographer Vladimir Visa and researcher George Brusilov. The crew collection has become a problem, as well as the search for driving dogs. The place of the latter was taken by Arkhangelsk drank, caught in the city. Small carrying capacity of the schooner regulated the restriction on food supplies.

On August 14, 1912, the ship came out of the port of Arkhangelsk and went to the sea. 2 years old crew confronted waves and wintering among ice in the polar night. The first wintering was held at the new land. Travelers constituted cards and described the coast they saw.

Zimovka Ship George Sedova in New Earth

Research results were sent to the Geographical Society of St. Petersburg together with a request for a reinforcement in the form of a provisional. Every day the living conditions became all harsh. The lack of radio communications made the position of sailors. The stocks of travelers were not sent, as they were found dead.

The second wintering was held off the coast of Franz Joseph in a quiet bay. During this period, the team began to hurt a quantity. In February 1914, the infected seds with two sailors took a gland in attempts to reach the North Pole and died during a hike.

Personal life

In 1910, Georgy Sedov was combined with a marriage with a nephew of General, faith Maevsky. Love broke out between young people, but in society it was rumored that the position of his wife was comfortable Sedov. His career at this point went to the decline, and the assumption seemed to be plausible.

Georgy Sedov and his wife Vera

The researcher was one of the few officers who did not have the nobility. Any appearance in the light was associated with mentions about it. Happy personal life washed with intrigues in the service. His seemed to be deliberately removed from interesting projects and tasks. Instead of the expedition on the unexplored Eastern seas of the Arctic, Lieutenant was sent to the loose Caspian.


Georgy Sedov met the last hours of life, storming the North Pole. On February 2, 1914, he went out in his direction with a dog harness and two accompanying. Weakened by Qing, Sedov felt the deterioration of the state of health, but did not give up. The plans of the researcher were to overcome 2 thousand km. Of these, they managed to pass only 200 km.

Monument to George Sedov

According to the official version, the cause of the death of the scientist has become a qing. Historians doubt that it became with the body of Sedov. According to one of the assumptions, he was buried in the ice, marking the grave of a cross stacked from skis. According to the second - the corpse of the commander was fermented by hungry dogs so that they were not existed and delivered sailors back to the ship.


Now the photo of the traveler and the hydrograph of George Sedova is posted on the pages of textbooks. The achievements of the researcher were rated during life. The son of a simple fisherman became the owner of several awards, received the title of a member of the Russian Geographic and Astronomical Society. Interesting facts described by him were based on Russian geography.

Georgy Sedov icebreaker

In honor of George Sedov, archipelago and village, glacier and cape, island in the Barents Sea, Cape in Antarctica, peak and 2 bays on the new land. His name is embankment in Arkhangelsk, a nautical school in Rostov-on-Don and streets in Soviet cities. In honor of the researcher, a hydrographic icebreaker, a icebreaker and Aeroflot plane was obtained.

Igor Idezovorov in the role of George Sedov

In 1974, Boris Grigoriev has shot the same film about Georgia Sedov, the main role in which Igor Igor Ogrozorov.

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