Cicero - biography, photo, personal life, creativity and quotes



Political figure, philosopher and orator Mark Tully Cicero lived in ancient Rome. The Roman did not take place from a noble family, but he managed to achieve unprecedented heights in a political career. Mark Tullya until the latter remained a supporter of the republican system, for which she paid his life. Until our time, some literary, philosophical and oratory workers reached the leader. Cicero's contemporaries believed that the philosopher is a reference style of narration.

Portrait of Cicero

Creativity Mark Tully influenced the formation of ancient Roman culture. Treatises, speeches of Cicero admired historians of different times. Researchers make important conclusions based on the works of the philosopher.

Childhood and youth

The birth of Mark Tully Cicero was scheduled for January 3, 106 BC. The future philosopher rarely recalled his birthday, as he considered the wrong holiday. According to Plutarch, the birth has passed easily, after which the boy was transferred to the breadlip, which was harmful that Cicero would become "Bent for Romans."

Cicero in childhood

Mark Toolly was born in the estate of his grandfather, located next to the Fibren River, in close proximity to the Arpine. Later, the young man moved to the city where he received primary education. Critics of that time considered Cicero unworthy and constantly mentioned the "rustic birth."

Relatives Mark Tully entered the circle of respected people. For example, the husband of Aunt Guy Akulon was closely talked with a speaker with Luzius lithium by the Crass. Cicero inspired Uncle, counting a man of a delicate mind. Akululeon vested in civil law.


In childhood, Cicero, together with a cousin, came to Rome to communicate with the Crass. The residence of Father Mark Tully was in the city. The house was located in the quarters of Karina. The contemporaries of the philosopher argued that Cicero studied easily and insatiable. The teenager learned the Greek language, compiled science from teachers from Greece.

Literature and philosophy

Oratoric art - Avenue for Cicero, so it is not surprising that the speaker regularly wrote essays on related topics. The philosopher narrated the theoretical and practical issues of the presentation in the public. The history of the treatises of Cicero on the topic "On the speech", "Speaker", "On Building Speech", "Brute", "On Finding Material".

Statue of Cicero

Rhetorical education in those years was not satisfied with Mark Tully, so the speaker tried to reach the young minds of creativity. Cicero established a high bar that it was impossible to achieve, but thanks to this, novice speakers approached these ideas.

Cicero believed that the speaker is needed a wide range: it is necessary to navigate in rhetoric, philosophy, history and civil law. It is important for the speaker to be educated and sincere, have a sense of tact. Young people philosopher gave a lot of advice. For example, in speech, the use of rhetorical figures is permissible, but the statements should not overload them. The sequence is one of the foundations of oratory.

Orator Cicero

Neologisms can be used in speech, but at the same time new words should be understood by listeners. Avoid fine-expressive means should not be avoided, but metaphors need to pick up natural and alive. Practitioners can be practicing with philosophical topics. Cicero advised to engage in the correctness and clarity of pronunciation. The speeches of the elderly Romans liked the speaker.

Political and judicial speeches must have a certain structure other than everyday speeches. Paphos and jokes will not help in the perception of presentation of thoughts, but in some situations there will be a living. The speaker must fine feel these faces. According to Mark Tully, emotions are better to leave on the final part of the speech. So you can achieve maximum effect.

Statue of Cicero

During the speeches, Cicero noticed the favor of literature as a writer, so for readers. Often, the creators of literary works tell the inhabitants in biographies and poems about the valor and the heroism of famous rulers, great people. The speaker advised all citizens with a poetic or writing gift, actively develop talent, as nature is not able to give the maximum level of ownership of the word.

When it comes to poetry, Cicero became a conservative. The speaker liked the traditional versions of the poems, and the modernist poets were criticized. The philosopher believed that modern poetry was a goal, and not a tool for glorifying the Motherland, the upbringing of patriots. Epic poetry and tragedy were like Mark Tullia.

Cicero in front of the audience

Interestingly, Cicero considered a story not to science, but as a type of oratory. The philosopher tried to combine compatriots at the presentation of historical events that occurred recently. According to Mark Tully, the analysis of ancient times is not needed. The transfer of the events that occurred is not interested in orders, as you are more exciting to read what prompted the figures to commit certain actions.

Political views

Cicero in politics appeared a theorist and practice. Experts argue that Mark Tully contributed to the theory of state and law. Some marked duplicity in judgments on paper and in words from Cicero. Despite this, the Soviet scientist S. L. Utchenko expressed a different opinion - in treatises, the philosopher proposes to get acquainted with the views on political theory that are used in public activities. Mark Tully sincerely believed that government figures should necessarily study philosophy.


Public performances have become familiar to Cicero in 25 years. The first speech speaker said in honor of the Sulla dictator. Despite all the danger of judgments, the Roman authorities did not undergo the persecution of Mark Tully. Soon the philosopher moves to Athens to explore favorite sciences. Only after the death of the dictator, Cicero returned to his homeland. The philosopher is invited as a defender on legal proceedings.

The political judgments of the Cicero are greek thoughts. But at the same time, the Mark Tullia was closer to the Roman state, the philosopher tried to focus on the device and the specifics. The existence of the Roman Republic and its difference from the Greek policies was the main topic of the study and reasoning of the speaker. In the book "On the state", Cicero stated that the state belongs to the people. At the same time, there must be consent among people both in interest and in matters of law.

Political figure Ciceroon

According to the philosopher, the Roman Republic requires the leader. The ruler will be entrusted to solve problems and contradictions of the people. Cicero did not like the power system introduced by Octavian Augustus. He believed himself to Republicans whose views were contrary to the principles. The thesis about the absentee leader still causes hot disputes in the environment of historians and researchers. It is not known for certain, to which solution to Cicero came on this issue, since before the present book of the philosopher reached fragmentary.

The political figure for a long time was looking for ideal laws that would help preserve the state. Cicero believed that the country was developing in two ways - dies or flourishes. For the latter and need an ideal legislative framework. At the same time, Mark Tully skeptically referred to fate.

Statues of Cicero

From under the pen of Cicero, the treatise "On the laws" comes out. In the publication, the philosopher fully reveals the theory of natural law. The law is the same for both people, and for the gods. This speaker tried to say that the actions meet the highest mind, laid out by nature, while human laws created by communication are different from the natural subject.

Cicero believed that the right is a complex science, which even judicial speakers could not comprehend. To improve the situation, it is necessary to use philosophical methods and theories in the study and classification of civil law principles. Then the laws will become art.

Julius Caesar

According to Cicero, there is no justice in the world. The political figure believed that the time and actions and actions would be redeemed on the mortal appointment. Mark Tully did not recommend in accuracy to follow the law, because it leads to bright injustice. It encouraged the speaker to the requirement of a fair relationship with slaves, which are no different from the hired work.

Cicero showed attitudes towards political ranks in words and in practice. After the death of Caesar, Mark Tully issues a dialogue "On Friendship" and the treatise "On the duties", in which it is divided into thoughts and happened after the fall of the Republican building in Rome. These works disassembled by the quotes after the death of Cicero, as life lies in them.

Personal life

The personal life of Cicero was not easy. The philosopher married twice. To the old age Mark Tully passed with the first spouse - a terentation. The girl came from a respected kind. Terentation gave birth to Cicero two children. Tully girl died at a young age. Later the son of Mark appeared. After 30 years, the marriage collapsed.

Cicero busts

In the 60-year-old, Cicero married again. Spouse Publisi was younger than her husband, but it did not prevent it. A jealous girl did not suit the relationship of a philosopher with her daughter, so soon Cicero leaves the family.

There were rumors that the sister of Claudia sought to marry a politician. Orator - Senior child in the family. Brother - Quint.


After the death of Caesar for the constant attacks on Anthony, Cicero are placed in transcription lists. Thus, the philosopher becomes the enemy of the state. Property confiscated. In addition, for killing or issuing to the Government of Cicero declared a reward.

Mark Anthony

The speaker about what happened was able to learn at the time of communication with the Quint. First, Cicero, together with his brother, went to the Astutorue, and then wanted to stay in Macedonia. The brothers did not have time to stock things for such a journey. As a result, Quint decided to stay and collect suitcases, and Cicero had to go further.

Correct the politician Quint did not manage, as he was killed. Cicero hurried to hide on the ship. Later, Mark Tully went to the ground and began to rush, looking for salvation. As a result, returns to the formation, on a personal villa. Unexpectedly, crows appeared in the windows that raced the cloak with the face of the philosopher. Slaves tried to help a man and reported on a stretcher to the sea.

Death of Cicero

The killers arrived - Centurion Gernenia and Military Tribune Popile. The worker told where Cicero suffered. Seeing this, Orator ordered the slaves to stop. Mark Tully looked at the killers in a favorite position, and then allowed to kill himself. The philosopher was stabbed, cut off her head and hands for writing speeches against Anthony.


  • "About finding"
  • "On speaker"
  • "Construction of speech"
  • "On the best kind of speakers"
  • "About the state"
  • "Brut"
  • "Speaker"
  • "Topic"
  • "About friendship"
  • "On the duties"


  • We must be slaves of laws to become free.
  • Face - soul mirror.
  • Neither water, no fire we use so often as friendship.
  • After all, it is necessary not only to master wisdom, but also be able to use it.

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