Fazil Iskander - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Fazil Iskander - Classic in life, on his own recognition, Abkhaz with the Persian surname, consciously choosing Russian culture. Proser possessed simultaneously with a sunny and sad gift, on his books remove films and put performances. The works of Iskander are read in all European languages. Thanks to his Peru, the whole world met a small, but such a soulful country Abkhazia.

Childhood and youth

Fazil Abdulovich was born in the spring of 1929 in Sukhumi. Grandfather Ibrahim Iskander, Iranian in origin, founded one of the first Abkhaz brick plants. The products of the enterprise built the streets of the city. Ibrahim married the local girlfriend Hamsad, who began to manage an extensive farm after the death of the head of the family.

Fazil Iskander

The eldest son Abdul-Kerim married Leli Hasanovna Michelia. The mother of the writer is an aback, originally from the village of Chegem. The beauty and people of the Malaget Motherland Iskander melted in the stories of Sandro from Chegema. The daughter of Guli and Sons of Fazil and Firi appeared in marriage. At the nine-year-old age, Fazil remained without a father, he was sent to Iran, and they did not see each other. The future writer raised her mother's relatives.

In Chegeme, there was a collective farm, growing grapes, tobacco and corn, worked as an eight-year-old school. After the war, in the fields of which almost all the men's population remained, and in the mountains it became difficult to live, families began to move to the nearby major settlement of Jigger. The outflow intensified when at school instead of teaching at the Abkhaz language was introduced training in Georgian. Children, having completed an 8th grade, moved to the city of Tkvarbed or left at all.

Fazil Iskander in youth

Works of the writer - in many ways the illustration of his own biography, so Iskander did not write memoirs. Fazil with honors graduated from the Russian school, after which he went to Moscow to enter the Philosophy of the University of Faculty. The story of how the Golden Medal was not held in Moscow State University, insulting the comments of the examiners about the nationality, the writer outlined in the Story Story Story.

In the same place, Fazil explained why he became a student of the library institute, where the domestic writer was soon translated into the forge - the Literary Institute named after Gorky:

"It's easier and more profitable to write books yourself than to deal with the classification of others."


Iskander graduated from the institute in 1954, but on the student bench published the first poems, believed that they would write them. Total phazil Abdulovich was released by nine poetic collections. In 1957, the first book was published - "Mountain trails". Later, when Iskander switched to prose, he said that he did under the influence of Creativity Isaac Babel, when she realized that there was no difference between poetry and prose.

Writer Fazil Iskander

A graduate of the Literary Institute acquired the experience of journalistic and editorial work in Kurskaya Pravda newspapers and Bryansk Komsomolets, in the Abkhaz branch of the state publishing house. The stories, novels and the story of Iskander were published on the pages of the "Change" editions, "Youth", "Week," Bonfire ".

All-Union Glory Writer acquired after the publication in 1966 the story of the "Constellation of Kozotra". The work in the thirty years got an incarnation on the movie screen in the Comedy of the same name with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Faraday seeds. Quote from it - "The initiation is good, but not for our collective farm" - turned into a form of a polite, but categorical refusal from short-sighted, dangerous, and sometimes absurd experiments.

Farrad's seeds and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the film "Little Giant Sex Giant"

The story twice put forward to the USSR state award in literature, but it was not surprising that such a bold description of the Ezopov language of Khrushchev "corn experiments" of recognition was then not received.

Public recognition received a story about the naive and honest girl "Sophic", the socio-psychological story "Marine Scorpio" about the fate of the intelligentsia and "Parking man", in which the harsh and adamant grandmother is a grandmother of Fazil, who robbed the family to horror that he opened openly What

Fazil Iskander in youth

Creation of Iskander Fazil is inherent in a special style. So, "Sandro from Chegema" is not just a novel, but a new cycle, over which the writer worked not one decade. They have no common storyline, but one main character. The author does not oppose the heroes of the works of the existing political system and reigned at that time the nravam. On the contrary, they are inherent with elegant satire and sarcasm together with the exact transfer of a national nature and a live speech.

Based on one of the novel - "Pirs of Valtasar" - a feature film was removed, in which the main character of Sandro Chegemsky was invited to the banquet to Stalin. Valtasarov Pir, as you know, - Biblical plot, meaning a rampant fun on the eve of trouble. According to the story of the novel and the film, the action takes place in 1935, and after the banquet, its participants begin to disappear.

Books of Fazil Iskander

Similarly, there is no single fabul and the Childhood Chick. The hero Novel is a boy named Chic, a child, but in the healing of life, the decisive is by no means children's tasks and the path of spiritual formation in this way. The story "Thirteenth Hercules feat" from the beginning and to the end is permeated by humor, but very instructive. The reader is raised - that in reality there is a feat, as in one person cowardice and courage are combined.

By the lives of the heroes of works, Iskander reasoned about such concepts as honored, dignity, respect, justice. Writer masterfully used allegory and grotesque. The kingdom of snakes in "rabbits and booths" is a totalitarian state, cauliflower - hope for a bright future.

Even the names of rabbits wore a hidden meaning: conceived - the crawler of the truth and truth, resourceful - the adaptist, who managed to achieve the location of the king, who looked like - a seeker of justice, the His teacher's is a look-seeker.

Fazil Iskander - biography, photo, personal life, books, death 15639_7

The story about the basics of power was first published in the United States, in Almana Metropol, as well as "Oh, Marat!". The latter was also fused: in 1992, a picture "Little Giant Gigant of Great Sex" was published, where Gennady Khazanov played the main role.

The most famous retelling of the works of Fazil Iskander in the cinema - "Thieves in law" based on the stories of the "Chegemskaya Carmen" and "Bartman Adgur", published in 1986 in the magazine "Banner".

Personal life

In 1960, Fazil Iskander married the poetess Antonine Khlebnikova. The girl was younger for 11 years, originated from an intelligent family. Antonina initially and unconditionally recognized the spouse chief in the family. As Valery Novodvorskaya said:

"From their communication, lemonade seems to be tight and hissing like champagne."

Khlebnikov worked at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Energy, editor in economic journals. Even before the meeting with Iskander, I wrote poems, but for the first time I made out the fruits of labor to the court of the public only to the Golden Wedding: In 2011, the spouses released a joint collection "Snow and grapes".

Fazil Iskander and Antonina Khlebnikov

Daughter Marina by education philologist, writes pictures. In twenty years, in 1983, the son was born. Alexander graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, but did not work in the specialty, chose the scope of finance. Occasionally wrote stories that I really liked Phazil Abdulovich. Iskander himself loved the work of Alexander Pushkin and Joseph Brodsky, the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Bunin.

Fazil Iskander with son and wife

The Son of the writer was baptized, helped in this Alexander Men, with whom Iskander often led conversations for theological topics. After the murder of the priest, ten years later, Fazil took Orthodoxy.

The writer worked on the old manner - on the typewriter, his own reprinting writings, and each time they increased in volume.


The recent decades of life, Fazil Iskander spent in the near Moscow reseller and wished to buried him there. The writer died of heart failure in July 2016.

Tomb of Fazil Iskander

The authorities of Abkhazia offered a family and close to bury the Iskander in the center of the capital - Sukhumi, but the last refinement he found at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1957 - "Mountain trails"
  • 1961 - "Children of the Black Sea"
  • 1964 - "Thirteenth Hercules feat"
  • 1966 - "Constellation of Kozotur"
  • 1970 - "Childhood Tree"
  • 1971 - "Chick Day"
  • 1973 - Sandro from Chegema
  • 1979 - "Under the Senyu Walnut"
  • 1983 - "Chik Protection"
  • 1987 - "Rabbits and Blows"
  • 1988 - "Oh, Marat!"
  • 1990 - "Parking of Man"
  • 1997 - "Sophic"

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