Piero - biography, friends, character character


Character History

Tales Alexei Tolstoy lovers remember not only the brave and naive wooden boy Pinocchio, the villain of Karabasa-Barabas and the sewer scams, but also the faithful friends of the wooden boy - Malvina and Sad Pierreo, who played the actor Roman Sticks in the Soviet film. This colorful character is in demand on theatrical stage and personifies the image of a comical, but unfortunate sufferer.

History of creation

"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino" is a story of the writer Alexei Tolstoy, who is familiar to Russian children. And in European countries, boys and girls read the original book of the writer Carlo Collodi, which is called "Adventures Pinocchio. History of wooden doll. "

Alexey Tolstoy

When Alexey Nikolaevich was in emigration, he was engaged in editing the literary translation of the Italian fairy tale, who made his colleague on Nina Petrov's workshop. It happened that the future author of bestseller "Walking on the flour" became interested in a fairy tale about Pinocchio and redid her on his own manner.

If you compare these two books, then the differences between the Russian and Italian version are easy to see the naked eye. Alexey Nikolayevich wanted to escape from the original story, because the fairy tale of colleges is filled with the theme of education and instructive centances. Pinocchio was a naughty boy and fell into trouble because of his own mistakes, but the character of Pinocchio is full of thrust to adventures and fun. In addition, Tolstoy brought the first plan of secondary characters, such as the actors of the puppet theater.

Harlequin and Pedrolino

The melancholic poet with sad grima was invented by the genius of the literature of no accident. The fact is that Piero is a cult hero, which arose in the middle of the XVII century. In the literature and on the stage, he represented a servant who sought to achieve the top of the social staircase and hypocritically covered with good nature.

The actor playing without a mask was swimming with flour or other white powder, and a wide peasant shirt served his costume. A prototype of this hero was a certain Pedrolino, a character of the Italian comedy of masks (del Arte), Antipode of Harlequin. Unlike the last, Pedrolino cunning, dexterous and dodgy, but often falls into the incident situations. It is worth noting that Piero is the only character from Del Arte, who does not wear a mask, because his role implies work with facial expressions and emotions.

Batist Deburo as Piero

In 1819, famous Mime Batist Deburo rethought the image of this character, inventing the new theater hero Pierrot, who fulfills the role of an unfortunate in love, rejected the lady of the heart. The image of Pierrot, which the audience was accustomed to see, presented in the Drama of Marseille Karna "Children of Ray" (1945), filmed in the times of German occupation.

It is worth noting that this hero became popular with artists, directors and writers. Its image can be traced in the pictures of the Cezanne field, Juan Gras and other creative personalities, and the Russian chanson Alexander Vertinsky often appeared on the stage in the costume of a melancholic poet.

Biography and plot

The biography of a puppet boy, in love with a blue-haired girl, in a fairy tale is represented by non-communal. This hero, although he loved the public, is still a secondary character. The plot of the works of the "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" tells about a wooden puppet with a long nose, which Pope Carlo extended, and Piero appears far from the first chapter of the work.

Pinocchio and Dad Carlo

The beginning of the narrative is not much different from Pinocchio. Old joinear Giuseppe on nicknamed "SIZY Nose" decided to build a leg for a table, but when he touched the ax in the ax, then weakly screamed with a human voice.

The amazed old man decided not to contact this witchcraft anymore and gave the rustler to his collapse. Carlo made from the doll, which miraculously came to life. Initially, the relations of Pope Carlo and his "Son" were not charged, but ultimately, remembering the Cricket Council, the boy agreed to learn the alphabet and go to school. Pinocchio wanted to fulfill his promise, but he was fascinated by the music that was heard from the puppet theater.

Piero, Pinocchio and Harlequino

The artists learned Pinocchio and called him on the stage, which did not like the doctor of the Karabasu Barabas doll science. The villain wanted to use a wooden boy as a firewood, but broke and supposed. But Pinocchio revealed the secretist's secret and said that Pope Carlo is the drawn focus in Komorka. Karabas Barabas considered that this is a secret move to a large koshu. There are obstacles that stand on the path of the long-axis hero.

Thus, Pinocchio got into the alteration and turned out to be suspended on a tree, and a house was nearby, where the girl lived with the blue hair of Malvina, in which Piero is in love. This girl escaped from the puppet theater, because Karabas-Barabas rose rudely with his subordinates.

Piero and Malvina

Pinocchio met a sad boy when she ran away from the country of fools. It turns out that the melancholic hero also widespread asylum as a puppet usurper. Pierro randomly overheard the conversation of the owner of the theater and his friend Durrara, a trader leech. Friends talked about the golden key, but when they found out that the snow-white doll with drawn eyebrows overhears, there were two bulldogs on it. Piero miraculously managed to escape and rolling on a hare.

Piero on stage

After the hero of the work got rid of the Okov of Karabas-Barabas, he wasveling to find his beloved Malvin and asked Pinocchio to help him. The son of Pope Carlo led a buddy to a wooden house where a girl lived with blue hair. I did not have time to pay a long-awaited meeting, as the guys immediately learned that the pursuit continues.

The dolls more than once confronted with villains: Karabas-Barabas, Durramar, Fox Alice and Basilio Cat. But, fortunately, when theatrical actors were surrounded by antagonists, Papa Carlo had to help and took all dolls to himself in Kamork.

Interesting Facts

  • Some literature lovers converge in the opinion that the prototype of Piero served as the poet of the Silver Age Alexander Blok.
  • No one is insured from Kinolyaps, so the directors can only hope for the inattention of the viewers. So the Soviet film "The Adventures of Pino" was no exception. When the creators removed the episode as Pinocchio, along with Pierrot, comes to Malvina, the actor Dima Josephs forgot to convert after he left for lunch. Therefore, in the frame of the hero not wooden shoes, but boys shoes. The error was noticed only when installing, but why this frame did not move, it remains to be guess.
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  • Unfortunately, Piero did not become a brand like Pinocchio. For example, the name of a wooden boy is named candy, carbonated water and even a heavy flame retardant system. But the maker Pierrot is more often used on the carnival. Moreover, to embody the image of this hero is simple: it is enough to get a flour and a black cosmetic pencil to draw curved eyebrows and tears.
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  • Pierro is the diminutive form of the French name Pierre.
  • Palindrome "And Rosa fell to Lap of Azor" invented the poet of Athanasius Fet.
  • In the original Italian fairy tale, the heroes of the comedy del Arte are not Pyratino, Harlequin and Piero, and Harlequin and Pulchinell.


"Late night in the sky alone

So seductively shines the moon,

And I would like to get it from heaven to you

But how should I be, because at night you need to sleep?

I do not need raspberry,

I'm not afraid of a stranch,

I'm not afraid I'm doing anything at all!

If only Malvina,

If only Malvina,

If only Malvina

Adorated me one ... "

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