Minerva (goddess) - photos, pictures, legends, mythology, goddess of wisdom and war


Character History

Minerva is one of the most important goddesses of ancient Rome, which is part of the Capitol Triad. The prototype of the patroness of artisans, actors, teachers and doctors became more ancient Menrva, which after the Hellenization of the Roman religion was identified with Athena.

History of character creation

Cult roots take their beginning in the I millennium BC. NS. In the civilization of the Etruscans. The mythology of this people has a lot in common with ancient Greek legends, nevertheless retained and unique features.

Among the main gods of Etruscans, TIN was listed (corresponds to Jupiter), Uni (Junon) and Menrva (Athena Pallada). There are hypotheses that the image of menprova was borrowed from the myths of the southern Pitz, which in 290 BC. NS. were finally conquered by the Romans.

The functions of the goddess were in the defense of cities, as well as in the patronage of the patient. Subsequently, such a characteristic was adopted by Roman Cans. But the permanent attribute of the Etruscan character in the form of an immortality vessel remained unclaimed.

In the third century BC NS. The heroine began to identify with the Greek Athena Palladya, having taken the functions of the Goddess of War and Wisdom from it. As the state develops among its spheres of influence, music, literature, visual arts, were designated. After separating the population to the urban and rural, artisans and farmers began to worship.

According to legends, there was difficult to build a house without approval. It was treated for artists, looking for inspiration. The list of virtues also included the help of women in labor and sick.

Image and biography of Minerva

In honor of the three main gods - Minerva, Juno and Jupiter - the ancient Romans built the Capitol Temple in the 509th century BC. NS. It envisaged individual sanctors for each character of the triad. However, soon an unknown attacker set up a palace.

After reconstruction in the center of the roof, they put the sculpture of Jupiter, and his daughter was placed on the right of him.

The legend of the origin of the goddess of wisdom and war also has many common features with the history of Athens. Once, the thumb started to hurt the head. Supreme Covenant called for Askletpia, the best healer. But even the generally accepted genius of medicine could not help him get rid of unbearable pain.

Heavily tormented, Jupiter decided the question is radically. He turned to the volcano and asked the Son to cut his head. Volcano did not remain anything but to fulfill the request of the father. The girl jumped out of the split head.

Correspondence, according to legends, appeared in the armor, holding a sharp spear and shield in their hands. So it began to depict artists and sculptors - a beautiful young Verine in military equipment and with a weapon.

Next to the image of this mythological character in the paintings were placed snakes and owls. These creatures symbolized wisdom, which clearly demonstrated one of the main characteristics of the heroine. Olive tree was located on the images next to the goddess.

Being a daughter of Jupiter, the clarifier gave him advice on hostilities. In particularly difficult times, the girl defended the harmlessly suffering. According to the ideas of ancient Romans, it was not prone to bloodshed. Often it was opposed to Mars, although she did not feed fear of battles and tried to protect civilians from military time.

After the victories, the rich gifts were brought to their patroness. So, Lucius Emily Paul after the conquest of Macedonia part of the mined burned, thanking to the most miner. Its example followed other military leaders. They believed that without the favor of the daughter of Jupiter about the positive outcome of the battle, you can not think.

And in the myths, and in the art of the goddess appeared to an attractive girl, which, despite the huge number of rehabils, retained chastity. The ancient Romans believed that this was manifested by the true wisdom of the character.

In one of the myths, the young Virgin esproals God Mars. He asked for assistance from Anna moved. Ultimately, a day meeting was appointed. In the evening, a woman went into the dress and fate in the chambers of Mars, but Anna herself was hiding behind the veil. A fooled god of war was overwhelmed by his reaction to the deception of Venus and Minerva over this scene.

Another legend is associated with Gorgon Jellyfish. When that was still a young special, Neptune was spanned at her. Saved from encroachment, Virgo came to the temple to Minerway. However, instead of defending, she turned it into a terrible monster with snakes instead of hair. Such behavior of a fair goddess may have been due to the fact that the death fell to oppose the will of celers.

Similarly, the heroine of the legend did both with the Tires, who saw her nude with a lacquer. The mythological character from the pur was blinded, but instead made him a good man. When Arachna, in his canvase, demonstrated the connection between sins and gods, Minerva punished her, turning weaves to spider.

In honor of the patroness of doctors, artists, poets and military in the period from March 19 to March 23, Quincland took place in ancient Rome. Big celebrations captured everyone who read and worshiped the goddess. On the day of its alleged birth - March 19 - baked cakes with butter and honey.

The gladiatorial battles arranged on other days, thereby noting the role of the daughter of Jupiter in the military affairs of the Empire. Craftsmen, teachers, knitters participated in the holiday. According to the tradition, these days the disciples thanked their mentors for science.

Minerva in Culture

The first images of this mythological character began to appear on coins - dupondy and trimes. In Nerone, the image of a clarifier coins on the reverse with other gods.

Minerva, according to the tradition, was in a long tunic, helmet and with a spear or shield in hand. Next to her were placed olive branch. After the fall of the Roman Empire, its image reappeared on the coins with a par value of 100 lire.

In the culture of Russia, the image of the goddess used on commemorative medals, which were issued in honor of the victory in the War with the Swedes. The patroness of military cases was identified with the Great Empress - Catherine I and Elizabeth Petrovna.

Did not bypass the cult of ancient Roman protector and other countries. In France, Great Britain, Belgium, Poland is present on banknotes.

In the era of the revival, the artists took the story of the descriptions of the ancient myths as the basis of the plots. At the same time, there were no special differences between Minerway and Athenian Stallad in the visual arts. Despite this, the first one had seen the purpose of battles in establishing justice and protect the disadvantaged, and did not do everything for the sake of bloody victories.

Paolo Veronese, the Italian painter, demonstrated this thought in the picture "Minerva drives Mars away from the world and prosperity." The goddess with one hand covers civilians, and the other holds at the distance of bloodthirsty Mars.

The idea of ​​the celebration of the mind and wisdom over the vices was based on the work of Bartolomeus Spranger "Minerva wins ignorance." The daughter of Jupiter in the helmet and with a spear standing in scientists.

Evaluating the ancient Relief goddess of Etruscan origin is not definitely. She is proud and handy, capable of cruelty due to disobedience. However, in most cases, seeks to act rightly, and sincerely worries for mortals.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the ancient Roman patronage of military affairs borrowed a heroine from Harry Potter - Professor McGonagall.
  • In honor of this mythological character, a triple asteroid was named in the main belt found in 1867.
  • One of the versions, the peak lady in a playing deck depicts a militant goddess.


  • I century - "Fasts"
  • 1927 - "Diana. Venus. Minerva"
  • 1987 - "Social foundations of the religion of ancient Rome"

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