Ivan Bunin - biography, photos, personal life, books and poems



The first Russian Nobel laureate Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is called the jeweleir of the word, a prose-painter, the genius of Russian literature and the brightest representative of the Silver Age. Literary critics agree that in the Buninsky works there is relatives with the pictures of Viktor Vasnetsov, and on the globility of the stories and the story of Ivan Alekseevich similar to Mikhail Vrubel's canvas.

Childhood and youth

Contemporaries Ivan Bunin argue that the "breed", congenital aristocracy felt in the writer. There is nothing to be surprised: Ivan Alekseevich is a representative of the ancient nobleman, which goes out by roots in the XV century. The family coat of coat of bunins is included in the gerbank of the noble childbirth of the Russian Empire. Among the ancestors of the writer is the founder of romanticism, the writer ballad and the poems of Vasily Zhukovsky.

Portrait of Ivan Bunin

Ivan Alekseevich was born in October 1870 in Voronezh, in the family of poor nobleman and a small official Alexei Bunin, married to Lyudmila Chubarova's cousin, a woman with meek, but impressionable. She gave birth to her husband of nine children, from which he survived four.

Ivan Bunin in childhood

In Voronezh, the family moved 4 years before the birth of Ivan to give the formation of the eldest sons Julia and Eugene. Settled in a rented apartment on a big noble street. When Ivan was four years old, the parents returned to the generic estate of the bottle in the Oryol province. The Bunin's childhood was held on the farm.

The love of reading the boy deployed Gutener - a student of Moscow University Nikolai Romashkov. House Ivan Bunin studied languages, making focus on Latin. The first books read on their own books of the future writer - "Odyssey" of Homer and a collection of English poems.

Ivan Bunin in childhood

In the summer of 1881, the Father brought Ivan to Elets. The younger son passed the exams and entered the 1st grade of the male gymnasium. Looking Bunin liked, but it did not concern exact sciences. In a letter, the elder brother Vanya admitted that the exam in mathematics considers "the most terrible". 5 years later Ivan Bunin was expelled from the gymnasium in the middle of the school year. The 16-year-old young man came to the father's estate of the Ozerki on the Christmas holidays, and never returned to Elets. For a failure to appear in the gymnasium, the guy excluded the guy. An elder brother Julius was engaged in further formation of Ivan.


In the lakes began the creative biography of Ivan Bunin. In the estate, he continued to work on the "hobby" launched in Yelets, but the work before the reader did not come. But the poem of the young writer, written under the impression of the death of the idol - the poet of Nadon Seeds - published in the journal "Motherland".

Ivan Bunin in his youth

In the father's estate, with the help of Brother Ivan Bunin prepared for graduation exams, passed them and received a certificate of maturity.

From the autumn of 1889 to the summer of 1892, Ivan Bunin worked in the magazine "Orlovsky Bulletin," where his stories, poems and literary-critical articles were printed. In August 1892, Julius called Brother in Poltava, where Ivana arranged for the post of librarian in the provincial government.

In January 1894, the writer visited Moscow, where he met with close in the spirit of Lv Tolstoy. Like Lev Nikolayevich, Bunin criticizes the city civilization. In the stories of "Antonovskiy apples", "Epitaph" and "New Road" are guessed by nostalgic notes on the outgoing era, it is regretful of the degenerate nobility.

Ivan Bunin in youth

In 1897, Ivan Bunin issued a book "On the Edge of Light" in St. Petersburg. A year earlier translated the poem Henry Longfello "Song of Guyavate". Alkei, Saadi, Francesco Petrarca, Adam Mitskevich and George Bairon appeared in the rendering of Bunin.

In 1898, the poetic collection of Ivan Alekseevich "Open-air" was released in Moscow, the warmth of the literary critics and readers. Two years later, Bunin gave poetry lovers to the second book of poems - "List Falls", the reproach authority as the "poet of the Russian landscape". St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences In 1903, Ivan Bunin is awarded the first Pushkin Prize, followed by the second.

But in the poetic environment Ivan Bunin earned the reputation of the "old-fashioned landscape system". In the late 1890s, "fashionable" poets Valery Bryusov, who brought in Russian lyrics of the "Breath of Urban Streets", and Alexander Block with his mercury heroes. Maximilian Voloshin in the review of the Bunin collection "Poems" wrote that Ivan Alekseevich found himself aside "from the general movement", but from the point of view of painting, his poetic "canvas" reached "endpoints of perfection". Examples of perfection and commitment to the classics of criticism call the poem "I remember a long winter evening" and "Evening".

Ivan Bunin-poet does not accept symbolism and critical looks at the revolutionary events of 1905-1907, calling itself the "witness of the Great and Grass". In 1910, Ivan Alekseevich publishes the story "Village", which began the beginning "a number of works, sharply drawing a Russian soul." The continuation of the series becomes the story "Sukhodol" and the stories "power", "good life", "Prince in Princes", "Lapti".

In 1915 Ivan Bunin at the peak of popularity. Its famous stories "Mr. from San Francisco", "Grammar of love", "Easy breathing" and "Sonya Chang". In 1917, the writer leaves the revolutionary Petrograd, avoiding the "terrible proximity of the enemy." For half a year, Bunin lived in Moscow, from there in May 1918 left for Odessa, where he wrote the diary "The Okayan Days" - the fury of the revolution and the Bolshevik authorities.

Ivan Bunin in Odessa

The writer, such a violently criticizing the new power, is dangerous to remain in the country. In January 1920, Ivan Alekseevich leaves Russia. He leaves Konstantinopol, and in March it turns out in Paris. Here the collection of stories called "Mr. from San Francisco", which the audience meets enthusiastically.

Since the summer of 1923, Ivan Bunin lived at the Villa "Belvedere" in the old Grass, where Sergey Rachmaninov visited him. During these years, the stories "Elementary Love", "Figures", "Rosa Jericho" and "Mitin Love" are published.

In 1930, Ivan Alekseevich wrote a story "The Shadow of Birds" and completed the most significant work created in emigration, - Roman "Life Arsenyev". Description of the experiencing of the hero was withered sad by the sadness of the past Russia, "in our eyes in our eyes in such a magical short term."

Apartment Ivan Bunin in Paris

In the late 1930s, Ivan Bunin moved to the Villa "Jeannet", where he lived during the Second World War. The writer worried about the fate of the Motherland and happily met the news about the slightest victory of Soviet troops. Bunin lived in poverty. About his difficult position wrote:

"I was rich - now, by the will of the destitute, suddenly became a strain ... It was famous for the whole world - now I don't need anyone in the world ... I really want to go home!"

The villa has dilapidated: the heating system did not function, there were interruptions with electric and water supply. Ivan Alekseevich told his friends about the "cave solid hunger" in the letters. To get at least a small amount, Bunin asked a friend who left in America on any conditions to publish the collection "Dark Alleys". The book in Russian circulation of 600 copies was published in 1943, for her the writer received $ 300. The collection entered the story "Clean Monday". The last masterpiece Ivan Bunina is the "night" poem - came out in 1952.

Proser's creativity researchers noticed that his stories and cinematographic stories. For the first time on the screening of works of Ivan Bunin, a Hollywood producer spoke, who expressed the desire to replace the film according to the story of Mr. San Francisco. But the case ended with a conversation.

Ivan Bunin

In the early 1960s, Russian directors drew attention to the work of the compatriot. The short film on the story of Mitina Love removed Vasily Pichul. In 1989, the painting "Incompret Spring" was released on the screens for the same name Bunin.

In 2000, a film-biography "Diary of his wife" directed by Alexey Teacher, in which the history of relationships in the family of Prosaik is told.

Resonance caused the premiere of the Drama "Sunflow" Nikita Mikhalkov in 2014. The tape was based on the story of the same name and the book "The Okayan Days".

Nobel Prize

For the first time Ivan Bunin nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1922. The laureate of the Nobel Prize Romen Rolland was harvested. But then the prize was given to the Irish poet William Yetsu.

In the 1930s, Russian emigrant writers were connected to the process, their troubles crowned victory: In November 1933, the Swedish Academy presented to Ivan Bunin award in literature. In appeal to the laureate, it was said that he earned a reward for "recreation in prose of a typical Russian character."

Honoring the awarding of Ivan Bunin Nobel Prize

715 thousand francs Prize Ivan Bunin walked quickly. Half in the first months distributed to those who need everyone who turned to him for help. Even before receiving the award, the writer admitted that he received 2000 letters asking for money.

3 years after the delivery of the Nobel Prize, Ivan Bunin plunged into the usual poverty. Until the end of his life, he did not have his own home. Best Bunin described the state of affairs in a short poem "The bird has a nest", where there are rows:

The beast has a nora, the bird has a nest.

How the heart beats, sore and loudly,

When you enter, peeling, in someone else's hired house

With his versa cotton!

Personal life

The first love is a young writer who met when he worked in the "Oryol Gazette." Barbara Paschenko - High Beauty in Pensna - appeared to the Bunin too arrogant and emancipated. But soon he found an interesting interlocutor in the girl. Roman broke out, but the father of Barbara was poor young man with foggy prospects did not like. Couple lived without wedding. In his memoirs, Ivan Bunin calls Barbaru - "the unbelled wife."

Ivan Bunin and Varvara Pashchenko

After moving to Poltava, there was no complicated relationship. Varvarra - a girl from a secured family - a nishchenskoe existence: she left the house, leaving the riot for a farewell note. Soon, Paschenko became the worker of the actor of the Arseny Bibikov. Ivan Bunin heavily moved the gap, the brothers feared for his life.

Ivan Bunin and Anna Tsakny

In 1898, Ivan Alekseevich became acquainted with Anna Zakney in Odessa. She became the first official wife of Bunin. In the same year a wedding took place. But together, the spouses lived for a long time: broke out two years later. The only Son of the writer was born in marriage - Nikolai, but in 1905 the boy died of Scarlantine. There were no more children at Bunin.

The love of the life of Ivan Bunin is the third wife Vera Muromtsev, with whom he met in Moscow, on a literary party in November 1906. Muromtseva is a graduate of higher female courses, chemistry was fond of chemistry and spent three languages ​​freely. But from the literary bohemian faith was far away.

Ivan Bunin with his wife faith

Newlyweds were married in emigration, in 1922: the Tsakni 15 years did not give a bunner divorce. Chafer at the wedding was Alexander Kuprin. The spouses lived together to the very death of the Bunin, although their life is cloudless you will not call. In 1926, rumors about a strange love triangle appeared in the emigrant environment: the young writer Galina Kuznetsova lived in Ivan's house and faith, to which Ivan Bunin Putal was not friendly feelings.

Ivan Bunin and Galina Kuznetsova

Kuznetsov call the latest love writer. At the villa of Bunin's spouses, she lived for 10 years. The tragedy Ivan Alekseevich survived when he learned about the passion of Galina to the sister of Philosopher Fyodor Stewna - Margarita. Kuznetsova left the house of Bunin and went to Margo, which was the cause of a protracted depression of the writer. Ivan Alekseevich's friends wrote that Bunin at that time was on the verge of madness and despair. He worked for a day, trying to forget his beloved.

After parting with Kuznetsova Ivan Bunin wrote 38 novel, included in the collection "Dark Alleys".


At the end of the 1940s, the doctors were diagnosed at the Bunin emphiza of the lungs. At the insistence of Medikov, Ivan Alekseevich went to the resort in the south of France. But the state of health has not improved. In 1947, the 79-year-old Ivan Bunin made the last time in favor of the audience of writers.

Poverty forced to ask for help from the Russian emigrant Andrei Sadykh. He overturned the sick colleague retirement from the American philanthropes Frank Atra. Until the end of the life of Bunin, Ashran paid 10 thousand francs to the writer monthly.

Ivan Bunin in recent years

In the late autumn of 1953, the state of health Ivan Bunin worsened. He did not rise from bed. Shortly before the death, the writer asked his wife to read the letters of Chekhov.

On November 8, the Doctor stated the death of Ivan Alekseevich. Its reason was the heart asthma and the sclerosis of the lungs. I buried the Nobel laureate at the Cemetery of Saint-Geneva de Boua, the place where the hundreds of Russian emigrants were also found.


  • "Antonovsky apples"
  • "Village"
  • "Sukhodol"
  • "Easy breath"
  • "Dream Changa"
  • "Lapty"
  • "Grammar of Love"
  • "Mitina Love"
  • "The appearance days"
  • "Sunstroke"
  • "Caucasus"
  • "Dark alleys"
  • "Cold autumn"
  • "Numbers"
  • "Clean Monday"

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