Pythagoras - biography, photo, personal life, theorem, proof and school



The biography of Pytagora Samosovsky transfers readers to the world of ancient Greek culture. This person can be bolded to call the legendary person. Pythagoras was a great, mathematician, mysticism, philosopher, founded the religious and philosophical flow (Pytagorism), was a politician who left the work as an inheritance to descendants.

Childhood and youth

Determine the exact date of birth of Pythagora is difficult. Historians have established an approximate period of its appearance to light - 580 BC. Place of birth - Greek island Samos.

Portrait of Pythagora

The mother of the philosopher was called Parament (Partenida, Pythiad), and Father - Menarch. According to legend, one day young spouses visited the city of Delfa as a wedding trip. There, newlyweds met Orakula, who furified in love with the rapid appearance of the Son. The legend stated that the child would become a difficult person would become famous for wisdom, appearance, great deeds.

Soon the prophecy began to come true, the girl gave birth to a boy and in line with an ancient tradition received the name of Pythiad. The baby is called Pythagoras in honor of the priestess Apollo Pythia. Father of the future mathematics tried to fulfill the divine legend in all sorts of ways. Happy Menarh erects Altar Apollon, and the child surrounds care and love.

Pytagora bust

Some sources also say that two more boys were brought up in the family - the older brothers of the Greek philosopher: Euneste and Tirren.

Pythagora's father was a master in processing gold stones, in the family attended wealth. As a child, the boy showed curiosity to various sciences, was distinguished by unusual abilities.

The first teacher of the future philosopher became the Hermodamant. He taught Pythagora the basics of music, technology of pictorial art, reading, rhetoric, grammar. To help Pythagora develop a memory, the teacher forced to read the "Odyssey" and "oriada" of Homer and to memorize the songs from the poems.

Statue of Pythagora

A few years later, a 18-year-old guy with a ready-made luggage of Knowledge went to Egypt to continue their education among wise priests, but in those years it was difficult to get there: it was closed for the Greeks. Then Pythagor temporarily stopped on the island of Lesbos and here he studied at Ferkida Syri Physics, dialectics, theogonia, astrology, medicine.

On the island of Pythagoras lived for several years, and then went to Millet - the city in which the famous Falez lived, noted in history as the founder of the first philosophical school in Greece.

Pythagoras on the fresco of Raphael

Miretskaya school allowed Pythagora to acquire knowledge, but, following the Councils of Falez, the young man goes to Egypt to continue the path of education.

Here Pythagoras get acquainted with priests, visits the Egyptian temples, closed for foreign people, is attached to their secrets and traditions, and soon he gets San Priests. Studying in the cultural and developed city made Pythagora the most educated person of those times.

Further, the life of the famous mathematics radically changes after the beginning of the Persian war. Pythagoras is captured and for several years he lives in Babylon.

Mystic and return home

Vintage legends claim that in Babylon, a talented philosopher and divine beauty man (confirmation of this - a photo of mathematics made on the basis of paintings of the ancient artists, sculptures) met with Persian magicians. Pythagoras joined the study of mystical events, learned the wisdom and features of astronomy, arithmetic, medicine of the eastern peoples.

Haldey tied supernatural views to the emergence of these sciences, and this approach was reflected in the subsequent sounds of the knowledge of Pythagora in the field of mathematics and philosophy.

Babylonian captivity

12 years after the forced stay of Pythagora in Babylon, the Persian king, who already heard about the famous Greek exercises. Pythagoras returns to his homeland, where it begins to attach their own people to the knowledge gained.

The philosopher quickly won wide popularity among the inhabitants. Even women who were forbidden to attend mass meetings came to listen to his speeches. At one of these events, Pythaur got acquainted with the future wife.

Sage Pytagor.

A person with a high level of knowledge had to work as a teacher with people of low morality. It became for the people by the personification of purity, a certain deity. Pythagoras owned by the methods of Egyptian priests, he could clean the soul of listeners, filled their minds with knowledge.

The sage performed mainly on the streets, in the temples, but after began to teach everyone in his own home. This is a special learning system, characterized complexity. The probationary period for students was 3-5 years. The listeners were forbidden to speak during the lessons, ask questions that the modesty and patience trained in them.


A skillful speaker and a wise teacher taught people to different sciences: medicine, political activities, music, mathematics, etc. From the School of Pythagore, they subsequently reached the famous figures, historians, government officials, astronomers, researchers.

Pythagorean triangle today is called Pythagore's theorem

The weighty contribution was made by Pythagores in geometry. Today, the name of the popular ancient figure is known on the basis of the study of the famous Pythagora theorem in schools through mathematical tasks. This is how the formula looks like to solve some tasks of Pythagora: A2 + B2 = C2. In this case, A and B are the length of the cathettes, and C is the length of the hypotenuse of the rectangular triangle.

At the same time, there is also the reverse Pythagora theorem developed by other no less competent mathematicians, but today there are only 367 evidence of the Pythagora theorem in science, which indicates its fundamental meaning for geometry as a whole.

Table Pythagora

Another invention of the great Greek scientist was the "Table of Pythagora". Nowada, it is customary to be called a multiplication table, according to which students of the philosopher school studies were trained.

An interesting find of the period of past years was the mathematical dependence of the vibrating string lira to their length in the musical execution. This approach can be safely applied to other tools.


Persistently paid a philosopher's numbers, trying to know their nature, meaning of things and phenomena. He tied the numerical properties to life categories of Being: humanity, death, illness, suffering, etc.

It is the Pythagoreans who divided the numbers to even and odd. Something important (justice and equality) for life on the planet saw Pythagoras in the square of the number. The nine characterized constancy, the number of eight is death.

The even numbers were assigned to the female sex, odd - male representation, and the symbol of marriage in the followers of the teachings of Pythagora spoke five (3 + 2).

Pythagora squares

Thanks to the knowledge of Pythagora, people and today have the opportunity to find out the level of compatibility with their future half, take a look at the curtain of the future. To do this, you can use the numerological system of Pythagorean square. "Game" with certain numbers (date, day, month of birth) will make it possible to build a chart, according to which the picture of the fate of a person is clearly visible.

The followers of Pythagora believed that the numbers could increasingly affect the world around the world. The main thing is to understand their chain value. There are positive and bad numbers, such as thirteen or seventeen. Numerology, like science, is not recognized as official, it is considered a system of beliefs and knowledge, but not more.

Philosophical doctrine

The teachings of the philosophy of Pythagora should be divided into two parts:

  1. Scientific approach of world knowledge.
  2. Religiousness and mysticism.

Not all the works of Pythagora managed to save. The great master and the sage did not record anything, but basically engaged in oral training of those who want to know the subtleties of one or another science. Information on the knowledge of the philosopher was transferred to the consequence of his followers - Pythagoreans.

Philosophical School Pythagora

It is known that Pythagoras was a religious innovator, created a secret society, preached Akukomatic provisions. He forbade his disciples to eat animal origin, and especially the heart, which is primarily a symbol of life. It was not allowed to concern the beans according to the legend derived from the blood of Dionysus-Zagrey. Pythagoras condemned the use of alcohol, foul language and other ignorant behavior.

The philosopher believed that a person could save and free his soul through physical and moral cleansing. His teachings can be compared with the ancient Vedic knowledge, based on the quantitative resettlement of the soul from heaven into the body of an animal or man until it deserves the right to return to God to Heaven.

Great Scientist Pytagor

Pythagoras did not impose his philosophy to ordinary people who tried only to comprehend the basics of the exact sciences. His special exercises were intended for truly "enlightened", selected personalities.

Personal life

Returning from the Babylonian captivity to his homeland in Greece, Pythahor met an unusual beauty to the girl named Fean, who secretly attended his meetings. The ancient philosopher was then already in adulthood (56-60 years). Lovers got married, in marriage they had two children: a boy and a girl (names are unknown).

Pythagoras and his wife Fean

Some historical sources claim that Fean was a daughter of Brontin - a philosopher, a friend and a student of Pythagora.


Pythagorea School was located in the Greek Colony of Croton (South Italy). A democratic uprising occurred here, with the result that Pythagoras was forced to leave the place. He went to the metapont, but military clashes got to this town.

School Pythagora

The famous philosopher had many enemies that do not share his principles of life. There are three versions of the death of Pythagora. According to the first, the killer was the man who once refused to teach the secret occult techniques in teaching the Mathematics. Staying in the feelings of hatred, rejected up the structure of the Academy of Pythagora, and the philosopher died, saving students.

Monument to Pythagora

The second legend states that in a burning house, a scientist's adherents created a bridge from their own bodies, wanting to save their teacher. And died Pythagoras from the rupture of the heart, underestimate its efforts in the development of mankind.

A common version of the sages of the sages is considered to be his death under random circumstances during the skirmish in the metapont. At the time of the death of Pythagora was 80-90 years.

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