Siluan Athos - photo, biography, cause of death, reverend, old man, live book



Siluan Athos monk, ranked by the Orthodox Church to the Saints Family. During his life, a man studied the Word of God, reflected on the issues of faith and taught others how to clean the soul and come to true faith. Today, the name of the monk is known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the Rev. Siluan is filled with bright events. Saint was born on September 25, 1866 in the village of Shawn Tambov province. The worldly name that the child received at birth is Semyon Ivanovich Antonov. Boy's parents are simple peasants, raising the son of wisely, in faith and cleanliness. From the early years, Semen began to be interested in faith issues, read a lot.

Having a lot of power and endurance, the young man helped his father in artel. At the same time, Semen did not cease to dream of serving God. When the guy was 19 years old, he shared him with his thoughts by his thoughts. The young people had admission to Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Father did not oppose the desire of the Son, but said that at first the guy must pass military service. So Semyon moved to St. Petersburg and began service in the spernal battalion.


Commissioning, thereby fulfilling the obligation to the parent, the young man arrived at Athos in 1892. Here Semen began to serve in Russian Panteleimmon monastery. By tradition, a new resident of the monastery was placed in a secluded Clay for several days to reflect on earthly affairs, over the mistakes that managed to do in peace.

In 1896 he accepted a break to Schima. Men who took such a rite were given a vowiness of a particularly strict, ascetic existence in the monastery. After taking the monk, obedience was held on a mill located in Kalamara Moch. In 1911, having acquired the name of the Siluan, the former peasant was appointed monastic economy.

Holy was distinguished by the zealous ministry to God. Most of the free time, a man spent in prayers, reflections on the acts of God. At night, the silon fell asleep for 15-20 minutes, then indulged in prayers. Although the monk was a bed, he preferred to fall asleep, sitting on a chair.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the man began to write small notes, in which she shared his thoughts about God, told what difficulties had to overcome on the way to true faith. In 1952, the notes about the life and understanding of the monk were published by Archimandrite Sofronim in the book "Old Man Siluan." Among the representatives of the Orthodox Church, these works were called "New Dobryolovoy".

In notes, the silicon paid a lot of attention to the first time of ministry in the monastery. Then the young monk appealed to Jesus in prayer for help in testing and pardon. Saint tried to lead a ascetic lifestyle, she ate little, said little, limited himself in movements. Much time spent by monk on prayers.

Nevertheless, according to the confessions of the Siluan itself, he was often tempting demons who were in the cell. Vision delivered a monk a lot of experiences, gave birth to a constant struggle in the shower. But, despite difficulties and temptations, the minister of the monastery was able to endure in the trials of faith. In the teachings, the Rev. spoke about the importance of repentance, especially during the period of passionate week.

In addition, there is information on issues such as the beauty of the world, the temple worship, the search for God, the love of enemies, the path of church, the distinguishing of good and evil and others. From the well-known icons that captured the saint face, two can be distinguished. The first was created by the Russian icon painter L. Uspensky in the late 50s of the 20th century. Another icon is written by Archimandrite Sofronim specifically for the canonization ceremony of the Reverend Elder.


The elder died on September 11, 1938 for the Julian calendar (September 24 in Gregorian). The exact causes of the monk death are not installed.

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In 1987, Constantinople Patriarchate committed the canonization of Siluan Athos. The monk was ranked sainted. On the day of the memory of the Holy Akathists read in his honor. In 2016, in the homeland of Rev. Siluan Athos, in the village of Sowovsky, began the reconstruction of the structure where the monk was held. On Athos, to the grave of the saint, pilgrims come every year.


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