Karl Brullov - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, works



Karl Bryullov is an eminent artist whose name has become synonymous with the directions of classicism and late Russian romanticism in painting. The talent, cultivated in Bryullov since childhood, gave the world such unique works as "Horseman", "Wakha's head", "Death of Inesse de Castro", "Virsavia", "gadget Svetlana". And his picture "Last Day Pompeii" still admires the true connoisseurs of the art of the whole world.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born on December 23, 1799 in St. Petersburg. The Bullet family was more familiar: Karl grew surrounded by three brothers and two sisters. The father of the family had an impeccable artistic taste: he was engaged in an ornamental sculpture, cut out on a tree, masterfully wrote a miniature and taught at the Academy of Arts. It is not surprising that the children took the craving for creativity and the feeling of beautiful.

Karl Bromlov in childhood

Karl was a painful boy and had a lot of time spent in bed. However, despite this, with diligence deliberate in the subtleties of painting skills, staging with his father. He also did not allow any condescension and even sometimes deprived the son of breakfast for insufficient diligence.

Such a tough discipline, multiplied by a congenital gift, could not not give results, and already at 10 years old Carl Bryullov could easily entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, admire teachers with solid preparation and unconditional talent.

Karl Bromlov in youth

The first serious work of the artist was the painting "Narcissa, looking into the water". In this work, Karl Bryutlov beat the myth of the young man named Narcissus, who constantly admired his own beauty. In 1819, the picture brought the artist the first award - a small gold medal of the Academy of Arts. This moment is considered to be the beginning of a serious creative biography of Karl Bryullov.


In the 1821st Karl Pavlovich graduated from the work on another masterpiece - the picture "Phenomenon Abraham Three Angels at the oak of Mamvrian". This time the Academy of Arts turned out to be more favorable to the young artist, noting the new creation of a large gold medal, as well as the right to travel to Italy to meet the European tradition of painting. However, the circumstances were so far that the young man could go abroad later - in 1822.

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In Italy, Carl Bryullov came with his brother Alexander. There, young people studied the work of the Masters of the Renaissance, as well as earlier work of European artists. Especially in the soul, Carlo Bhorrylov came genre painting. Under the impression of this direction, the young man wrote the famous paintings "Italian Morning" and "Italian noon". Bed scenes from the life of ordinary people turned out incredibly touching and filled feelings.

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Also, the "Italian period" in the works of Bryullov was marked by a large number of portraits: "Horseman", a portrait of Yulia Samoilova with Arapchonkom, a portrait of the musician Matvey Vilygorski - all these creations belong to that time. A series of portraits continues and later, on the return of Karl Pavlovich in his native Petersburg.

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A few years later, Karl Bryullov returned to the liberated Italy again, where he studied the ruins of ancient cities in detail - Herculandum and Pompeii, who were destroyed by the strongest earthquake. Majesty Pompeii, who died because of the elements, was impressed by the artist, and the next few years Karl Bryullov devoted to the study of the history of Pompeii and archaeological materials. The result of painstaking work was the canvas, the name "Last Day Pompeii" and became, according to art historians, the top of the creativity of the master.

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In 1833, dozens of sketches and sketches, as well as 6 years of hard work, Karl Bryullov presented the "Last Day Pompeii" to the court of art lovers. The news about this picture instantly flew around all the secular salons and art schools - artists and simply not alien art people came to exhibitions in Milan and Paris specifically to get acquainted with the work of Bryullov, and always remained delighted.

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Karl Pavlovich himself was awarded the gold medal of Paris art historians, as well as the honorary membership of many European artistic academies. So large-scale work seemed to take away all the powers of the master. After graduating from the "Last Day of Pompeii", Bullov fell into a creative crisis, began and threw the canvas unfinished, and soon stopped to take a brush in his hands.

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Having decided to distract, Karl Pavlovich went to the expedition in Greece and Turkey. The decimory change went to the artist for the benefit: Immediately after the trip, Bryullov wrote a whole series of watercolors and drawings, the most famous of which became the "wounded Greek", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Turk, which is surprised to the horse", "Turkchanka".

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In the 1835th Bromlov, obeying the decree of the king, returned to the Russian Empire. However, did not immediately proceed to St. Petersburg, and stayed in Odessa, and then in Moscow. Zlatagnaya made a strong impression on the artist, fascinating the majesticity and at the same time simplicity.

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Upon returning to St. Petersburg, Karl Brullov, as before his father, began to teach in the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Later, the style of students of Karl Pavlovich will name the Bhorlylovsk school. Bullyov himself continued to work on portraits, in addition, he participated in the mural of Peter's Church and Paul, which is in Nevsky Prospect.

Personal life

For more than one year, Karl Bryullov's personal life was connected with the Countess Yulia Samoilova, which became for the artist and the beloved, and a true friend, support, as well as a muse and favorite simulator. The relationship of Bryullov and Samoyallova was repeatedly interrupted, Julia was leaving for Italy, where, according to rumors, did not refuse himself in sensual pleasures. Then the pair converged again.

Yulia Samoilova

In 1839, Karl Brullov married the young Emilia Tim. The girl at that time was hardly 19 years old. But after a month later, the spouse broke up. Karl Pavlovich's wife with his parents went to his native Riga, and the broken-separated business lasted two more years, until 1841.

Emilia Tim

Emilia itself accused her husband, and some of the artist's friends even turned away from him, putting on the side of the girl. According to the other information, the cause of the divorce was the treason of Emilia, founding with another man.

Bryullov was seriously worried about parting with his wife, and Julia Samoilova, who came to St. Petersburg just for a while he came to St. Petersburg. The artist's children were not.


In 1847, the health of the artist again made itself felt: rheumatism and sick heart Karl Pavlovich seriously complicated by a strong cold, and Bryullov for a long time. However, even in such a state, the master could not do not create. In 1848, Bullov completed a self-portrait, which to this day is considered a sample of the genre and, according to art historians, gives the character of the artist much better than the photo could do.

Self-portrait Karl Bryullov 1848

The year later Karl Pavlovich, at the insistence of physicians, went to Madeira Island. The marine climate was supposed to facilitate the state of the artist, however, unfortunately, it was too late. The health of Bryullov was constantly worsened, and on June 23, 1852, the master was left of his life due to the illness, underwent the body. After the death of the artist, unfinished sketches and sketches were left, which are now stored in private collections and global museums.


  • 1823 - "Italian Morning"
  • 1827 - "Italian noon"
  • 1827 - "Interrupted Date"
  • 1830-1833 - "Last Day Pompeii"
  • 1831 - "Jovaanina Pacini"
  • 1832 - "Horseman"
  • 1835 - "Olga Ferzen on a donkey"
  • 1839 - Portrait of Basinist Ivan Krylova
  • 1840 - Portrait of the writer Alexander Strigovsk
  • 1842 - Portrait of the Countess Yulia Samoilova
  • 1848 - Self-portrait

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