Ivan Kramskaya - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, works



The famous mobile phone, one of the main reformers in the art of the XIX century, the painter and portraitist Ivan Nikolayevich Kramskaya could remain in the history of Russian art, writing only the portrait of the "unknown". The picture is one of the diamonds of the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery - is known to everyone and everyone in the territory of the post-Soviet space. "Unknown" is called Russian Joconda.

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However, the artist presented the world for hundreds of cloths, which admire, amaze and mounted. Among them, the "Moonlight", "Mina Moiseev", "Mermaids", "Christ in the Desert". He headed in the early youth of the "Bunth of Fourteen", who created the union of the Movements, a subtle art critic - Kramskaya became an ideologue of a whole generation of realist artists.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in the summer of 1837 in the suburban Sloboda new hundred under the buttergent, which in the Voronezh province. Brought up in the family of an official-clerk, tradesman.

The estimation of the dreams of parents was that Vanya grew up and became a writer, but plans unwittingly broke the neighbor self-taught artist Mikhail Tulinov. He opened the small Kram world of art and taught to draw watercolor paints. Since then, the boy has enough for each opportunity for a pencil and sketched the surrounding world.

Portrait of Ivan Kramsky. Artist Repin

At the age of 12, Ivan Kramskaya graduated from the course of the Ostrogog's School, receiving diplomas in all subjects. In the same year, the teenager lost his father and went to work. It settled in the city Duma, where she previously worked in the post of writer Father. Kramskaya practiced in calligraphy and was attracted as an intermediary with a fishing survey. The desire to draw did not disappear, and the guy got a retoucher at the photographer, with which he traveled all of Russia.

The event that happened in 1853 has changed the biography of Ivan Kramsky. When he was 16, a regiment of Dragun arrived in Ostrogozhsk, and with him Yakov Danilevsky, a photographer. The young artist entered the service to Danilevsky. The work of the retoucher brought Kramsky 2 rubles. 50 kopecks per month, but the main thing, a talented photographer for 3 years, which Ivan worked for him, taught the young man a lot. With him, the artist moved from the provincial provincial town to St. Petersburg.

Ivan Kramskaya in youth. Self-portrait

In the northern capital, Ivan Kramskaya moved to another photographer, Alexandrovsky. At that time, the skill of the young retoucher had reached such heights that he was called the "Retural God." Already then in Kramsky, a talented portraitist awoke. Thanks to the Aleksandrovsky assistant, he became a photographer of the imperial family and received an "eagle", and Ivana was invited to the famous photo student Andrei Emeter. In line, the Petersburg Elite became a queue for the referential Kramsky photo.

In St. Petersburg, Ivan Kramskaya carried the dream, which cherished from childhood: he entered the Academy of Arts. The young man was determined in the group of Professor Alexei Markov. The future painter in the first years has become the leader of academic youth.

Self-portrait Ivan Kramsky

In 1863, a small silver and small gold medal was found in the piggy bank of a talented artist. From the main award - a large gold medal and a paid 6-year-old trip abroad - Kramsky gave a little: on the creative contest should have drawn a picture on the proposed topic.

However, to depict the plot from Scandinavian mythology 14 out of 15 candidates for the medal refused - in society grew an interest in the realistic genre, to the pictures in which everyday life was displayed. He headed the Buncti Ivan Kramskaya. Students refused to draw another, not a mythical plot, and they left the final exam.


After graduating from the Academy, Kramskaya organized and led the artel of free artists, which entered graduates and like-minded people. The masters took orders for portraits and copies of famous canvases, illustrated books.

Ivan Kramskaya at work

Ivan Kramskaya hit hardworking: painted portraits, looking for customers, distributed money, took students. One of them was Ilya Repin. In the middle of the 1860s, the artist took over the painted of the domes of the Moscow temple of Christ the Savior: sketches on Crarian cardboard made in student years.

In 1869, the painter first went to Europe to get acquainted with the art of the West. The impressions received by the Russian master after acquaintance with the exhibits of the art galleries of European capitals turned out to be contradictory. In contrast to many compatriots, Western art did not cause him delight.

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After returning home, the artist had a conflict with a colleague according to Arteel: violating the rules of Fourteen, he accepted by the Academy of Arts a paid overseas trip. Kramskaya left the artel. Without it, the community quickly broke up.

The painter founded a new creative association, calling him a companion of mobile art exhibitions. Together with the Kram co-founders of the partnership became Gregory Myasedov, Alexey Savrasov, Vasily Persu. Mobile artists opposed themselves to the adherents of Academicism, drove mobile exhibitions in all cities of the empire, popularizing art and approaching him to the people.

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At the exhibitions of the heads, those who wanted to have liked the canvas. One of them is the "May night" of Kramsky's brush - bought a patron and gallery player Pavel Tretyakov. Mystical plot, inspired by Nikolai Gogol, the artist painted in Malorus.

In 1872, Ivan Kramskaya made the last strokes on the "Christ in the desert" canvas, which became his most famous work. The picture immediately acquired for 6 thousand rubles of the Tretyakov. The work was produced by Furior, and the Alma Mater of the painter almost ate the Kramsky title of professor, but he refused.

Portraits of Taras Shevchenko and Ivan Shishkin's work of Ivan Kramsky

But the greatest glory among the contemporaries Ivan Kramskaya acquired as a portraitist. His images of Lion Tolstoy, Sergey Botkin, Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Shishkin, according to the information of contemporaries of the painter, have a complete resemblance to heroes and transmit characters, inner light of nature.

The canvas "Mina Moiseev" The artist presented the world in 1882. Fans of Kramsky and art connoisseurs call the portrait of a peasant with the best product of Russian painter. In fact, Mina Moiseev - sketch, etude to the canvas "Peasant with a bridle", drawn later. This work is a vivid example of the Kramsky-Humanist, who loved and understood the Russian people.

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In the 1880s, Ivan Kramskaya struck and split the society of the band "Unknown". The woman shown does not belong to the Higher Society. She is dressed in the last word of the fashion of those years, which was considered indecent at noble ladies.

The critic Vladimir Stasov delivered the verdict of the canvas, calling him "Cockclotka in a wheelchair." Many contemporaries agreed that the portrait is a rich content. Tretyakov refused to buy a picture - the industrialist Pavel Kharitonenko acquired it.

Kramsky painting technique - subtle finishes, careful and detailed image of people. Landscapes The artist did not draw, but in the canvases "May night" and "Moonlight" brilliantly depicted the lunar light.

Ivan Kramsky is rightly called ideological leader of movement, the brightest representative of the democratic art of the XIH century. Portraits of the artist amazingly humane and spiritualized.

Personal life

With the future wife, Sofia, a prohhora young artist met, being a student of the Academy. He loved the girl so hard that she neglected the rumors stretching behind her. Sony's reputation was flawless not: before the acquaintance with Kramsky Prokhorov lived in a civil marriage with a married artist, learning about his "non-free" status too late.

Ivan Kramskaya and his wife Sofya

However, for Ivan Kram Sophia became a sample of purity and loyalty. The spouse divided the years with him and lack of money, the artist consulted with her during the work, asked to pray when he segged to a new canvase.

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Sophia Kramskaya gave birth to her husband of six children. Two of them - sons - died with a difference of 3 years. On the famous painting "Rezazynaya Mount" depicted a painter's spouse. The canvas Ivan Kramskaya created 4 years.

The favorite of the artist is the daughter of Sophia Kramskaya - went in the footsteps of the Father. In the 1930s fell under the rink of repression.


In the past 5-6 years of life, the presence of the artist was recognized by a strong dry cough: Kramsky had a breasting toad (aneurysm of the heart). Hug pain helped morphine injections. He treated the artist Sergey Botkin, who was hiding from the patient the name of the deadly ailment. Ivan Kramskaya learned about him by chance, after reading the symptoms in the medical encyclopedia, carelessly left by Botkin on the table.

The grave of Ivan Kramsky

Heart disease (aortic aneurysm) and caused the death of a painter. He died at work - drawing a portrait of Dr. Karl Rauthus. Kramskaya did not survive 2 months to the 50th anniversary.

He was buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.


  • 1880 - "Moonlight"
  • 1882 - "Mina Moiseev"
  • 1871 - "Mermaids"
  • 1872 - "Christ in the desert"
  • 1873 - "Portrait of the artist I. I. Shishkin"
  • 1873 - "Portrait of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy"
  • 1877 - "Portrait of Empress Mary Alexandrovna"
  • 1878 - "D. I. Mendeleev "
  • 1881 - "Portrait of Lady"
  • 1883 - "Unknown"
  • 1884 - "Rezazy Mountain"
  • 1886 - "Alexander III"
  • 1883 - "Portrait of Sergey's Son"
  • 1878 - "N. A. Nekrasov during the "Last Songs"

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