Daphne - Biography of Greek Nymph, appearance and image, myths


Character History

Ancient Greek mythology is rich in curious characters. In addition to gods and their offspring, legends describe the fate of ordinary mortals and those whose life turned out to be associated with divine creatures.

History of origin

According to legend, Daphne - Mountain Nymph, born in the union of the goddess of the earth of Gay and the river God. In "Metamorphosis", Ovid explains that Daphne was born in nymph creatures after a romantic connection with the foam.

Statue of Apollo

This author adhered to a myth telling the fact that Apollo fell in love with a charming girl, being pierced by an erotic arrow. The beauty did not respond to him, since the other end of the arrows made her indifferent to love. Having hidden from the persecution of God, Daphne asked for help to the parent who turned it into a laurel tree.

According to another writer, Pausania, the daughter of gay and the god of the palm rivers was transferred to the mother on the island of Crete, and in the place where she was, a laurel appeared. Torzable by unrelated love, Apollo buzzed a wreath of tree branches.

Greek mythology is famous for the interpretation variability, so modern readers know the third myth, according to which Apollo and Levkipp, the Son of the ruler Enonaya, were in love with the girl. Tsarevich, changing into a female dress, pursued a girl. Apollo enchanted him, and the young man went swimming together with the girls. For the deception of the nifs killed Tsarevich.

Lui Benedetto, Apollo and Daphne.

Due to the fact that Daphne is associated with the plant, its independent fate in mythology is limited. It is not known whether a man has become a man afterwards. In most mentions, it is associated with the attribute, everywhere accompanying Apollo. The origin of the name is rooted in the depths of history. From Hebrew the meaning of the name was translated as "Laurel".

Myth about Apollo and Daphne

Patron of Arts, Music and Poetry, Apollo was the son of Goddess Laton and Zeus. Rhenya, the wife of the thumbnail did not give a woman the opportunity to find a shelter. Hera sent a dragon behind her named PiPron, who drove Laton until it settled on Delome. It was a stern uninhabited island, which bloomed with the birth of Apollo and his sisters of Artemis. Plants appeared on the deserted shores and around the rocks, the island lit up with sunlight.

Fight Apollo with Pyphon

Armed with a silver bow, the young man decided to take revenge on the Pypone, who did not give his mother to rest. He flew across the sky to the gloomy gorge, where the dragon was located. A fierce terrible beast was ready to absorb Apollo, but God struck him with arrows. The young man buried his opponent and erected on the site of burial Oracle and the Temple. According to the legend today at this place are delphs.

Not far from the place of the battle, Rosasnik Eros. The mischief was played with golden arrows. One end of the boom decorate the golden tip, and the other is lead. Bucked in front of the hooligan of his victory, Apollo stick the anger of Erota. The boy put an arrow in the heart of God, whose golden tip caused love. The second arrow with a stone tip landed in the heart of the adorable nymph Dafna, having deprived her ability to fall in love.


Seeing a beautiful girl, Apollo loved her with all his heart. Daphne went into running. God pursued her for a long time, but could not catch up. When Apollo closely approached, so that she began to feel his breath, Daphne prayed to the father of help. To save daughter from torment, penalties turned her body into a laurel tree, his hands in the branch, and the hair in the foliage.

Seeing what his love led, the crazy Apollo hugged a long tree for a long time. He decided that the laurel wreath would always accompany him in memory of the beloved.

In culture

"Daphne and Apollo" - myth, inspired artists of different centuries. It is among the popular legends of the Ellinism era. In the ancient times, the plot found an image in sculptures describing the moment of the transformation of the girl. There were mosaic confirming the popularity of myth. Artists and sculptors of over time were guided by the Ovid's presentation.

Daphne and Apollo Sculpture Bernini

During the renaissance of antiquity, great attention was paid. In the 15th century, the popular myth of God and Nymph found a response in the paintings of Paullaiolo's painters, Bernini, Thipolo, Bruegel and Rubens. Bernini sculpture in 1625 was posted in the Cardinal Residence Borghese.

In the literature, Apollo images and Daphnes are repeatedly mentioned thanks to Homer. In the 16th century, the works of "Tsarevna" of the authorship of Sax and D. wrote The authorship of Beccari, which was based on mythological motives. In the 16th century, the play of Rhurucchini "Daphne" was laid on the music and, as well as the works of Obian and Lafontaine, became an opera libretto. Inspiring the story of unnecessary love, the musical works wrote Shzyuz, Scarlayti, Handel, Fuchs and Strauss.

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