Zinaida Mirkin - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, poems, books, fairy tales, Gregory Pomeranz



The name of Zinaida Mirkinina is known to the connoisseurs of Russian prose and poetry. Woman engaged in writing, translations and research activities in the field of literature, became famous for the collections of spiritual lyrics. The prevailing motif of creativity, traced in almost every work, was the spiritual development and immortality of the human soul.

Childhood and youth

Zinaida Alexandrovna Mirkin was born in the winter of 1926 in the capital of the USSR in the family of young revolutionary representatives of Jewish nationality. Father Alexander Aronovich was a member of the RCP (b) party and a participant in the underground movement, based in the capital of Azerbaijan. Alexander Alvelev's mother in his youth joined the ranks of the VLKSM, and then graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Metropolitan University and began to work in the specialty.

Grigory Pomeranz and Zinaida Mirkin in Youth

In the autobiography of the poetess, he wrote that the most vivid memories of childhood was the atmosphere of the era of Leninism - faith in the conquest of socialism was impossible to shake nothing. Despite the fact that the family lived is not born, the girl had everything you need. In the years of study in elementary school, she did not experience problems.

In the terrible 1937, when chaos came across Mirkina's environment, the parents did not flinch and helped their daughters, because of the arrests remaining without loved ones. Mom said that it was necessary to support those who learned that his ancestors are enemies of the people, and not to turn away with people who collided with misfortune. Then the girl first thought:

"Is the existing world, where are the reality and ideology been in a constant conflict?".

In the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, which began in June 1941, together with the eldest Zinaida fell into evacuation. In the Novosibirsk school, under the influence of teachers, a 16-year-old girl showed talent for literature. She became the editor of the children's wall newspaper, which was popular with people who worked for the front of the Front.

In 1943, the family returned to the capital, and Mirkin entered the Philfak of the Moscow State University. In the first courses, the girl doubted that the profession was correctly chosen. She thought that Humanitarians could not help the country that fucked with the Hitler's regime, and planned to retrain the physics or engineer.

The opinion changed when Professor introduced a student with classical artistic and theological literature. After reading the Old Testament, the future poetess and the translator realized the importance of such a thing as a soul, and let the faith in God in her life.

In the same period, Zina, who had the opportunity to visit the conservatory, heard the greatest musical works of the past. Creativity P. I. Tchaikovsky, L. V. Beethoven and I. S. Baha played a huge role in the formation of a person.

In the student years, the first poems came out from Pen Mirkinina. Internal thumbnails were reflected in the stanches describing the suffering world. Externally, the seeming fun and carefree, Muscovite painfully Ikala answers to important questions. In his youth in the soul, doubt, there was a coup, and the heart turned to the Almighty.

Trying to convey to others, what suddenly opened, Zinaida came across the wall of misunderstanding. After the protection of the diploma, the depression prevented the depression, which provoked a protracted disease and made the poetess with a lifelong disabled person.


The creative heritage of Mirkina could limit the immature student verses. For 5 years, being chained to bed, the girl could not create. When the state improved, the MSU graduate again took up work, but the works did not publish, because religious topics were not welcomed in the country, where the main ideology was communism, ignoring the existence of God.

To survive, Zinaida began to translate to Russian lyrics of poets from the Soviet republics, as well as other states. In the mid-50s, a collection of Sufi poetry appeared in the bibliography of the capital, which included works of authors such as Rainer Maria Rilke and Rabinder Tagore.

In the 1990s, due to the fact that the society turned face to religion, Mirkin began to actively produce the author's books. The light saw the collection of poems "Loss of Losses", "Rest Grain", "Transparent Hour" and "Breeding Sound". Turning to prose, a woman who possessed an unlimited fantasy wrote magic stories for the anthology of the "quiet fairy tales", as well as the philosophical romance about life called "Lake Saliklen".

In the literary circles, Zinaida Alexandrovna knew as a competent researcher and publicist. Having studied the work of Russian and foreign classics, she published an essay and monographs "Invisible Cathedral", "In the shadow of the Babylonian Tower", "Fire and ash" and "Holy Saints".

In 2000, despite the old age, Mirkin continued to delight fans of spiritual poetry with heartfelt works. Various Russian editions issued such collections of poems as "one to one", the "endless meeting", "Negasnutant Dali" and "Blessed Poverty".

Personal life

In the 1960s in the personal life of Zinaida Alexandrovna, the greatest event occurred. The philosopher and writer Grigory Solomonovich Pomeranz unexpectedly arrived at the cottage. The purpose of the visit was to collect poems for Almanac Alexander Ilyich Ginzburg "Syntaxis". The poetess, in the circle of friends represented his own works, conquered a 42-year-old man, thanks to stylish clothes and a dense chapelur looking like a young man with ancient photo.

Mirkina recalled that the first meeting felt the attraction and at the same time realized the reciprocity of sympathy. The marriage between people, with half a friend who understood each other, took place in 1961, and since then the husband and wife never parted.

A native of Moscow, constantly on the rise, felt significance and need. Thanks to the orange, despite the lack of joint children, the remaining devotee and faithful, it reached a creative heyday. Once the philosopher said the spouse:

You found yourself in how you write, but I am not. I found myself in how I live like I love "- and it was the main words in her life.


After the death of her husband in February 2013, Zinaida Aleksandrovna aggravated the disease from which she suffered in youth. Migraine prevented moving around the apartment, communicate with loved ones and create.

In September 2015, the poetess died in Moscow in his own home. On the causes of death, relatives and acquaintances chose not to speak.

Mirkin was buried on the territory of the Danilovsky cemetery in the Southern Administrative District of the capital, next to the graves, where Parents and Spouse Grigory Pomeranz lie. The farewell ceremony was attended by writers and public figures, as well as people who are not indifferent to the creativity of the writer, translators and poetess.



  • 1990 - "Holy Saints"
  • 1991 - "Three deer"
  • 1991 - "Truth and her twins"
  • 1995 - "Lake Saliklen"
  • 1993 - "Fire and Sidel"
  • 1995 - "Great Religions of the World"
  • 1996 - "At the Koston Dwarves"
  • 1999 - "Invisible Cathedral"
  • 2004 - "Shadows of the Babylonian Tower."
  • 2005 - "Invisible counterweight"
  • 2005 - "Negasy Lights"


  • 1991 - "Loss of Losses"
  • 1994 - "Rain of Peace"
  • 1995 - "Lishawned Sound"
  • 1999 - "Transparent Hour"
  • 1999 - "My Tights"
  • 2002 - "One to one"
  • 2003 - "endless meeting"
  • 2005 - "From Silence"
  • 2005 - "Negotable Dali"
  • 2010 - "Blessed Poverty"

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