Giovanni Battista Tapolo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pictures



The artist Giovanni Battista Tapolo was the largest representative of Rococo style, distinguished by the desire to leave the sermost and fill the real world with beauty and light. He became famous for the frescoes and paintings, decorated with palaces and churches, and was also the author of unsurpassed episodes of fantastic plot engravings.

Childhood and youth

Giovanni Battista (Janbattista) Tapolo was born at the end of the 18th century, grew and brought up in a poor Venetian family. The father was a small maritime merchant of more thank birth, which did not understand either in science or in art.

Mother wanted for children of the best future, so in April 1696 the boy baptized the Aristocrat Doria. But this surname, known in the city, did not fit as a pseudonym for an artist, which Europe spoke over time.

After the death of the head of the genus Janbattist with brothers and sisters, they were forced to take care of their fate. And it happened that the Biography of the boy turned out to be associated with artistic creativity and was under the influence of Sebastian Ricci and Paolo Veronese.

The formation of a painter was held with the participation of Gregorio Ladzarini, who was considered the master of the Venetian school and the author of the paintings in Rococo style. He immediately drew attention to the talent of the young Thipolo and took care that in the future the ward gained fame.

Indeed, during the years of study, Janbattist improved the techniques of the mentor and began writing the faces of the apostles using bright tones. He began to receive orders from the Italian Digest Giovanni Cornaro and worked in his residence before entering the guild of Italian artists.

Personal life

In 1719, the artist married the Italian nobility, which originated from a rich creative environment. With the advent of Mary Cecilia Guard's personal life, Thipolo became prosperous, and the family soon replenished with nine talented children.

The brothers Spouses Janbattists participated in the upbating of the growing generation, who were also engaged in painting and were the creators of the engraving. Therefore, the son of Giovanni Domenico inherited the gift to drawing and became a master in the image of landscapes and human figures.


At the end of the 1710s, Tapolo left Lzarini Studio and began to independently create frescoes in a number of chapels and churches. The authorship of images at the villa in Massandzago near Padua and the Church of St. Eustafia and the associates, which was called San Stack.

The painter style manifested itself around 1720, when he was charged with the work on creating scenes from the Book of Genesis. In the palace of Dioniso Dolphin, as well as in the cathedral of the city of Udine, he made paintings called "Abraham and His sons".

Contemporaries ordered these works with a set of canvas, full wit and elegance, which determines the feature of which was frivolous and carefree. Cool color palette has created a feeling of natural daylight, which made a picture of realistic and almost alive.

Early masterpieces, created in the second decade of the XVIII century, brought Master many orders from rich and noble families. He painted the temple in Veloveanov and Santa Maria del Carmelo, as well as Colloni Chapel and a number of other Italian churches.

In 1740-1750, Janbattist worked on engravings and became the author of the magnificent series of Capricci and Scherzi Di Fantasia. They were published by a Venetian collector who inspired a fantastic theme and eastern character who knew the mystery of being.

In the same period, the glory of Tapolo reached the borders of Western Europe, and he was invited to decorate the Würzburg residence, which Baltazar Neuman was designed. The artist painted the ceiling and walls based on mythological plots, and demonstrated a tendency to symbolism and numerous allegories.

In 1753, the painter returned to the Motherland to Venice and became elected President of the Paduan Academy of Arts. At this time, he created frescoes for the halls of Palazzo Labia with the image of Cleopatra and Anthony, performed gentle feelings.

After a decade, Janbattist received an order from King Charles III and for 9 years he worked on the decoration of the Madrid Palace. He wrote the pooreciric canvases that approved the superiority of Spain, which were decorated with the walls of Baurov and the throne room ceiling.


Until the last days of life, the artist created paintings and frescoes, and the last work was the ceiling of the Madrid Palace. Death on the uncomgnoved reason overtook him in the spring of 1770. Judging by the photo of archival documents, the son completed the work of the Father.


  • 1719 - "Exile Agari"
  • 1722-1723 - "Susanna and Elders"
  • 1725-1730 - "Eteokl and Polick"
  • 1730-1735 - "Vision of St. Clement "
  • 1732 - "Abraham and Angels"
  • 1732 - "Agar and Izmail"
  • 1736 - "Dana and Zeus"
  • 1738-1740 - "Great way"
  • 1743-1744 - "Triumph Flora"
  • 1747-1749 - "Meeting Mark Anthony and Cleopatra"
  • 1750 - "Martyrdom of St. Magati"
  • 1758-1760 - "Venus and Volcano"
  • 1760 - "Apotheosis of the Pisa family"
  • 1767-1768 - "Immaculate conception"

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