Makosh (mock) - image, goddess, Slavic mythology, sign, attributes


Character History

Makosh (mock) is a mysterious goddess, revered by Slavs in pre-Christian times. The patron of spinning and weaving commanded human destinies, which put it in one row with such majestic gods as Perun, Veles and Svarog.

History of character creation

The meaning of the Slavic heroine was the subject of studying researchers of paganism. According to one of the versions, it is formed from the Greek word Mokos, which is translated as "spinning".

With such a hypothesis directly connected to the purpose of the goddess, because she was considered a patronage of female crafts. A long-time girl since childhood studied this art, regardless of the position - and the peasant, and the princely daughters. Therefore, Makosh (emphasis on the first syllable) has become the most revered character in the pagan pantheon.

Decent attention and other version of the origin of the name. Some researchers conduct an analogy with the word "mock." And here there is a subtle relationship between the patrone's way and such concepts as "rain" and "harvest". Thanks to this theory, the title of Makosh is confirmed - the goddess of the Earth.

Finally, the third version considers the name as the connection of the two roots - "Ma" and "Kos". The first basis is interpreted as "mother", the second part corresponds to the concepts of "fate" and "lot". Slavs in connection with such a hypothesis there was an opinion on Makoshi as a heroine, from which the life path of every person depends. However, the word "Kos" in antiquity called barns and yield baskets.

The combination of these factors explains the popularity of the cult. Makosh in Slavs was considered not only the goddess of fertility. She entered the pantheon of the most revered mythological characters, symbolizing the feminine. And also - predetermined the fate of humanity. It is not surprising that her sculpture was placed by Prince Vladimir in Kiev Kyiv.

However, this heroine not only was honored, but also caused righteous fear. For example, in the work of "Word on Idolas", it was often compared with ancient Greek hakat, which was famous for the witchcraft and the ability to witchcraft. One way or another, they tried to quarrel with Makasya, rewarding honors and following her covenants.

With the adoption of Christianity, paganism in one form or another continued to exist in the form of echoes. For example, Lada-Rozhanitsa is compared with the Virgin, pointing to the similarity in the characteristics.

And in the form of Mary Magdalene, the effect of the pagan heroine is traced. Despite the female embodiment, the patroness of the weaving is present male features - courage, strength, stamina. Magdaline also acted as the only student of Jesus Christ, who did not renounce him even during the execution.

According to a number of researchers, the features of the patroness of women's crafts switched to Saint Paraskeva-Friday. The Christian heroine was considered "Babiy Holy", because she came to the rescue mothers and young girls.

Machine image and biography

The mysterious goddess of fate holds life threads in her hands. Not in vain in ancient times was a saying - "It will be how the makoba tied." In some sources, the heroine appears his wife Veles, although there are no reliable information about such a relationship.

As well as information about the origin of the character. But in certain legends, their native daughters appear - share and no longer. According to Slavic mythology, the mother sends one of them to people depending on the level of righteousness.

Makos is calm and judgment. She knows everything about the past and the future, so other gods came to consult a patronage. In the pagan times, the glory of the assistant, they turned to over to overcome the misfortune and call good share. However, the heroine intervened in the life of a person only if it was not harmful to others.

The most famous character sign is Rodovik. This charm symbolized the relationship, the relationship of fate. Women and men worked on him. It was believed that Amulet developed intuition, and also helped to make a decision affecting fate.

Among the attributes of the Slavic goddess in the images there were spindle and thread. In painting used the reception of white and dark items with a meaning binding to life strips.

Women made demands (offerings). Among them was a combed flax, shirt and towels. There was a rite called "Mokrids". On a certain day, the girl brought the sacrifice - threw a loose to the well and yarn. It was believed that this contributes to the welfare of a family rich in crop and good proportion.

Happy West of this Slavic heroine, Friday was pronounced. The schedule was conducted, according to which she had special attention to 12 Fridays a year - one in every month.

The patronage of destinies was associated with magic. People believed that she helps to strengthen the ability to sober. Rituals passed using symbols - spindle and embroidery. Her name was pronouncing when knots were knitted. Mothers turned to a good and bright goddess if the child slept restlessly. Sometimes even put in the cradle of the strainer.

And today there is a popular fortune telling on the runes with the appeal to Makoshi. Also take into account the influence of its companions - the one that brings death (Mary), and alive, giving life.

Mankos in culture

During the flourishing of the cult of patron satellite-weaves made sculptures. The materials for the idol performed the "female" tree - for example, birch or pine. At the same time, the goddess was depicted by a woman who kept recognizable attributes in her hands - spine, spinning line, etc. It was believed that with their help the Slavic heroine hinds human destinies.

Often the image of the Divine straight was used in embroidery. Its image was placed in the center of the canvas, and the sun, birds, figures of snakeholders were present nearby.

Today, the legacy of Makoshi is also not forgotten. For example, among the echoes of the cult allocate the laws that the heroine translated the human race. Here there are covenants not to envy, not be afraid of defeats, not justify. Unlike the Lada, the Divine Tkachkha did not experience love to everyone on Earth. And with ease, dismissed from those who were not worthy of good part.

Magic rituals associated with macoshy received popularity. Women ask the patroness of family happiness. Disadvantaged - about the best destiny. Poor - about positive financial changes.

Olga Boyanova issued a book where the ritual description was designed to perform intimate desires. Old manuscripts contain preserved evidence of the beliefs of ancestors, quotes from ancient prayers, which are becoming increasingly distributed today.

Interesting Facts

  • According to some scientists, the name of the capital of Russia is associated with the name of the Slavic patroness of women's crafts.
  • Insects were considered insects. If a bee flew into the house or spiderman appeared, it meant good news. And the murder of these creations threatened the anger of the Supreme Goddess.
  • Day of Makoshi was recognized on October 26th. At the same time they brought the demands and threw embroidered fabrics, yarn and threads into the well.
  • According to the ancient beliefs on Friday, it was forbidden to do the needlework. Otherwise, a terrible woman came to the violater, felt with needles, and killed.


"You fuck your underwhelch, but you did not fall, did not break the dream of happiness and did not wave on her hand - they say, the curve will take out," so I will help you. " The fat man is lazy. "" Do not reject the help of friends and do not get closhable in your no-atmosphere. "


  • 2012 - "Heritage of Goddess Makos"


  • 1995 - "Tale about the goddess Makosh"

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