Zhidovin (characters) - illustration, epics, bogatyr, Ilya Muromets, description


Character History

Zhidovin - the epic character, traditionally protruding the Antagonist of Ilya Muromets, the Hirgia of the Brave and Fyodor Tirinin. The legends with his participation are small, and after 1917, folklore sources with the mention of the enemy-Jews were expelled from books and over time almost ascended from popular memory.

History of character appearance

Zhidovin or liquor - the Old Russian National Name of Judea, until the end of the XVIII century, used even in official papers. It is known that Jews lived in Khazar Kaganate. According to scientists, the image of Zhidovina personifies the inhabitants of this state with which Slavs have begun to decades. The name of the hero comes from the word "Jiuw" - the Khazar name of Karaim-Judea.

The image of zead in the eponym

In Serbian and Bulgarian fairy tales, Zhidovin is a huge giant; Sometimes it is mentioned that he cannibal. In the Russian eponym, however, he has human growth and appearance, and he is not less, and it is not smaller than other heroes. According to the description, Zhidovin is great, "like a sane", and his horse is "like a mountain." About the face does not say anything, because his features are hiding under a lush fur hat. Zeadyin jokingly playing a strip in the "ninety pounds", which is even impressive evenly Ilya Muromets.

The epic "Ilya and Zhigovyin" is an outstanding sample of Russian heroic epic, characterized by the painting of the content and the color of the characters. According to her plot, one day, Russian warriors noticed the rider who had reached the richar staving at the borders of the Zhidovsky Earth and sent towards the Cyzarian steppe (called Citzantia in the old chronicles). They rush after a stranger, but, nasquincing him, hesitate to join the duel - so zeridin is terrible. Dobrynya Nikitich, envy him, turns the horse back. As a result, only Ilya Muromets is driving on the battle. They fight first on the spears, then on the shutters, and then fight in hand. By attaching the enemy to Earth, Ilya finds out that this is the "son of Zhidovin." The epic ends the fact that the Russian warrior cuts off his head.

Zhidovin (characters) - illustration, epics, bogatyr, Ilya Muromets, description 838_1

Zhidovina Ilya Muromets meets in old age. During a hand-to-hand combat, the enemy laughs at his gray beard and mockingly advises him to put in the steppe "Keeke" to collect "a penny for feeding." However, old summer leaves do not interfere with Ilya to make another feat and be declining the arrogant alien.

The tale of Ilya Muromster and Zhidovin was recorded in the 1840s in the Arkhangelsk province. After 1917, he was recognized as not corrected and banned for pressing and teaching in schools. Small fragments of this epics, without clarification, who by nationality was the enemy of the hero, first appeared only in the Russian folklore collection, published in 1938.

Among the records of the collector of Folklore A.B. Markov is found in the text of the same epics about Ilya and Zhidovin, where about the enemy it was said that he came from the same land from Zadonsky. " Perhaps the name of the area is the rethinking word "Zhidovskaya", replaced due to the proximity of the sound.

Zhidovin (characters) - illustration, epics, bogatyr, Ilya Muromets, description 838_2

Another bogatyr, who was on an honest battle with Zisovin, is the Hiring brave. There, the antagonist is the name of the "reary of Markamianism". The myth of him reflects the attempts of the Khazar to force the Slavs to renounce Christianity. When Aria defeated the enemy, he called on the Mother of Sõra Earth to be parted and to take into himself "Zhid Blood." Since the Forces of Nature, the Earth obeyed the Bogatyr, persecuted on the "two sides, by four quarters," persogently accepts the remains of the defeated opponent.

The most common version of the text contains a serious contradiction: despite the fact that the enemy came from Zhidovsky, Bosurmansky, he calls for the hero of "Turn in Latin faith." Scientists tend to believe that in the episoda characteristic "Zhidovin" does not mean "Jews", it is only the personification of the entire non-theore-free world, "non-Christ". According to another version, Highness (Picture of George Victorious) fought still not with the Jewish king, but with the Roman emperor-Cester. In the records of the episodes dated by the XIX century, "Tsar Zhidovsky" replaced by Totary.

Zhidovin is mentioned in "Tale of Fedor Tirinin's exploration," it is the live of St. Fyodor Tyrona. There, the hero is going to the battle against the "Tsar of the Jadesky, against the power of Zhidovsky." The tale refers to the number of insufficiently studied texts, so it's difficult to understand who is hidden under the antagonist larger.


  • "Ilya Muromets and Zhidovin"
  • "Hiring Brave"

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