Vladimir Dal - biography, photo, explanatory dictionary, proverbs



Vladimir Ivanovich Dal appeared in Lugansk 10 (22) November 1801. In those days, the current city of Lugansk was called the village of Lugansk Plant. The future lexicographer, the ethnographer, the writer and the military doctor was born in an intelligent highly educated family.

Vladimir Ivanovich's father was Johann Christian Dahl, a rubbed out suits from Denmark. In 1799, he accepted Russian citizenship, and at the same time more familiar to Russian people name Ivan Matveyevich Dalya. He was an incredibly gifted linguist and spoke perfectly in Russian, French, English, Hebrew, Greek, as well as in Latin and Yiddish. In addition, Ivan Matveyevich possessed extensive knowledge of medicine and was an excellent theologian.

Vladimir Dal in his youth

Mother Vladimir Dalya became Maria Christform, Freitag, on which the famous linguist and the healer married St. Petersburg. Mary Mary Dal has been engaged in Russian literature, translated into Russian Labor Labor Ifflanda and Geesner and, moreover, was one of the descendants of the French Huguenot de Malia. Mary's father was a college astrastor, and, in fact, it was he who forced the future son-in-law to get high-quality medical education, since philology was considered insufficient in order to feed the family.

Vladimir Dal in youth

In the family of Ivan and Mary Dal, in addition to Vladimir, the sons of Pavel, Karl and Leo, and the daughter of Alexander and Powlin were also born. When Vladimir was about four years old, the whole family went to Nikolaev. There, Ivan Matveyevich Dal, being the eldesthest in the Black Sea Fleet, heard the nobility and was able to send his children to study at the St. Petersburg Sea Cadet Corps at the expense of the state treasury.


In early childhood years, Vladimir Dal received home learning. Like all the children in the ethname couple, he early addressed to reading and carried the love of a printed word through his whole life. When the boy was 13.5 years old, he was given to study at the St. Petersburg Sea Cadet Corps, from which he came out by Michman. In 1819-1825, Vladimir Ivanovich served on the Black and Baltic seas.

Vladimir Dal in youth

It was then that he began to use his literary talent, and a very provocative way. Michmana was arrested on suspicion that he composed of sharp imaginary epigrams about the connection of the Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet with a Jewish Lay Stalin. For the most part, precisely because of this, Vladimir Dalya from Nikolaev transferred to Kronstadt.

In 1826, a young writer entered the medical faculty of the Derpt University. At the same time, with finance, a newly well-known student was very tight, and he began to work out, giving the lessons of the Russian language. While studying, a young man had to improve his knowledge in Latin and even master philosophy. However, he had to receive the status of a graduate doctor already in other conditions: because of the war with the Turks, began in 1828, the distance passed the final exams ahead of schedule.

Wartime and civil service

Throughout the war of 1828-1829 and the subsequent Polish campaign, held in 1831, Vladimir Ivanovich was worked hard at the front as a military doctor. He saved the wounded, conducted brilliant operations in difficult conditions of field hospitals, and at times he himself participated in battles.

At this time, the distance continued to write various sketches, articles, some of which became the basis for published later books.

Vladimir Dal in Military Service

In 1832, the work of Vladimir Dalya "Russian fairy tales was published. Heels first. " Fairy tales were written in a simple, understandable every language and were the first serious book of Vladimir Ivanovich. But, alas, because of the denunciation on Dahl, the work was considered unreliable, and the whole of the unasveloped circulation was destroyed. The author himself was arrested and almost betrayed the court, but the intercession of the poet Zhukovsky was saved.

In 1833, the writer received a post of an official of special instructions working at the military governor (Petrovsky V.A.) in Orenburg. Dale managed a lot to travel through the southern Urals and collect many unique folklore materials, which he subsequently laid the form of a number of his works. Including, using this data, the writer subsequently created and published the "natural history of the Orenburg Territory".

Acquaintance with Pushkin

With Pushkin Vladimir Dal, he wanted to acquaint all the same Zhukovsky, but the writer decided to introduce himself to the poet himself, presented as a gift one of the few "surviving" copies of the "Russian fairy tales" as a gift. The gift fell to the famous poet, and as a response present, Dahl received a handwritten fairy tale "On the Pop and his employee of his Bald", and even with the author's annual signature.

Vladimir Dal and Alexander Pushkin

Subsequently, Vladimir Ivanovich accompanied the poet at his journey to Pugachev's places located in the Orenburg Territory. As a sign of appreciation for the pleasant company Pushkin in 1835 he sent his friend a gift copy of the "History of Pugacheva" published by his friend.

Vladimir Dal and Vasily Zhukovsky

Subsequently, the distance was present at the death of Pushkin Dantez on a duel and participated in attempts to cure the poet from the wound received. As a last gift, a dying friend gave Vladimir Ivanovich his talisman - golden ring with emerald.


From 1841 to 1849, Dal lived in St. Petersburg, working as secretary of Perovsky L. A., and then the head of his special office. At this time, Vladimir Ivanovich wrote a number of "physiological essays," amounted to several interesting textbooks on zoology and botany, published a number of articles and leads.

Daly for a long time was interested in proverbs, sayings, folklore motifs, legends. When the writer lived in St. Petersburg, the correspondents sent him such samples of folk creativity from different parts of the country, but still the writer felt that he had lack of direct contact with the people.

Vladimir Dal.

Therefore, in 1849, Vladimir Ivanovich moved to Nizhny Novgorod, where about ten years worked as a control unit. During this period, he completed his many years of work aimed at studying domestic proverbs. At the same time, the writer joined confrontation with many of his contemporaries, saying against the training of peasants by diploma, as she, according to Vladimir, she would not bring people to good without proper mental and moral education.

Explanatory Dictionary of Living Great Russian Language

In 1859, Vladimir Ivanovich's resigned, Dal settled in Moscow and took up the publication of his long-playing work. In the 1860s, the works of "Proverbs of the Russian People" and "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian" were published. The last work is widely used to this day. The writer died in 1872, aged 70 years. He was devoted to the land at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Personal life

In 1883, Dal married his first spouse - Yulia Andre. Children were born in the family: Son Leo and daughter Julia. Unfortunately, the wife died before Vladimir Ivanovich, and in 1840 he married again: on Catherine Sokolova. She presented the spouse of three daughters: Maria, Olga and Catherine.

Vladimir Dal and his wife

Lev Dal subsequently became famous as a talented architect and researcher of domestic wooden architecture. According to his projects in Nizhny Novgorod, the Church of Saints Clamps and Damian and the New Star Limarion Cathedral were erected.

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