Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, death



Kuzma Petrova-Vodkina, an artist who worked at the junction of two epochs, contemporaries called "ancient Russian icon painter, will be in the future." The belts of the painter not only reflected the present, but also propheted the coming. And also caused fan of fans and critics. The first were talked about genius, identity and deep symbolism, others - what would be better to Petrov-Vodkin, as intended to work on the railway or continue the family business and become a shoemaker.


A future painter was born in the north of the Saratov region, in the town of Sharnsk, located on the right bank of the Volga. The Petrov-Vodkina family "became famous for" with their ancestor, a fan of "whlen" by Peter. Grandfather Kuzma in Khmlya stabbed his spouse with a crown knife, and a few hours later, and he died himself. Since then, the children of Peter were called Petrov, then vodkoe.

Self-portrait Kuzma Petrova-Vodkina

The artist went to the "legacy" double surname, not too honorary and reminding a family tragedy. Painter's father, Sergey Petrovich, having received an "vaccination" from a detrimental predilection, was an absolute sober and best in the city of Sapozhnik.

The creative beginning in Kuzma native noted in childhood. The boy told the unprecedented unfortunately that the listeners had believed to believe. Traction to drawing also manifested itself in early years. The first fan of creativity of the grandson was Grandma Arina. The landscape, painted by Kuzma with oil paints in a piece of fastmill, a woman approved and decorated them with the grave of Grandfy Fyodor.

Stock Foto Kuzma Petrova-Vodkina

The second "picture" of Petrova-Vodkina also decorated the cemetery gravestone. This time - in gratitude for the saved life. Kuzma was bought in the Volga, but he poured too far and, having gone out of his strength, began to sink. Saving a boy carrier Ilya Zakharov, who managed to swim by the boat.

After a week, Zakharov, saving the next victim of the waves, drowned himself. The Volga with a small boat of the carrier and the heads of sinking devoted to the deceased rescuer, the first "thematic" belt of the painter, drawn on the Volga tin plate.

Portrait of Mother Kuzma Petrova-Vodkina

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin studied in a 4-class school. There I got acquainted with the icon painters and tried to repeat the seen. The first job did not approve the priest: the Mother of God turned out to be very landed, resembling a rustic Banchi-worn earthly passions.

In 1893, graduating from the school, Petrov-Vodkin went to Samara to continue their education and receive the specialty of the railway worker. The exams Kuzma failed, but not confused and entered the school of painter Fedor Burov. After 2 years, Fedor Emelyanovich died, disciples dissolved. The 15-year-old painter returned home.

Self-portrait Kuzma Petrova-Vodkina

The path to the arts of the Olympus Son was opened by Mom, Maid in the merchant house of Cossacks. She showed the work of Kuzma to the architect Robert-Friedrich Melzer at the invitation of the hosts. The boy affected by the talent, the architect was lucky to the young painter in St. Petersburg and helped with admission to the technical drawing school of Stiglitz.

Metzenates and sponsors of a gifted countryman were the merchants of Kazarina. They paid the apartment and study Kuzma.


In St. Petersburg, a creative biography of painter is developing rapidly. The experience gained in Pialyansk was useful: Petrov-Vodkin created a sketch of the Virgin Mary with a baby for the church apse of the Orthopedic Institute. To translate the sketch of the icon in ceramics, the artist went to England, to the factory. Panel in Majolika has survived to this day.

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In 1987, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin moved to Moscow, where he became a student of the School of Painting, Scary and Architecture. He studied under Valentina Serov. In 1900, she worked at the plant for the manufacture of ceramics in the village of the village of Alsvatsky near Moscow. The school graduated in 1905.

Since childhood, a young man who is prone to adventures and adventures to visit Europe, but there was no money for the journey. Helped the case. In the metropolitan newspaper Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin saw an announcement that the risking to overcome the way from Moscow to Paris on a bicycle sponsor will pay further journey through the cities of Europe.

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A young artist persuaded a friend to make a company and went on the road. They met to Germany, did not have enough strength to the future. In Munich, the Russian painter was lucky: Friends have collected money to pay for two months of study at Anton Ashbe's school, where Ivan Bilibin's skill, Igor Grabar and Vasily Kandinsky at one time improved.

The dream wandered in the Paris streets in 1905. For three years, Petrov-Vodkin took lessons in private artistic academies. During these years, he visited Italy and North Africa, inspired by the "family of nomads", "African boy", "Cafe" on the canvases. A year after returning to Russia, in 1909, the first personal exhibition of painter took place.

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In 1910, Petrov-Vodkin presented the world a picture of "Sleep", which caused a stormy discussion and a scandal in society. On the canvas depicts nude women, who looked at the sleeping naked man. Ilya Repin responded to the work of a crushing review of the newspaper, but Alexander Benua called Slemiewly "Sleep". Erotism is present in many paintings by the artist.

In 1912, the symbolist presented the work of "Bathing of the Red Konya" by changing the opinion of Repin: the Master responded with admiring: "Talent!".

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The painting is called the main work of Kuzma Sergeevich, the most mysterious and "multi-layer". About the characters and hidden values ​​and today argue. They say the canvas inspired by Novgorod icons written by the Old Russian masters. There were those who saw in the picture the image of the coming revolution. The masterpiece is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery.

After 3 years, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin pleased the lovers of puzzles and fans symbolism with a new riddle - the "thirsty warrior". Art connoisseurs view pattern figures like Eastern hieroglyphs: each of their meaning, and everything "read" together as a kind of "phrase".

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A masterpiece was written in the midst of the First World War, tragic for Russian military time. The adherents of the symbolism saw the apocalypse riders depicted by the warrior and held parallels to the revelations of John the Bogoslov. In their opinion, through an ominous symbolism, an occurring catastrophe predicted in the Gospel is displayed in the picture.

Fans of creativity Petrova-Vodkina believed in his gift of prediction. In 1918 he presented a still life called "herring". Raising him on laughter for the triviality of the plot, the artist Khmuro replied that shifted on the canvas - blockade paces. 23 years left in Leningrad to terrible events.

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Anniversary of the Red Army The artist devoted the picture "Death of the Commissioner", performed by tragedy. The color decision and the incarnation of the master of the ideas of the "spherical perspective" was estimated by art historians and colleagues Petrova-Vodkina.

Over 5 years before the death of Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin finished the picture "1919. Anxiety". It depicts a dwelling of a worker in the city captured by White Guards. The scene hero is disturbing in the blue twilight outside the window, behind his back the crumbling family. Tragism is enhanced by the image of a sleeping baby.

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The canvas drawn in 1934 and, according to the artist's fans, only formally called "1919". The brilliant provider felt the promotion flywheel of Stalinist repression and an increasing alarm in society.

The revolution of Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin accepted, was not a dissident and, as it seemed to everyone, he had a benevolence of changes in the country of advice. But when the artist did not become, he was hung to his heritage: the authorities suddenly suspected that the origins of the painter were taking place in icon painting, and for the symbolism of Kuzma, Sergeevich hid other meanings, not so pleasant to Soviet power.

Personal life

In Paris, the 27-year-old Petrov-Vodkin met a woman with whom he lived until the end of days. Mara - the daughter of the owner of the Paris Pension - became the faithful wife Maria Fedorovna. In the mayor's office of the French capital, newlyweds painted, and after 2 years, in 1908, they left for Russia.

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin and Maria Josephina Jovanovich

Elena's daughter's wife gave birth to Kuzma Ivanovich at 37 years old. At the event, the artist responded enthusiastically:

"I was half a person without having experienced it! Now I have for what to live! ".


In 1928, doctors were banned by Petrov-Vodkin to work with paints: evaporations harmed the affected tuberculosis light.

Kuzma Ivanovich moved from the northern capital to the children's village, where Alexei Tolstoy, Konstantin Fedin and Vyacheslav Shishkov surrounded him, surrounded him.

Grave Kuzma Petrova-Vodkina

The artist also took up the pen and wrote 20 stories, 12 plays and 3 novels. Two novel Petrov-Vodkin was in the publishing house, but the undertaking "drove" Maxim Gorky. After the criticism of the essays of the publisher, the doors were closed before Kuzma Ivanovich.

Not a bright representative of symbolism and postmingness in mid-February 1939. Fate measured him 60 years, and the cause of death was tuberculosis.


  • 1907 - "African Boy"
  • 1910 - "Sleep"
  • 1912 - "Swimming Red Horse Bathing"
  • 1915 - "Thirsty Warrior"
  • 1915 - "Girls on the Volga"
  • 1916 - "On the line of fire"
  • 1917 - "Morning. Batters »
  • 1918 - "Selenk"
  • 1918 - "Self-portrait"
  • 1918 - "Morning Still Life"
  • 1920 - "1918 in Petrograd"
  • 1922 - "Portrait of A. A. Akhmatova"
  • 1928 - "Death of the Commissioner"
  • 1934 - "1919. Anxiety"
  • 1934 - "Portrait of V. I. Lenin"

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