Anton Brookner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Music



Anton Brookner is an Austrian composer of the 19th century, whose creative legacy make up symphonies and motes. Critics characterize the works of the author as a composition with harmonious transitions and polyphony polyphony. The name of Bruckner is known today not to all fans of classical music, but he influenced the subsequent generation of composers and musicians, including Gustav Malener.

Childhood and youth

Anton Bruckner was born on September 4, 1824 in Ansfelden. The son of the peasant teacher since childhood was pleased with the music and received the first lessons from his parent. At 6 years old, Anton was given to school. It is curious that the boy, being a student, helped his father in pedagogical activity and explained to classmates unclear them nuances.

Anton Brookner in youth

In 1833, Anton was transferred to school in Hershing, where he studied under the beginning of Johann Baptist Weissa. He turned out to be a big fan of music, as well as a talented organist and contributed to the development of the creative challenges of the ward.

The first works of the boy created at 10 years old. "Vier Präludien in Es-Dur Für Orgel" was designed for execution on the body. During this period, the father of Anton fell ill, and the young man had to go home. After the death of the parent in 1837, he entered in training in the chapel of singers in the monastery of St. Florian.

The guy studied a game of violin, organ and piano. For some time I received an education in Linz, and then I began to work as a teacher's assistant in a rustic school. Brookner also did not hurt ordinary rural works and performed at the local ever dance.

The musician continued to learn the game on the organ and fasted the theory of the composition. Since 1845, he taught music and worked as an organist in the monastery. Then Brookner moved to Linz, where he continued the work of the organist in the local cathedral. By this period of time, the completion of training to the composer craft. The guy begins to travel, visits Vienna, where he gets acquainted with Richard Wagner, Ferenz List and Hector Berlioz.


Popularity came to the Brookneru not immediately. The creative biography of the author is full of interesting events preceding the growth of popularity. Since 1845, he dreamed of building an organist career. From 1861 to 1863, studying the work of Wagner, continued to replenish knowledge reserves and studied until 40 years. Glory and recognition overtook him only to 60 years.

Portrait of Anton Bruckner

In the 1868th, Simon Zehter died, the teacher who has learned Anton Bruckner. He was offered to take the position of the teacher on the theory of music in the Vienna Conservatory and made the court organist. The composer moved to Vienna. From now on, he devoted himself to the composition of the symphony. Critics were not considered solid and saw in the works of the author, the lack of meaning.

Anton Bruckner wrote Mass. The works of large format composer considered unavailable for himself, since he gave his own talent. He was strict to his own creativity, so a long time wrote short essays. At the same time, Bruckner became more and more popular as a court organist and organ improviser.

The musician was realized as a composer only in 1884, thanks to Arthur Nikishu, when the conductor fulfilled the seventh symphony. About Brookner spoke. He played the organ at the funeral of the sheet.

The creativity of the composer was not rated abroad, but in Austria his music found hot fans. Glory, who came to Brookneru, was dyed by the fact that he often sick in her old age. Recently, the author worked on the creation of the ninth symphony. Upon retirement, the composer lived in an apartment in the Belvedere Palace, who was kindly granted to him by the emperor Franz Joseph.

Monument Anton Brookneruer

The creative heritage of Anton Brookner is 11 symphony, 3 masses, string quintet, the work of "those deum", as well as the plays for the organ and choir. From among his creations, the fourth and seventh symphonies were used with special love of the public, and subsequently the third, eighth and ninth were demanded. The latter were associated with the works of Beethoven.

When the publishers released the collection of composer's writings, its work was divided into periods. Among them, the first 4 symphonies were given to the early stage. Works written before the sixth symphony were a central stage, during which pantheist optimism was viewed in the creations of the author. The seventh, eighth and ninth differ in that they have features of previously created scores, but they have more extended and unhurried development.

The style of Anton Brookner had a great influence of the musical heritage of the baroque period. In it, as in the writings of the composer, antifons were present in the form of music channels of votes and tools. The author perfectly knew the characteristics of the keyboard, and the simphonism of his works was rooted in the tradition of the works of Beethoven, Schubert, Wagner and Haydna. The bases of the large format compositions of the composer served a four-part form, consonant with the symphones of sheet and Berlioz, but the scale of its works are more ambitious and supplemented with the use of copper brass instruments.

The disadvantage of the composer's work was their monograph. Mannerism and the blurry of forms contributed to the appearance of critical reviews and did not give the opportunity to assess the works of dignity.

Anton Bruckner in recent years

An interesting fact is that after the death of the composer, collections with anecdical stories about him were released. Bruckner was a very naive person with some mental features that developed on the basis of criticism of his works.

In his diaries, he described the read prayers. The "Those DEUM" score was addressed to God. Catholic believed in Divine Providence and was fond of mysticism, which was also reflected in his work.

Personal life

As well as professional implementation, personal life was for Anton Bruckner a difficult question. The composer possessed specific preferences for the fair sex representatives. He was attracted by young young ladies.

Several times the musician made an offer to marriage to teenage girls, but received a refusal. Among the potential brides were even a daughter of a close friend. Brookner fell in love and in a unlucky peasant of 17 years old, but she did not become a composer's wife. The man is corned in the eyelid alone and did not get kids and family.

The passion for young girls was provoked by the fear of the composer before sin. The musician was convinced that by choosing a teenager in his wife, will be confident in the virginity of the spouse. He did not change their own belief until the last days of life. Young girls attracted his attention, even when the famous organist turned 70 years. The only time the Brookner almost changed the status of a bachelor, was overshadowed by the refusal of chosen in the adoption of Catholicism.


Anton Bruckner died at the age of 72 in 1896 in Vienna. The cause of death was quite natural for his age. The man opposed the traditional burial, so the body was concerned and buried near his beloved organ in the crypt of the Church of St. Florian.

Sarcophag Anton Bruckner

After the collers' death, in 1989, the Linz established a fund, which for 25 years sponsored the festivals of Bruckner's music. They were held every 2 years. In 1932, the University of Music, Drama and Dance in Linz was named after the famous composer.

Musical works

  • 1849 - Requiem.
  • 1863 - Symphony No. 00 F Minor
  • 1866 - Symphony number 1 to Minor
  • 1869 - Symphony Si-Bf Major
  • 1872 - Symphony No. 2 to Minor
  • 1873 - Symphony number 3 re minor
  • 1874 - Symphony No. 4 Mi-B Flat Major
  • 1876 ​​- Symphony number 5 Si-B Flat Major
  • 1881 - Symphony number 6 in a major
  • 1883 - Symphony No. 7 Mi Major
  • 1884 - TE DEUM
  • 1887 - Symphony number 8 to Minor
  • 1896 - Symphony number 9 re minor

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