The largest helicopter: in the world, photo, speed, characteristics, creator


When it comes to helicopters, a person who does not have a small aircraft, in which 4-5 people will fit into the cabin. They also exist, but they are acquired for personal purposes. Their weight is about 115-200 kg. At the same time, the largest helicopter in the world weighs 105 tons. It is called Mi-12, or "Homer".

On the creation of a helicopter and interesting facts - in the editorial material 24cm.

Features of creating a design

Mi-12 - champion among large helicopters. It is the hardest and load-lifting in the world. In 1959, his assembly began. In the USSR during this period they created rocket troops. Preliminary bands were built away from the airfield to avoid the attention of opponents. The military faced a problem: delivery of an unbearable ballistic rocket from the plant to the site. At that time, there was no aircraft or helicopter, which would have a loading capacity of 40-50 tons. The Council of Ministers of the USSR instructed the design bureau to create such a device.

"Homer" created the Soviet designer Mikhail Miles. Each of his car became ingenious creation. The miles constructed including that aircraft that was going to double when creating the largest apparatus. In the competition for the creation of the future Mi-12, several bureaus claimed, but the world's world famous helped him to win.

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To make the project cheaper, the creators decided to double the Mi-6 breeding groups. They have already passed the tests and produced serially. The model of the cargo helicopter is a four-host machine, created on a transverse circuit with two screws. I liked the idea of ​​the appearance of Mi-12 by all the commander-in-chief, because now at any time you can carry not only military and lightweight technique, but also tanks.

First, the designers working in the team Mikhail Leontyevich decided to create a device on the longitudinal scheme, but problems arose. The fuselage will be great and long, he did not fit the tactical and technical requirements. After the team analyzes the operation of the longitudinal circuit, it turned out that it only low speed and railing. If 2 engines are denied, the helicopter will continue to move. Even weather conditions influenced her work: the increased temperature of the outer air was output. From the longitudinal scheme refused.


The transport features of the Mi-12 helicopter hit the whole world. The first flight took place on July 10, 1968. After a year, the device raised the cargo weighing 44 tons, this record does not break until now. Flight range Mi-12 - 500 km, and speed - 260 km / h. In just 5 years, the designer created a flying "Makhina", which has always been considered a symbol of the USSR. If you summarize the power of all 4 engines, it turns out 26 thousand horsepower.

The first flight almost turned to the trouble, since the rising helicopter immediately lost control. Test pilot V.P. Holyko made a rigid landing from a height of 10 meters. As a result, the rim of the aircraft collapsed. The majestic car, created by the Russians, "cut" the eye of Europe, so the foreign media wrote that the whole helicopter was "fell apart". The reason for the malfunction was unaccounted by fact, because not all scientific discoveries were made at that time. After 2-3 hours later, the designer understood what a malfunction was, but it took her elimination year.

Wiring of the control system of the device is made more rigid. At the stabilizer, additional keel visited. So, the Creator eliminated the fault, and in December 1968 the helicopter made the first vertical lift. To improve the pilot characteristics, the wings had an angle of transverse V. The cargo compartment is made in the form of a hemonocock. Front is located a two-storey crew cabin. It is designed for 6 people: at the top - the navigator and the brudist, and at the bottom - 2 pilots and 2 borthelika.

Side flaps are installed in the tail part, through which the heavy technique is delivered to the board. In the cargo compartment will fit 200 soldiers, its size is so great. Navigation systems helped control the helicopter during natural disasters and dangerous meteo conditions.

Surprising Americans

In 1971, in the air show Le Bourget, the Mi-12 helicopter stole all guests. Americans who brought Boeing Vertol CH-46 did not hide surprise. They invested in advertising strength and money, but their car under technical indicators inferior to the Mile apparatus. To estimate the discovery, hundreds of people were lined up. Among them was the son of the Russian designer Sergei Sikorsky. He noted that this is the greatest technical achievement that cannot be compared with anything.
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For the work done, Mile was awarded the prize I.I. Sikorsky. The designer did not live before the presentation, because a year before this exhibition he died. He was 60 years old, stroke happened. Because of the constant stress, Mikhail Mila's health sank. He took close to the heart of the failure associated with its inventions. The first failed flight of the Mi-12 was heard hard, he was worried about months. The body did not stand the constant voltage.

Mi-12 installed 7 world records, most of which are still not beaten. Factory tests that have passed all aircraft, "Homer" was successful. He flew 122 times and hung 77 times in the air. These tests have proven design reliability.

Interesting Facts

1. The Soviet government did not approve the Mile project. It believed that the needs of the national economy were covered by Mi-6 and Mi-10, and the military already had advanced rocket attitudes that weighed 2-3 times less than the previous ones. The cost of building construction they called in vain.

2. In 2009, the American company reported that on the basis of an instance of the Mi-12, which she bought from Russia, a helicopter hotel is built. It consists of 4 floors and 18 numbers. "Mulk" did not take seriously, as it became known later, it was an advertising move for the Internet service.

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