Daniel Harms - biography, photos, personal life, books, poems



Daniel Ivanovich Harms is a talented poet, a member of the creative association "Oberyu", but first of all the HARMS is associated with readers as the author of children's literature. He presented the girls and boys poems and stories, which, having passed many years, became immortal. These works include the "Amazing Cat", "Lit", "very terrible story", "first and secondly," "a man", "old woman" came out of the house, etc.

Childhood and youth

Daniel Ivanovich Yuvachev was born 17 (30) December 1905 in the cultural capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg. The boy grew and brought up in an intelligent and wealthy family. His father Ivan Pavlovich also left a trace in history: he initially positioned himself as a French revolutionary, and miraculously avoid the death penalty, changed his eyes to life and became a spiritual writer.

Daniel Harms with a tube

It is known that during a trip to Sakhalin, where he stayed in an eight-year-old Katorga, Daniel Harms's father met Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who made Yuvachev's prototype of the revolutionary in his work "the story of an unknown person" (1893). The link helped to get rid of Yuvachev from non -parade sentiment, and, having survived all the deprivation of fate, in 1899, Ivan Pavlovich returned to St. Petersburg, where he served in the Inspectorate of the Savings Cassames Management, he worked as a text office and was engaged in literary activities.

Father Daniel Hamsa

Yuvachev-Senior communicated not only with Czech, but also consisted in a friendly correspondence with a volitional and thick. In 1902, Ivan Pavlovich made a proposal of the hands and hearts of the hope of Ivanovna Kolyubakina, which came from the noble family, justified in the Saratov province. She coordinated a shelter and heard as a comforter of women who were in captivity. And if Nadezhda Ivanovna brought up his children in love, Ivan Pavlovich adhered to strict rules regarding the behavior of offspring. In addition to Daniel, the spouses had a daughter of Elizabeth, and two other children died at an early age.

Daniel Harms in childhood

When the first grains of the revolution took place on the territory of the Russian Empire, the future poet studied at the Die Realschule privileged German school, which was part of Petrishal (the first educational institution, founded in St. Petersburg in 1702). The main breadwinner in the house had a beneficial effect on the Son: Thanks to the Father, Daniel began to study foreign languages ​​(English and German), and also loved the scientific literature.

Daniel Harms in childhood

According to rumors, the son of Ivan Pavlovich studied well, but the little boy, however, like all children, were characterized by pranks: to avoid punishment of teachers, Daniel sometimes played acting sketches, pretending orphan. After receiving the maturity certificate, the young man chose a landed path and entered the Leningrad Energy Technical School. However, at the bench of this educational institution, Harms stayed for a long time: a negligent student did not bother to receive a diploma due to the fact that he often worked out classes and did not participate in public works.


After Daniel Yuvachev was expelled from the Leningrad Technical School, he began to engage in literary activities. Although, it is worth saying that the love of his work has appeared in his early years: being a schoolboy, he composed an interesting fairy tale, which was read by his four-year-old sister Natalia, the early death of which became a shock for the future poet.

Daniel Harms in youth

Daniel Ivanovich did not want to see himself as a prose and chose his essay of poems. But the first creative sweats of a novice poet resembled a random flow of thought, and the father of a young man did not share the literary addiction of the Son, since he was a supporter of strict and classical literature in the face of Leo Tolstoy and Mikhail Lermontov.

In 1921-1922, Daniel Yuvachev becomes Daniel Hams. By the way, some writers still be fighting over the rays of the mystery, which enveloped the creative pseudonym assigned by the world-famous author of children's poems. According to rumors, the son of Ivan Pavlovich explained the friend that his nickname comes from the English word "HARM", which means "harm" translated into Russian. However, it is a suggestion that the word "HARMS" occurred from the French "Charme" - "Charm, charm."

Illustrations for the book of Daniel Harms

Others believe that Daniel's nickname was inspired by his favorite character Sherlock Holmes from the books of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Also used to say that the poet signed in a passport with a pencil near the real name through the HARMS dash, and then looked at all his pseudonym. A talented literary figure believed that one constant nickname brings misfortune, so the pseudonyms from Daniel Ivanovich had a lot that changed like gloves: Hharms, Haarms, Dandan, Daniel Shadam, etc.

Daniel Harms on Graphistry

In 1924-1926, Daniel Ivanovich begins his creative biography. The young man not only composes poems, but also declares other people's works on speeches before the public. Also in 1926, HARMS enters into the ranks of the All-Russian Union of Poets, but the writer was excluded three years after the non-payment of membership fees. At that time, the poet was inspired by the works of Velimira Khlebnikov and Kazimir Malevich.

Daniel Harms on the balcony at home books

In 1927, a new literary community appears in Leningrad, which is called "Observation" ("Association of Real Art"). Just as Mayakovsky, the Mayakovsky with other futurists urged to reset from the steamer of Dostoevsky and Pushkin, "Chinari" refused to conservative forms of art, promoting the original methods of reality, grotesque and the poetics of the absurd.

Illustrations for the book of Daniel Harms

They not only read the poems, but also arranged dance evenings on which those who came who came focus. In addition to Harms, Alexander Vvedensky, Nikolai Zabolotsky, Igor Bakhtheraev and other literary figures consisted in this circle. At the end of 1927, thanks to Marshak, Oleinikov and Zhitkov, Daniel Hars and his colleagues begin to compose poems for children.

Daniel Ivanovich's works could be seen in the popular editions "Hedgehog", "Chizh" and "Cricket". Moreover, Yuvachev, in addition to poems, published and stories, painted caricatures and puzzles, who solved both children and their parents.

Portrait of Daniel Harms.

Not to say that such a nature of classes brought an unprecedented pleasure: Daniel Ivanovich disliked children, but children's literature was for a talented writer the only source of income. In addition, Yuvachev approached his work thoroughly and tried to scrupulously to work out absolutely every work, unlike his friend of the introduced, which, according to some researchers, loved to cheluri and treated his duties extremely irresponsible.

Hamsu managed to gain popularity among young boys and girls who, moms and dads, grandparents, read the poems of cats, who did not want to taste the Vinegret from Luke and Potatoes, about the pushed samovar and about a funny old man who was afraid of spiders.

Daniel Harms in prison

Surprisingly, even the author of harmless works for the guys was persecuted by the authorities who considered some works of Yuvachev nonpartinous. Thus, the illustrated book "Naughty Cork" did not pass the censorship and was "under the curtain" for ten years, from 1951 to 1961. It came to the point that in December 1931, HARMS and his comrades were arrested for the promotion of anti-Soviet literature: Daniel Ivanovich and Vvedensky sent to Kursk.

Personal life

No wonder in most illustrations, Daniel Ivanovich was captured with a tobacco tube, since in his life a gifted poet practically did not produce her from his mouth and sometimes smoked right on the go. Contemporaries used to say that Yuvachev dressed strangely. Harms did not pace the fashion boutiques, and ordered clothes at the tailor.

Daniel Harms and Alice Rights

Thus, the writer was the only one in the city who wore short pants, under which a golf or leggings were visible. But his eccentric habits (for example, Harms sometimes stood at the window in what mother gave birth) did not interfere with others to see his mental kindness. Also, the poet never raised the voice, was a correct and polite person.

"Apparently, for the children in this his appearance there was something very interesting, and they ran behind him. They were terribly liked how he was dressed as she walks, as suddenly stops. But they were cruel - they threw stones into it. He did not pay any attention to their antics, was completely calm. She walked and walked. And the views of adults also did not respond in any way, "Marina recalled.

As for love relationships, a certain Esther Rusakova became the first chief of Daniel Ivanovich. Harms devoted to his passion the number of poems, but their love was not cloudless: according to rumors, Yuvachev went to the left, and Rusakov burned from jealousy, as evidenced by the diary records of the poet. In 1932, the spouses issued an official divorce.

Daniel Harms and Marina Malich

In the summer of 1934, Harms made a proposal of the hand and hearts of Marina Malich, and the girl answered agree. Lovers lived hand in hand until the arrest of Yuvachev, which occurred in 1941.


In August 1941, Daniel Ivanovich, again erupting the law, was arrested for the spread of disagreeable sentiment: the writer allegedly said that the USSR would lose in the war (words that, according to researchers, were rewritten from the bottom).

Memorable boards in honor of Daniel Harms

To avoid the death penalty, Harms pretended to be mentally ill, therefore was defined in a psychiatric clinic, where he died on February 2, 1942. After 18 years, his sister managed to restore the good name of the brother, which was rehabilitated by the General Prosecutor's Office.


  • 1928 - "First and second"
  • 1928 - "On how Rank Pankin flew to Brazil, and Petka Ershov did not believe anything"
  • 1928 - "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar"
  • 1929 - "On how the old woman bought ink"
  • 1930 - "On how dad shook me a ferret"
  • 1937 - "Cats"
  • 1937 - "Stories in pictures"
  • 1937 - "Olch and Pluhi" (translation of the work of Wilhelm Bush)
  • 1940 - "Fox and hare"
  • 1944 - "Amazing Cat"

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