Konstantin Korovin - biography, photos, personal life, paintings



Korovina is called the first Russian impressionist. His creativity struck contemporaries: Some shocked by negligence and apparent agarity of the smears, others caught the main thing - the game of light and shadows, the innovation of the Colorist. The first were called the works of Konstantin Korovin Decpends and Maznei, the second, looking at the amazing landscapes and still lifes the artist, saw the features of genius.

Konstantin Korovin and Fyodor Chaliapin

One of the few contemporaries recognized in the works of the painter signs of talent was Fyodor Shalyapin. The singer called the artist "Paganini in painting." At that time, a few agreed with Shalyapin, but after 3-4 decades after the death of the cowhide, his juicy, filled with light and the life of the picture recognized the works of this master.

Childhood and youth

A future painter was born in a wealthy merchant family. Grandfather, Old Believers and merchant of the first guild, called the Moscow "King of Caps." Mikhail Korovin held a postal tract and ordered hundreds of yamchikov. The Son of the merchant and the future Father of the artist - Alexey Korovin - received a university education and was a very gifted person. Talent for drawing in sons of bone and Sergey from the Father.

Portrait of Konstantin Korovina

Alexey Korovin took a notable bride in his wife - the nobility of the Apollinaria Volkov, the girl formed and with advanced glances. But family happiness lasted not long. Railway communication, yamchiki, krassed by postal tracts, rapidly developed in the country, moved into the past. Built-in custodial-senior business did not bring profits, a rich merchant house in Moscow left the hammer. Korovina moved to Mytishchi.

Rustic expanse of a small crossta liked, but the Father, who settled by the factory account, was immersed in severe depression ending with suicide. Despite poverty, mother gave children education.

Konstantin Korovin and Sergey Korovin

Senior for 3 years, Brother Konstantin - Sergey Korovin - became a student of the metropolitan school of painting. Soon the Korovin Jr. was joined by him: 14-year-old Kostya chose an architecture, but a year later I was transferred to the Faculty of Painting, who led the landscape officer Alexei Savrasov.

Kostya Bentworked the mentor, but the swiftly spilled Alexei Kondratyevich dismissed. For the young artist, parting with his favorite teacher was the first life disappointment: Kostya left the school and went to St. Petersburg to the Art Academy. Pushed 3 months: studies seemed dead and boring.

Konstantin Korovin

Konstantin Korovin returned to the capital and to his native school, where Savrasov was taken by Vasily Polenov. Soon Vasily Dmitrievich filled in the heart of a young painter empty place of his beloved teacher.

The mentor introduced a talented student with the patron of the Savoy Mamontov, and he invited the estate in the estate Abramtsevo, which became the focus of the cultural life of the capital. The cultural elite of Russia was gathered in the Mamontov's Hospital Manor, Ilya Repin, Valentin Serov, Victor Vasnetsov, Mikhail Vrubel.


The creative biography of the modernist opens with a "portrait of choruses", written in the early 1880s. The picture struck contemporaries, who called her the "first swallow" of the new direction - impressionism. Repin, who saw the Korovin chore, was so struck by the color decision, the courage of technology and the plan, which demanded immediately show the creator of the work.

Mammoths, confident that the portrait painted the Spaniard (Russian masters did not differ in such courage and freedom), surprised, learning that the chore was painted a 22-year-old compatriot. The patron invited Konstantin Korovin to the estate. It is noteworthy that the innovative direction of Korovin opened himself, not knowing his appearance in France. In Paris, the artist visited 4 years after writing a "portrait of a chore".

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At the time of creation of the canvas in Russia at the peak of popularity there were mobile phone, committed to realism, vitality and educational mission of art. Portrait of a ugly girl sitting in an unnatural pose written by rude strokes, did not teach anything. Work perceived as a challenge, mockery over beautiful. But Konstantin Korovin took the criticism of philosophically and did not depart from the selected style.

The first works in the innovative manner of the painter created in the village of Zhukovka, at the dacha teacher Polenov. These first impressionistic work united as the "Zhukovsky cycle".

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The main goal of Konstantin Korovin was the transfer on the light and air canvas. The picture "by the tea table" is a vivid proof of achieving the task. The composition of the canvas is constructed according to the artistic direction of impressionism - as a random frame. Heroes are relaxed, the composition of the composition is shifted, the right edge of the canvas as if circumcised.

Pictures of modernists are difficult to put in the framework of one genre: in them the traits of portrait, landscape, still life. It can be seen in the early Impressionistic works of Korovina "in the boat" and "Moskvoretsky Bridge".

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Mammont, the painter met Serov. Colleagues went to travel in the north, where the works of the "Arctic Ocean" and "village in the north" appeared. The painting "Winter in Lapland" acquired the gallery player Pavel Tretyakov.

A trip to Crimea and Gurzuf with Mammoth inspired the canvas "Crimea. Gurzuf "and" Pier in Gurzuf ". Korovin did sketches, traveling on the estate in the car: in the places you liked, stopped and threw landscapes.

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In 1888, the patronage financed Konstantin Korowin's trip to France. There were famous canvas "Paris. Boulevard Kapuchinok "," Parisian cafe "," After the rain ", which artist inspired an old city on the shore of the Seine. In Paris, so loved by the painter, he met with impressionists who were struck by his color transfer technique. After the return, the master taught in the metropolitan school of painting and after a couple of years he became an academician.

Konstantina Alekseevich knows as a talented creator of still lifes with flowers, which in his heritage dozens. Lilac and roses used special love masters. Like all the work of modernists, still lifes and landscapes of Korovin are better to consider from the remote angle. The artist gave tribute to all seasons of the year: In his gallery, autumn, winter, spring and summer are presented.

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The override World War forced the Korovin to go to the front, where he advised the military on masking. Konstantin Korovin escaped repression after the October Revolution: After the decline of business from the merchant class, the family moved to the Meshchansky.

The new government entrusted the artist to the organization of auctions and exhibitions, accounting and preservation of art monuments. Korovin taught in state workshops, collaborated with theaters and read the scenery. By adopting a change in building, Konstantin Alekseevich was avoided by politics, running out in the Crimea, then at the cottage in Hotnino under Yaroslavl.

House Konstantin Korovina in the village of Hotino

In the 1920s, the politician approached the Material: the cottage was taken away, the metropolitan apartment "conclusted". In 1923, the modernist at the insisol of Anatoly Lunacharsky immigrated to France, explaining the departure to the need to treat the Son.

Life in the once beloved Paris was difficult. Modernists came out of fashion, masculus exhausted, friends remained in Russia. Konstantin Korovin walked in his homeland, on Abramtsevo and Hotno. All misfortunes added loss of vision. To take yourself, the artist took the memoirs by opening the gift of the writer. He wrote stories and memories, filling the longing for working with paints.

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Leaving Russia, the painter left the work by Galerist Christor. He turned out to be a fraudster and, grabbing the canvas, disappeared. Today, the pictures of the first Russian impressionist can be seen in the Russian Museum in the city on the Neva.

Personal life

With the future wife, Anna Fidler, the painter met in his youth. Konstantin's favorite girl depicted on the picture "Paper Lights". With the chore, Anna Korovin met secretly, and under the crown of the couple went after the first primacy. Soon the boy died, in which Konstantin Korovin vinyl himself: poverty reigned in the house, there was no money for doctors and medicines for the sick son.

Konstantin Korovin and his wife Anna Fidler

Romance evaporated from the relationship of spouses, but Korovin could not throw his wife and son. Averaged for him was a relationship with the hope of Komarovskaya. The actress is called Civilian wife Konstantin Alekseevich.

Konstantin Korovin broke up with a beloved woman, immigrating into Paris with Anna and the second son of Alesh, disabled. In 16 Alexey fell under the tram and left without legs. The boy took the talent from his father to drawing and became an artist.

Nadezhda Komarovskaya, beloved Konstantin Korovina

The depression of the son and the disease of the wife (breastside) became a constant source of suffering from Konstantin Korovin. He burst into search of money, shed out of his strength, looking for a part-time job. His house was waiting for an irritated spouse and a gloomy son, the artist did not find support and understanding from his native people.


The artist died unexpectedly: he was not in September 1939 due to a heart attack on Paris Street. Material was 77 years old. Konstantin Korovina buried on Cemetery of St. Genevieve de Boua. Two years before the death, he admitted to a friend, which feels terrible loneliness.

The grave of Konstantin Korovina

The funeral of the first modernist of Russia resembled wires on the last path of the beggar: those who wish to give money to a decent farewell with Korovin did not turn out.

In the 1950s, 11 years after the death of the Father, Alexey Korovin brought abacus the life.


  • 1883 - "Portrait of a chore"
  • 1888 - "in the boat"
  • 1888 - "By the tea table"
  • 1890 - "Parisian cafe"
  • 1894 - "Winter in Lapland"
  • 1896 - "Paper Lights"
  • 1906 - "Kapuchin Boulevard"
  • 1913 - "Arctic Ocean"
  • 1914 - "Pier in Gurzuf"
  • 1914 - Moskvoretsky Bridge
  • 1915 - "Lilac"
  • 1916 - "Bazaar"
  • 1917 - "Crimea. Gurzuf
  • 1921 - "Portrait of F. I. Shalyapin"
  • 1922 - "Still-life with a blue vase"
  • 1923 - Roses
  • 1930 - "Winter Landscape"
  • 1938 - "Self-portrait"

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