What is the popularity of avocado


Avocado has a reputation of tasteless, but a useful fruit. What made the uninteresting food in demand and why green exotes are so popular - in the editorial material 24cm.

Fruit in trend

Why avocado became popular

Avocado turned out to be at the right time. American nutritionists in the early 80s were interested in the fruit, when the US health institutions called on to reduce cholesterol consumption. Scientists explored the benefit of "alligator pear" and found out that it is rich in useful fats.

PR-Companies Hill & Knowlton gave the task to extend the product around the world. Advertisers were lost in guesses, how to file food with a slippery texture and strange name meaning literally "testicles" (remember how fruit grows on the tree). Yes, and taste was, to put it mildly, not impressive.

Lucky, it was so lucky: advertising got into the "season of proper nutrition". The fruit was renamed to "avocado" and offered supporters of fashion diets. Thus, the Adepts of Paleodius, Vegan and Ketodiets drew attention to the product rich in unsaturated fats. Alligator Pear has become a business.


The fanaticity of the beckons formed the demand, which, as you know, gives rise to a sentence. There are cafes and restaurants dedicated to the green fruit.

Positive image useful exotion created the whole world. At an instant, it was fashionable to lay out a photo of green delicacy in the "Instagram": cut in half, unfolded on the saucer and necessarily on bread.

Superfood appeared in the list of ingredients of useful recipes for drinks and desserts. Avocado has a reputation of a fruit, which serves as a source of vitamins and fiber, sugar is deprived and rich in vegetable fats. Fans do not even stop the fact that excess avocado in the diet will lead to a weight gain.

Heat interest in green fruit and stars. Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian and Nagel Lawson, love to tell the readers of the blog about the benefits of avocado.

Green fruit was built into public consciousness and food culture through photos, animated films, celebrity statements.

All wellness

Why avocado became such popular

The conscious zozh or "wellness" draws attention to the calorieness of avocado, which is eating like oil. The preparation of the dish does not need culinary skills: to twist for a fork and add spices to everyone. And the cost indicates that the choice in health benefits does not require large financial costs. And here it appears one "if".

And for everyone enough?

Fashionable fruit continues to gain popularity among young people. Millennialys are increasingly wondering questions, "how to choose" and "where to buy" a overseas product. Avocado prices jumped. Star popularity causes developing countries to increase the number of avocado plantations. And this does not always happen due to the change of cultures: forests are cut down, but new jobs appear. Farmers - work, gourmet - dessert, businessmen - profits.

Therefore, if you are used to knead the green fruit in the mornings for breakfast, then buy so much to eat. Agree, throwing useful delicacy is wrong, because for each avocado there are the efforts of farmers who are ready to work for wear, while business in profit and did not come up with a trendy alternative to green fruit.

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