Max Weber - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Sociology, Theory



Max Weber is one of those figures that are officially considered the founders of serious sociological science (along with Karl Marx and Emil Durkheim). However, the views and scientific works influenced the number of other public sciences, and many of the concepts of leadership and management (the so-called "ideal types of domination", that is, the authorities) still remain relevant in the political sphere.

Childhood and youth

Maximilian Karl Emil Weber (such a full name of the sociologist) was born on April 21, 1964 in the German city of Erfurt. The boy became the eldest son in the family, after him, six more children were born (on other information - eight, but two died in infancy).

Father Maximilian Weber held a state post, and also consisted in the National Liberal Party. Thanks to this, the Weber's House often gathered prominent political figures, scientists, representatives of local authorities.

Sociologist Max Weber

The boy grew up in the atmosphere of political discussions, various opinions and intelligent disputes on the most varying issues, which could not but affect the formation of his own views on the world. Once, being a teenager, Maximilian prepared his parents an unusual Christmas gift - independently written historical essays.

But the traditional classes with the teachers left Maximilian indifferent: the boy was bored in class, and he sometimes frankly ignored the tasks of teachers, shifting the latter in just anger. But already in adolescence, Max Weber read the father's library, having acquainted with the classical and scientific German literature, as well as books of world classics.

Max Weber in childhood

Over time, Maximilian relations with their parents were smashed. According to the young men, the Father is overlooking the earthly pleasures that Weber seemed landed. Mother, on the contrary, adhered to the ideas of Calvinism (the founder of which theologians became Jean Calvin) and sought complete ascetic.

In 1882, Maximilian Weber entered Heidelberg University, choosing to learn jurisprudence. Few later young people were transferred to Berlin University. The first years, as Max Weber admitted, he did not neglect the cheerful student gatherings with beer, and was also fond of fencing.

Max Weber

However, this did not bother to successes in their studies, and soon the young man even began to work as a lawyer assistant, gaining practical experience. In 1886, Weber endured the exam that allowed the young man to work independently.

Three years later, Max Weber became a doctor of law, defending his thesis. After that, Weber continued to learn international law and prepare another dissertation for consideration by the Scientific Council. Parallel Maximilian received a teacher's place in Berlin University. Also, the young man gave advice on legal issues.

Science and Sociology

In addition to the jurisprudence, Max Weber was also interested in sociology, or rather social policy. The scientist even joined the "Union of Social Policy", where with like-minded people I studied his moments.

The main ideas of members of the Society were based on the main principle: in their opinion, economic science should be considered as a tool that allows us to solve social problems in the society of the current era. At the same time, Weber came across politics, joining the Left Centerrist Party.

Portrait of Max Weber

In 1984, Max Weber moved to Freiburg, where he began to teach the economy at the university. In parallel, the scientist gathered around himself the intellectuals of that time, forming the so-called "Circle Weber", which included, perhaps, the most interesting persons of the time: Mark Block, Robert Michels, Werner Zombart and others.

Max Weber continued to study the economy and the history of the right in the context of sociology and social theories. At about the time, the concept of understanding sociology proposed by Weber appeared.

Sociologist Max Weber

In 1897, Max Weber had seriously quarreled with his father, and two months later he died, and not reconciled with his son. This grief seriously influenced Max Weber's psyche, the scientist fell into depression, began to suffer because of insomnia and constant nervous tension. Weber stopped teaching and spent several months in the sanatorium, and then went to Italy for two years, from which he returned only in the spring of 1902.

It is noteworthy that the scientist described in detail his fears, disorders and initiated deviations in a mental state, but his spouse destroyed these records, having been afraid that they could cause the rest of her husband.

Books Max Weber

In 1903, Max Weber recovered from the shock caused by the death of his father, and returned to scientific work, but teaching preferred the post of assistant editor in the scientific journal. A year later, Weber published his key work in the same edition, called the "Protestant ethics and spirit of capitalism", dedicated to the interaction of culture and religion, as well as their influence on the formation of the economic system.

The activities of the Social Policy Union disappointed the scientist, and in 1909, Max Weber came out of this organization and, together with George Zimmelev, Werner Zombart, Rudolph Goldshid founded his own "German Sociological Association", becoming its first treasurer and ideological inspirer.

Max Weber

Three years later, Weber left this organization, trying to organize his own political party. The idea of ​​Max Weber became the association of liberals and social democrats, but this undertaking turned into a failure.

At the very beginning of the First World War Max Weber went to the front volunteer, where he organized field hospitals and army hospitals. Front days changed the views of the scientist at the expansion of Germany. If initially Weber supported the Kaiser policy, then some time later became one of her jar critics.

Last photo of Max Weber

Max Weber also advocated the democratization of the political system in Germany, the introduction of universal election law and constitutional reforms, in particular, the introduction of the presidency of the presidency in opposition to the existing bureaucracy. Weber also put forward his own candidate for parliamentary elections, but did not gain the necessary number of votes in support.

In 1919, Max Weber, disappointed in politics, returned to teaching. The last lectures of the scientist later were collected under the covers of books "Science as a vocation and profession" and "Politics as a vocation and profession". However, not all the looks of Weber were met with approval: some of his views on the current policy, the legitimacy of power, as well as the events of the November revolution, were collected under the windows of a scientist demonstration of the right.

Personal life

Max Weber was married. The wife of the scientist became a distant relative named Marianna Schnitger. The woman shared the interest of the spouse to science and herself seriously studied sociology, the theory of social actions and even engaged in the protection of women's rights.

Max Weber and his wife Marianna

It is noteworthy that many rumors went about the personal life of Max Weber: they rummed that the spouses retain cleanliness and do not touch each other, and relationships are built solely on respect and the common interests. There were no children in this marriage.


Max Weber's earth biography ended on June 14, 1920.

Majila Max Weber

The scientist picked up the "Spaniard" - the strongest flu, which was complicated by pneumonia. From the last Weber and died.


  • 1889 - "History of commercial partnerships in the Middle Ages"
  • 1891 - "Agricultural history of Rome and its impact on public and private law"
  • 1892 - "The Position of Agricultural Labor in East Germany"
  • 1895 - "National State and Economic Policy"
  • 1920-1921 - "Collected Works on the Sociology of Religion"
  • 1921 - "Rational and Sociological Basics of Music"
  • 1924 - "General Economic Story"
  • 1925 - "Economy and Society"
  • 1956 - "Sociology of the State"

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