George Victorious - Biography, Photo, Icon, Prayer, Temple



One of the most famous and distortions of Christian Bogomicians is the name of Georgy Victorious. There is a lot of versions of the life of the saint. In canonical lives suffered during the great persecution. The famous story about Georgy Victoroscese is called "Miracle about Zmeye."

Childhood and youth

The Byzantine version of being outlined Simeon metaphrastructure. According to records, George appeared in the III century in Cappadocia. The father of the boy - Gerontius - served as a senator, the polychrony mother had a great estate. The parents of the child were considered rich and God-fearing people.

George Victoronec

When his father, George, left his life, his mother moved to Lidd together with the child. George brought up a Christian. He got a good education. The future holy grew by a strong young man, so he entered military service. In a short time he won the fame and became the favorite military personnel of the Emperor Diocletian.

When Georgia was twenty years old, gone from the life of his boyfriend. He was inherited a large amount of money.

Emperor Diocletian

The Lord of the Empire of Rome was honored by the pagan gods and was an opponent of the Christian faith. When George learned that at the order of the emperor, the churches destroy the churches and harp the sacred books, he distributed the property to the poor and came to the Senate. There, the young man in all stated that Diocletian is a ruler who does not deserve to be at the head of the country. The young man was famous for beauty and courage, people asked George not to ruin their lives and refuse words, but the young man remained adamant. After the spoken speech and disobedience, George was thrown into the dungeon and began tortured.


After said George in the Senate of the Flame Speech, the guards grabbed a young man and threw in the dungeon. There, the young man was subjected to terrible torture, forced to renounce Christianity and accept paganism. Georgy courageously endured the torment and did not renounce God. Torture lasted 8 days. During cruel, the body of George healed and strengthened.

Martyrdom of St. George Victorious

The emperor concluded that the former commander of the troops uses magic, and gave the order to kill the young manner. But it did not work. Then Diocletian ordered Georgy to revive the deceased man. He thought so to henest the former military and force to refuse faith. But after said George's prayer, the earth was shocked, and the deceased resurrected.

George courageously made torture and did not refuse Christ. After unsuccessful persuasion, the young man was sentenced to death. On the night before the execution of a young man in a dream was the Savior. He told that for the suffered tests and resistance before the power of the reserves of the young man will go to paradise. After the awakening, George called the servant and dictated to that under the entry seen in the dream.

Execution of George Victorious

On the same night, the emperor himself came to the young man in the dungeon. He again appealed to the mind George with a request to repent and recognize paganism. The young man wished the prisoner to led to the temple of Apollo. When a request was performed, he stood before the statue of God and crossed himself and the idol. The devil who lived in the idol left the refuge, and the pagan statues split. Raw priests beat George.

Then the wife of Diocletian was raised to the noise, kneeling before the martyr and began to pray for the forgiveness of her husband. At that moment, she appealed to the Orthodox faith, seeing what had happened. The ruler, realizing what happened, ordered the execution of the girl along with the young men. George prayed and laid his head on the fell.

Tomb George Victorious

April 23, in a new way - on May 6, George executed. Since the young man made a test and did not refuse faith, he was counted for the face of saints. The exact date of canonization of George Victorious is unknown.

According to belief, the saint buried in the church in the city of Lod, and the cut-off head and the sword were kept in Rome. In 1821, it is indicated about several heads stored in Venice, Prague, Constantinople and other cities. Everyone of these chapters sincerely took George the Victorious. A part of the relics is stored in Saint-Chapels in Paris. Another part of the relics - Dandy is located on the Holy Mount Athos.

Temple George Victorious in Lidda, Israel

Today, Georgy's memory is honored on the killing of passion student, services are held in the cathedrals, prayers are being taken to Christ. This date is considered to be a day of memory of Queen Alexandra - a young spouse Diocletian. According to other information, the ruler's wife wore the name of the Prince.

Christian ministry

The real biography of the priest is under the sign of the question, as well as the descriptions of the lives of other ancient Christian saints. In the history of Eusevia, Kaesari is mentioned a young man who has rebuffed by the Uzurpactor. They believe that this hero was George. The version takes place that two Georgia lived in fact. But one fell under the persecution of Lidd, and the second is in Cappadocia.

George Victorious kills Zmia

Miracles performed by the martyr, occurred after the death of George. The most popular story is about the defeat of a terrible squeezing. The monster claimed in the possession of the king in taking preaching paganism. It is written that when the lot fell to give the saint daughter, Georgy appeared on horseback and killed a monster with a spear. The emergence of the saint struck the citizens so that they believed in God and appealed to Christianity.

The incident with Zmeim is sometimes interpreted differently: Tsarevna means the church, a cunning zmium - paganism. In such an embodiment - on a horse with a spear, scholars, the saint Great Martyr is depicted in iconopisis.

Georgy Victorious in Heraldry

Another version of the development of events: George with the help of prayer pacifies the dragon, and the rescued princess leads to the city whose residents immediately take Christianity. Then the young man kills the serpent sword. On the spot where the temple of George Victorious, a live source made his way out of the ground. This is the place where the young man killed Zmia.

Another miracle that happened after the death of the martyr is described. It happened when the Arabs attacked Palestine. One of the soldiers entered the Christian temple and saw a clergy for prayer George Victory. Showing disregard for icon and worship, Arab took the bow and shot into the image.

Monument to George Victorious in Moscow

But it happened so that the arrow went out in the hand of the shooter, and the image did not cause any harm. Then the fighter appealed to the priest, and he told the invader the legend about St. George. Arab was so impressed with the story that he accepted the Christian faith.


St. George is honored since the times of early Christianity. The first temples of the prescription erected in the Roman Empire in the IV century. The cult of St. George has arisen in return of the Cult of Dionysus. On the ground, the Sanctuits of the God of pagans erected the Cathedrals of the Great Martyr Orthodoxy.

Holy George became an example of courage and courage. In particular, the martyr is honored in Georgia. The first temple, erected in memory of the passionwater, dates from 335 year. Over time, the number of churches and chapels began to grow. In Georgia there are 365 holy buildings, as much as many days a year. There is no cathedral in the country, in which the icon of St. George would not stand.

Temple George Victorious in Georgia

In Georgia, the name of Georgy is popular to give boys. It is believed that the carrier of such a name is accompanied by luck and victory. From the Old Russian Times, George is known as Yuri and Highria. The Grand Duke Yaroslav in the 1030s founded George monasteries in Kiev and Novgorod and pointed out to celebrate the day of the martyr on November 26.

The Central Christian temple in North Ossetia is Holy Georgievsky. And from 56 working chapels 10 signs Georgievski.

Order of George Victorious

In 1769, Empress Catherine II approved the Order of George Victorious. The award was presented for merits in battle and service in military ranks. In 1917, the new Soviet government abolished the Order. In zero Order they restored as a military award of the Russian Federation. A two-color Georgievskaya tape is applied to St. George Order. And the George ribbon serves as a symbol of the celebration of the Victory Day.

From the board of Dmitry Don Saint George is considered the patron saint of Moscow. In Heraldry, the image of the rider piercing the winged Zmia spear appeared from the XIV-XV centuries. This figure is located in the emblem of the Russian Federation, but directly indicated that the Knight is Holy George, no. It was shown on the coat of arms, and not a dragon, because in the heraldic agreement of Zmiy - a negative character, and the dragon is positive. They differ from each other by the number of paws: the dragon has two limbs, in Zmia - four.

Coat of arms of the Russian Federation

In the XIII century, a man with a spear on the hill was depicted on coins. In 1997, a rider drawing was placed on the Russian penny, a copy of the Icons of St. George XV century.

The image of Saint George is used in contemporary art. Artists love to embody the rider on the canvas with a spear in his hand that kills Zmia. Despite the similarity of the drawings, each picture indicates a special vision of the Creator.

Memorial dates

  • April 23 - Memorial Day Great Martyr George Victorious in the Catholic Church
  • May 6 - Memorial Day Great Martyr George Victorious in the Orthodox Church
  • November 16 - Update (sanctification) of the temple of St. George in Liddes (IV century)
  • November 23 - Keeping the Great Martyr George;
  • December 9 - the consecration of the church of the Great Martyr George in Kiev in 1051 (the celebration of the Russian Orthodox Church, famous for the people as the autumn Yuriev day)

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