Mikhail Vedernikov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Mikhail Yuryevich Vednikov - an experienced politician and the manager, in 2017, by decree of the president, the plenipotential position in the Caucasus on the chair of the Governor of the Pskov region. At first, Verdnikov became Virio, changing Andrei Turchak as Andrei Turchaka, then, on September 9, 2018, won the elections and the prefix of the Virio officially removed.

Childhood and youth

Personal life Mikhail Yuryevich is in no hurry to make public the public, therefore a little known facts about his childhood. Misha Vedernikov was born on March 7, 1975 in the beautiful city of Leningrad region - Vyborg. Parents were ordinary people, the dad of the future policy worked at the enterprise of freight transport. In 1979, Nikolai's younger brother was born.

Mikhail Vedernikov

But Grandma and grandfather at Vedernikov - owners of difficult biographies, like any people who survived the Great Patriotic War. Grandfather Fascist Echelon was taken to Germany, but in the way he managed to run, join the partisans, survive and go through the whole war. Grandma, during the war, the former little girl, survived the blockade of Leningrad with her horrors.

As a child, Mikhail, as many children of the 70s, dreamed of becoming a cosmonaut and loved to read. But mathematics was given to a schoolboy to Vedernika with difficulty. Having finished 10-Elevka, Mikhail Yuryevich entered the North-West Management Institute. A certificate of higher education in the specialty "State and Municipal Management" was received in 1998.

Career and politics

Mikhail Vedernikov's political path began shortly after release from the Institute. In 2000, the young man took the place of deputy of "youth unity" - so at the time was called the "Young Guard of United Russia".

Politician Mikhail Vedernikov

Within 4 years, from 2001 to 2005, Mikhail Yuryevich was a deputy of the municipal assembly in his native Vyborg district, and after - the deputy of the city council. The career did not stop at this: in 2006, the young politician received the position of Chairman of the Public Youth Chamber with the Legislative Assembly. 2007 brought the post at first, and then the first deputy head of the regional executive committee "United Russia" in the Leningrad region.

There was no buckets aside and from business: led the beauty salon "Garant", in 2003 he became a co-owner of the Travel agency "Baltic Tour". But, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, the business in 2010 had to be left - it was incompatible with the proposed work in the presidential administration.

Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Vedernikov

The first position in the new place was the post of advisor to the Department of Regional Policy. Next, Verdnikov for 4 more than a year was associated with the Caucasus: In 2012, a man was appointed head of the department for working with the regions of SCFE and YUKFO. The results of the work led to the fact that by the end of the year Mikhail Yuryevich went to an increase and became the deputy of the president's authority representative in the North Caucasus.

The profile of the work in this position in Mikhail Vedernikov had projects of working with young people and internal politics. Forum "Mashuk" is largely due to its existence of the current governor of the Pskov region. Mikhail Yuryevich achieved that the forum financially supported Rosmolodette. Such a school was useful in the practical area: in an interview with the "Business Petersburg" on September 10, 2018, the governor said that the Caucasus had taught the "reinforced concrete" to respond.

Governor of the Pskov region Mikhail Vedernikov

The beginning of 2017 presented a surprise: Vedernikov was unexpectedly appointed deputy presidential administration to the North-West of Russia. Although Mikhail's spouse is from the Kaliningrad region, such a movement was greatly surprised by colleagues. In a new place, the politician did not work and the year, when Vladimir Putin appointed him Virio Governor of the Pskov Region.

Elections September 9, 2018 were crowned for Mikhail Yuryevich Victory - a man scored 70.68% of the vote.


Life policy sooner or later leads to the fact that journalists find compromising. It was not possible to avoid the Vedernik. In 2005, Mikhail and Nikolai Vedernikov were detained by the police on charges of the abduction of Dmitry Zaigarev. According to the media, the cause of the conflict was the amount of $ 600, as well as three minibuses. The brothers allegedly dragged Raigarev to the car, taken out of the city and beaten, after which the victim appealed to law enforcement agencies.

Mikhail Vedernikov

Clears the situation of Dmitry himself, going to journalists and explaining that the situation was very inflated. Yes, there was a conflict between him and the burdens, but there was no abduction. The problem was decided, the parties were recalled and continue to be buddies.

There is, however, one nuance: "RIA-News" was told about the abduction of Dmitry Zaigarev, and the refutation in the newspaper "Legged" gave Denis. However, this may be an elementary writing error due to the similarity of the initials.

Personal life

Mikhail Yurevich is a public person, but prefers to leave a personal life away from cameras and interviews. He knows about the family of the governor that he has a wife and three children - the son and two daughters. Finding family photos of Mikhail on the Internet is difficult, and in your account in the "Instagram" politician shows predominantly snapshots associated with work. The eldest daughter of Vedernikov, according to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda - Pskov", plans to associate life with medicine, the Son wants to protect the country, and talk about the younger daughter.

Mikhail Vednikov with family

There is little free time from politics, so the Vedernikov is rare now it is possible to allocate enough time to his favorite activity - reading. He reads the governor all, but appreciates adventure literature, especially on pirated themes. The classic, however, also leaves it indifferent: Mark Twain and Jack London hit the list of favorite writers Mikhail.

In addition to reading, a man is fond of sports and tries to maintain physical form. There is no information about the availability of the Governor "Twitter".

Mikhail Vednikov Now

Mikhail Yuryevich is primarily aimed at work. Pskov region is a depressive region, and politician intends to deal with it. The main problems he sees a low level of health, poor transport development, high mortality and low birth rate.

Mikhail Vedernikov in 2018

Important items that the governor is going to work: its own profitable base, reducing the level of bureaucracy and attracting investors.

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