Jules Verne - biography, photo, personal life, books, works



UNESCO statistics claim that the books of the classics of the adventure genre, the French writer and Geographer Jules Gabriel is true in second place in terms of the number of translations after the writings of the "Detective Grandma" Agata Christie.

Jules Verne was born in 1828 in the city of Nantes, located in the mouth of Loire and in the polustener of kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean.

Jules Gabriel - the firstborn in the family of the faith. A year after his birth, the second son of Paul appeared in the family, and after 6 years, Sisters Anna, Matilda and Marie were born with a difference of 2-3 years. The head of the family is a lawyer in the second generation Pierre Verne. The ancestors of Mom Jules Verne - Celts and Scots, who moved to France in the XVIII century.

In ornament, the circle of hobbies of Jules was decided: the boy with the pupil read the fiction, giving preference to adventure stories and novels, and knew everything about ships, yachts and roofs. Jules's passion divided the younger brother Paul. Love for the sea by the boys instilled grandmader.

Jules Verne in youth

At 9 years old Jules Verne sent to a closed lyceum. After the end of the guesthouse, the head of the family insisted on the arrival of the eldest son in the legal admission. The guy did not like the jurisprudence, but he gave way to his father and passed the exams in the Paris Institute. Youth love for literature and a new passion - the theater - greatly distracted by a novice lawyer from lectures on right. Jules Verne disappeared in theatrical stoken, did not miss any premiere and began writing plays and libretto for the opera.

The father, who paid his son's studies, was angry and stopped financing Jules. The young writer found himself on the verge of poverty. Supported the novier colleague Alexander Duma. On the stage of his theater, he put a play on the 2-year-old colleague "broken straws".

Jules Verne and Alexander Duma

I liked the spectators, and Duma published a play. In those years, Jules Verne met the son of Dumas - Alexander Duma Jr. and Viktor Hugo.

To survive, the young writer worked by the secretary in the publisher and tutoring.


The new page in the creative biography of Jules Verne appeared in 1851: the 23-year-old writer wrote and published in the journal the first story "Drama in Mexico". The undertaking turned out to be successful, and the painted writer in the same vein created a dozen new adventure stories, whose heroes fall into the cycle of amazing events in different parts of the planet.

Julie Books Verna

From 1852 to 1854, Jules Verne worked in the Lyrical Theater Duma, then settled the exchange broker, but did not stop writing. From writing short stories, comedies and libretto, he moved to the creation of novels.

Success came in the early 1860s: Jules Verne conceived the writing of the Roman's cycle, united by the name "Unusual Travels". The first novel "Five Weeks in Aircraft" appeared in 1863. The work published Pierre-Jules Publisher in his "journal for education and recreation". In the same year, the novel was transferred to English.

Monument to Zhulu Vern in Nizhny Novgorod

In Russia, the romance translated from French came out in 1864 entitled "Aircraft through Africa. Designed to memorize Dr. Ferguson Julia Verne.

A year later, a second romance of the cycle appeared, called "Journey to the Center for the Earth", telling about the professor of mineralogy, who found an old manuscript of Icelandic alchemist. In the encrypted document, it is told how to get into the earth's core through the course in the volcano. Sci-fi fabul works of Jules Verne is based on a hypothesis not fully rejected in the 19th century that the earth is hollow.

In 1865, Jules Verne published two novels of the cycle - "Travel and Adventures of Captain Gatteras" and "From the Earth on the Moon".

Illustration to the book of Jules Verne

The first novel tells about the expedition to the North Pole. During the years of writing, the pole was not discovered and the writer represented it with a valid volcano, located in the center of the sea. In the second work, the first "lunar" human journey is also made a number of predictions. The fiction writer describes the devices that allowed his heroes to breathe in space. The principle of their action is the same as in modern devices: air purification.

Two more predictions embodied in life - the use of aluminum in the aerospace field and the place of the cosmodrome prototype ("cannon club"). According to the writer, the car-projectile, from which heroes went to the moon, is located in Florida.

Monument Captain Nemo

In 1867, Jules Verne presented fans of the Roman "Children of Captain Grant", was twice with the Soviet Union. The first time in 1936 by the director Vladimir Weinshtok, the second - in 1986 by Stanislav Govorukhin.

"Children of Captain Grant" is the first part of the trilogy. After 3 years, the novel "Twenty thousand Lei under water" was published and in 1874 - "Mysterious Island", Roman-Robinsonada. In the first work, the history of Captain Nemo, plunged into the aqueous puchins on the Nautilus submarine. The idea of ​​Roman Julia will be prompted by the writer Georges Sand, a fan of his creativity. The novel was based on eight films, one of them - "Captain Nemo" - shot in the USSR.

Illustration to the book of Jules Verne

In 1869, before writing two parts of the trilogy, Jules Verne issued a continuation of the science fiction novel "From the Earth to the Moon" - "Around the Moon", whose heroes are all the same two Americans and a Frenchman.

The adventure novel "Around the World for 80 days" Jules Verne presented in 1872. His heroes, Briton-Aristocrat Fogg and an enterprising and seamless servant Paspartu, so liked the readers that the story about the journey of the heroes is shielded three times and there are five cartoon serials in Australia, Poland, Spain and Japan. In the Soviet Union, the cartoon produced by Australia director Laif Graham, the premiere of which took place during the school winter holidays in 1981.

In 1878, Jules Verne presented the story of the "Fifteen-year-old Captain" about the younger sailor of Dick Sande, who had the command of whose whaling vessel, whose team was killed in a fight with whale.

In the Soviet Union on the novel, two films were removed: in 1945, a black and white picture of the director Vasily Zhuravleva "Fifteen-year-old captain" and in 1986 "Captain Piligrim" "Andrei Prachenko, in which Lion Durov starred, Albert Philosov and Leonid Yarmolnik.

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In the late novels of Jules, the fans of creativity saw a treat fear of the writer before the rapid progress of science and warning from the use of discoveries in the inhuman purposes. This is the novel of 1869 "Flag of Motherland" and two novel written in the early 1900s: "The Lord of the World" and "Unusual Adventures of the Expedition of the Barsaka". The last work was adding to the son of Jules Verne - Michel Verne.

The late novels of the French writer are less known than early and written in the 60-70s. Jules Verne inspired on the works not in the silence of the office, but on travels. On the yacht "Saint-Michel" (the three vessels of the novelist called) he walked along the Mediterranean Sea, visited Lisbon, England and Scandinavia. On the steamer "Greit-Eastern" made a transatlantic cruise to America.

Monument to Julia Vern in Vigo, Spain

In 1884, Jules Verne visited the Mediterranean countries. This journey is the last in the life of the French writer.

The novelist wrote 66 novels, more than 20 stories and 30 plays. After his death, relatives, viewing the archives, found many manuscripts that Jules Verne planned to use in writing future works. Roman "Paris in the twentieth century" readers saw in 1994.

Personal life

His future spouse - Onorina de Vian - Jules Verne met in the spring of 1856 in Amiens at a friend's wedding. There were no obstacles to the flashing feelings from the old marriage (the first husband de Wian died).

Jules Verne with his wife

In January of the next year, lovers got married. Onorina with children moved to Paris, where he settled and worked by Jules Verne. After 4 years, the Son Michel was born at the pair. The boy appeared when the Father on Saint-Michel traveled through the Mediterranean Sea.

Jules Verne with Son Michel

Michel Jean Pierre Verne in 1912 created a film company, on the basis of which the five fathe novels were shielded.

The grandson of the novelist - Jean-Jules Verne - in the 1970s published a monograph about the famous grandfather, which was written by 40 years. In the Soviet Union, it appeared in 1978.


Twentyly recent years of life Jules Verne lived in an amute house where the novels dictated to the novels. In the spring of 1886, the writer wounded in the leg of a mentally ill neglence - the son of the field is true. About travel I had to forget. Sugar diabetes was connected to the injection and in the past two years - blindness.

The grave of Jules Verna

Jules Verne died in March 1905. In the archive, 20 thousand notebooks were left in the archive, in which he recorded information from all branches of science.

The monument was established on the tomb of the novelist, which says: "To immortality and eternal youth."

Interesting Facts

  • At 11 years old, Jules Verne hired on the Yunga ship and almost escaped to India.
  • In the novel "Paris in the twentieth century" Jules Verne predicted the appearance of fax, video communication, electric chair and television. But the publisher returned to return the manuscript, calling the "idiot".
  • The Roman "Paris in the twentieth century" readers saw thanks to the great-grandfather of Jules Verne - Zhana will return. Half century, the work was considered a family myth, but Jean - Opera tenor - found a manuscript in the family archive.
  • In the novel "The Unusual Adventures of the Barsaka Expedition" Jules Verne predicted a variable thrust vector in airplanes.
Jules Verna
  • In "Found from the deceased" Zingtia ", the writer justified the need for the northernmost sea route for one navigation.
  • Jules Verne did not predict the appearance of a submarine - in his time she already existed. But Nautilus, managed by Captain Nemo, exceeded even the submarines of the XXI century.
  • Prosper was mistaken, counting the core of the earth is cold.
  • In nine novels, Jules Verne described the events that unfold in Russia, never visiting the country.

Quotes Verna

  • "He knew that in life it would be involved in life, as they say, they say between people, and since the friction slows down the movement, he held away from all the way."
  • "Better tiger on the plain than a snake in high grass."
  • "It's not true, because if I have not a single drawback, I will become an ordinary person!".
  • "This Englishman never jokes when it comes to such a serious thing as betting."
  • "The smell is a flower soul."
  • "New Zealanders eat people only in fried or smoked. They are good people and big gourmets. "
  • "The need is the best teacher in all cases of life."
  • "The smaller the amenities, the less needs, and the fewer needs, the happier of the person."


  • 1863 "Five weeks in a balloon"
  • 1864 "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
  • 1865 "Travel and Adventures of Captain Gatteras"
  • 1867 "Children of Captain Grant. Traveling across the world"
  • 1869 "Around the Moon"
  • 1869 "Twenty thousand League under water"
  • 1872 "Around the world for eighty days"
  • 1874 "Mysterious Island"
  • 1878 "Fifteen-year-old captain"
  • 1885 "Found from the deceased" Zingtia "
  • 1892 "Castle in the Carpathians"
  • 1904 "The Lord of the World"
  • 1909 "Jonathan shipwreck

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