Ways to overcome jealousy husband: method, conflict, reason, psychologists, what to do


The first signs of jealousy Woman notes after the end of the candy-bought period. The beloved suddenly starts to control each step and provoke on the scandal. Psychologists are confident that the cause of such behavior is more likely to be uncertainty or negative life experience. Ways to overcome the jealousy of the husband - in the material 24cm.

1. Be modest

Unreasonable jealousy is the lot of pathological jealies. These guys with hot can block firewood. And if they noticed an outbreak of aggression or anger behind the spouse, then it is necessary to worry about your own security and go with your husband to consult a psychotherapist. Perhaps this condition lies a serious disorder.

And if the husband is a decent person, and only jealousy of flaws? Analyze your behavior. Perhaps the habit of koxes with the opposite sex remained after the wedding.

The reason for jealousy may be a careless statement about the charm of colleagues or appearance, screaming about sexuality. It will provoke a conflict and lack of frankness between partners. If the wife does not consider it necessary to share the plans on the day and returns home over midnight, it can serve as a reason for the scandal.

To protect your spouse from experiences, try together to summarize the day. Do not forget to call more often, tell about what you plan to do. Do not heal in the husband "Fire of Love" by the praise to other men. If you are not ready to part with the neckline and mini, then select the wardrobe together. Then the husband will be able to express his wishes.

2. Praise

The man also requires words of approval. Do not forget to thank and praise the beloved for the work on home and success in your career. Very often remind of love and devotion. The way to overcome the jealousy of the husband will be a compliments to a partner in the presence of outsiders. If not yet cleared the "superconductors", it is not forgiven slightly embelling the successed successes. This will not only increase the self-esteem "Othello", but also will save from timidity.

3. Come up with Hobbies

What to do if the jealousness in life is missing "pepperns"? Watch over the preferences of the spouse and give impressions.

Is it sick for "ours" in sports? Inspire on a campaign to the gym, and give a subscription as a reinforcement. And if your beloved does not tear off the TV channels with fishing, then it's time to give spinning and send to relax on nature. "Men's" fun distracted from painful suspicions and will give a feeling of superiority.

4. Do not justify

Unreasonable attacks of the spouse cause a desire to boost in response. Aggression, like an excuse, welfare in the family will not be returned. The desire to defend or justify the jealousness to the additional suspicion. In such a situation, there will be a response offense and the oncoming question "Do you doubt me?".

Do not allow "Othello" from the state of equilibrium and necessarily engage the methods of self-control. And when passions are squeezed, discuss the situation and agree on the rules of behavior.

5. Show care

Popular ways to overcome the jealousy of her husband urge to translate the conversation in the direction of the response jealousy and fall asleep their spouse about the details of the day. Husband offends such distrust, and then he will be ready for a dialogue. However, provocation should be used by self confident ladies.

But to draw the spouse with satisfying dinner and snacks with apocrodisak products for every woman. Attention to the mood and male care is better than words, the dedication of the ladies of the heart will emphasize.

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