Panikovsky - Biography of the Golden Calf Character, Image, Character


Character History

In 1931, Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov completed work on the novel of the "Golden Calf", which continued the storyline about the talented Machinator to Leave Bender. The book narrated about the events of the 30s of the twentieth century. Critics were characterized by a genre of work as a feuilleton and a plutic novel. Reaction of the reviewers did not make himself wait. Many condemned the images of the acting persons, including Mikhail Samuelich Panikovsky. The first domestic edition of the novel saw the light in 1933. Two years before that, the Golden Calf was published in the magazine "30 days" and in the Paris "Satirikon".

History of creation

In the work of Panikovsky appears with a small rogue. The reader does not feel the usual sympathy of the authors to the hero, in contrast to other actors. Emotional, peep, grumpy Panikovsky stole a goose, dishonestly divides the money Koreiko, pretties blind. Even the fact that the hero died, Ilf and Petrov is presented in the comic light, I do not regret what happened.

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

Everything in the novel is an explanation, and the prejudice attitude of the authors to the fictional character is justified by the presence of the prototype, which they hated.

Motherland Prosaikov was Odessa, a criminal city in the south of the Russian Empire. Polish gangs sent here by authorities. One of the groups that are terrified on Odessans was a gang of Mikalina Kovskaya, or rather, the Pani Pani. Participants in the criminal group called themselves corsage and differed in the lack of principles and restrictions in behavior. Lihachi managed to turn more than three hundred robbery for twenty years of gang existence. They robbed postal trains, bank departments, collectors. One day, the criminals even attacked the destroyer "honest" and allotted money belonging to the Black Sea Flotilla.

Panikovsky - Biography of the Golden Calf Character, Image, Character 1481_2

Ilf and Petrov experienced hostility to the Pani Pani, who headed the gang, and even used the literary hero to perpetuate their attitude. The sister of Petrova was killed during the bank's robbery in the bastard of bandits. Ilf, who dreamed of a dashing adventure, had a personal acquaintance with the Civil Court of Kovskaya at a sixteit age. The future writer wanted to become a member of the gang, but did not know the Polish language, for which he was raised by criminals. Offended in different senses, writers revenged the carpet, bringing a caricature image in a literary work.


Plut and hooligan, Panikovsky worked as a pickpocket to revolution. His favorite trick was the image of the blind. While he was translated across the road, Zhokoli robbed good citizens. For the persistence of a city skybab received a commission from the hero in the form of five rubles. After the revolution, Panikovsky decided to assure the child of Lieutenant Schmidt, but failed and was beaten. A scam with Gusem also did not bring success. Mr. Panikovsky, encountered by Bender, became his courier. The hero of PIL, was distinguished by a harmful character and was grumbled.


The character demonstrated the petty and narrowness of the horizon. Bender's thoughts did not delighted it, but motivated for disregard and deception of accomplices. Attempting to "throw" comrades for money, stolen from Koreiko, theft of Girus vividly characterize Nature of Panikovsky.

Despite the negative features that the authors were given, the hero is not a bad person. The old man without property and the prospects are forced to save himself in a world where no one needs. Its breathtone is more provoked by the inability to change in life and independent material support.

Panikovsky with Gusem

Panikovsky dies after hitting the full. The death of the hero from the hand of the hostess goose is represented by the authors in the Comic Light. But readers are sorry for the character. Lonely grumpy old man dies on the road, unconscious and incomprehensible. At his tombstone, Bender brought the epitaph, in which Panikovsky was described as a person without a passport. There were no other characteristics for the last word about the hero.

Screening, actors and roles

The first film on the book Ilf and Petrov was shot in the USSR in 1968. Director Mikhail Schweitzer invited Bender Sergey Jurassic to the role of Bender Sergey Jurassic, and Panikovsky depicted Zinoviy Gerdt. The artist produced a furyor in the image of a rose and is still considered the most suitable executor of the role.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt.

In 1969, in Czechoslovakia, Yaroslav Makh removed a film called "I will command a parade", and in 1974 Miklos Sinetar presented the picture called "Golden calf". The list of shields continued to jointly ribbon of Russia and France "Idiot's Dreams" under the leadership of Vasily Pichula. Panikovsky played Stanislav Lyoshin.

Stanislav Lyoshin

In 2006, the "First Channel" broadcast a multi-sized film called "Golden Calf". In the image of Panikovsky, Leonid Okunev appeared.

Despite numerous television performances, in memory of the audience, Panikovsky is associated with Zinovy ​​Gerdt. Sergey Yursky, commenting on the choice of director, said that Gerdt seems to be born for this role. It is curious that the contractor was originally appointed Roland Bykov.

Rolan Bykov

Having struck everyone on the set, the director was approved for the role. But Khsovset was convinced that Panikovsky should look older and sad. Young and perky bull began to look for a replacement. The actor himself suggested her represented by the actor of the theater of the Dolls of Examples. Zinovy ​​Gerdt became the perfect Panikovsky in the first screening of the novel and gained the love of the audience.


The "golden calf" is rich in aphorisms and winged phrases. Quotes from the literary work of Ilf and Petrov are used for several decades in a variety of situations.

In cases where it is obvious that the opponent's hopes are not justified by the well-known replica, abandoned by Panikovsky after theft of Giri, which were supposed to be golden:

"Pill, Shura, saw!".

Aphorism is often used to debtors:

"Pay for kefir, Shura, then tear up."

The ideal phrase for the verbal characteristic of the identity of the hero was the replica:

"I'll survive all of you. You do not know Panicovsky. Panikovsky will sell you all, buy and sell again, but already more expensive. "

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