Is it worth being frank in social networks: photo in instagram, posts, addiction, reasons


The Internet, which received explosive distribution in recent decades, serves as not only entertaining and working platform. Thanks to continuing to appear social networks, it is also a tool for communication. In social networks it is possible to find classmates listed by fate to another end of geography; Find new acquaintances who could not meet in offline due to distances between countries and continents; Even fall in love or to appear in a completely different person who does not have anything in common with the real prototype.

About the variety of posts

When the Internet and social networks are used for working purposes, the intended set of possible posts is understood. This, with some probability, will be an advertising information. Or perhaps the answers to the questions of customers and buyers who want to clarify something about the upcoming transaction. But when it comes to using social networks for personal purposes, then the possible list of publications is unpredictable.

Life Points: Is it worth being frank in social networks?

Alone is photographed and laid out in "Instagram" food, other own selfings, are third in VC or "classmates" about the first love or the last unsuccessful relationships, share the impressions of visiting the Rock Festival or participate in debates to all sorts of topics from politics to beer varieties - Spaciousness for fantasy is unlimited.

About addiction

But why people are disclosed in a similar way, why, for example, lay out our own photos in "Instagram", if it breaks off a personal space, "exposing" individual elements of life, which may see hundreds and thousands of people - is not better to keep these photos for personal use, not to share with the Internet community? The situation here is simple: as already mentioned above, the Internet is an opportunity to realize yourself in the form in which a person wants to be seen. People in a similar way seek to demonstrate their own wealth, status, or even just show that they are all good.

Probably, it was often possible to see photos of people in expensive cars. Moreover, sometimes it becomes clear that a specific character with this car is not connected - only a photo to paint. Therefore, the girls lay out the disturbing selfie in the "instagram" - so that the rest see that life is boiling, without having to die for a moment: here in the club, here in the restaurant, here on the beach of a foreign expensive resort or driving the S-class machine. Life at the bottom to make the rest believe that the concrete lady everything has happened.

Life Points: Is it worth being frank in social networks?

Another side of the desire to share their own photos with the surrounding becomes likes - the number of these social network "advantages" under a separate post or a new posted photo determines the psycho-emotional background for the next night. I liked it, put 100 likes - it means that the day was set.

This is the main reason why young boys and girls laid out a photo in "Instagram" or post notes on the facebouching wall - get a third-party approval, additionally melting themselves: they might have achieved something, won, how many likes people braided. A certain way of depending on the opinions of the surrounding, generated, as a rule, frank inconsistency of the pressing: here, on the web he is a smart, handsome and found, his publications are attaching someone else's attention - perhaps the picture corresponds to the offline position of affairs, but, as practice shows, everything It happens exactly the opposite.

Why openness is harmful

Open access to personal life is dangerous for several reasons, regardless of how the showing is true - in the network, no one will understand where the truth, where a lie, without having sufficient grounds:


It is easy to force a person to envy, and the behavior of the latter at the same time can undergo changes, and therefore it is difficult to imagine what the reaction will be: maybe in shape in a personal or under the photo, and maybe it's too worse.


In the network, people rarely follow what they write without holding back in emotions and expressions. Meanwhile, the reaction to the insanity in humans is very different. What is able to lead to an unbelievable consequences, if the offender does not follow the privacy of personal life - can be tritely found and "talk" offline.

Life Points: Is it worth being frank in social networks?


Too candid photos of girls, as, however, are not distinguished by an excessive sexual subtext, are able to cause persecution by specific "fans". Especially if the coordinates of the "victims" will be known to "Stalker" due to negligence from the part of the fascinated instagram.


Under this category it is worth allowing everyone else: starting with extortionists, fraudsters, blackmail and ending with kidneperes - a demonstration of financial well-being, an existing or virtual, is able to attract the attention of the "shark" of the criminal world.

Psycho-emotional background, or why not "dive" in a virtual

Not the most terrible, but an important aspect - no one will like it to be "lured mud", figuratively expressing. Therefore, it is not necessary to deepen into the virtual space, it's up with it with the real world, so as not to respond too sharply at the next post under its own statement or photo.

How to solve a problem

So you should lay out in "Instagram" and other social networks, and what posts are better not to publish? Borders, within which a person is ready to share his own personal life, each individual establishes independently. However, to recommendations on what posts to lay out in "Instagram", VC or other social social platforms, and which is not, it is worth listening, the benefit here is only 2 points "for" and "against":

  1. Information on personal life, income, intimate sphere, addresses, bank details should be kept with them, eliminating the opportunity to study outsiders.
  2. With the rest, from family recipes to their own drawings, you can familiarize others.
Life Points: Is it worth being frank in social networks?

It is much more important to identify the border for which in terms of own online accessibility is not worth it. For what it is worth learn to fight with addiction from "Instagram" and other social networks, which is not so difficult - it is only necessary to find a more suitable and fascinating activity than waiting likes and reposts. Let the latter and play an important role in the network community, but do not turn them into an end in itself. Realizing yourself, a person ceases to wait for the assessment for the sake of evaluation, because it begins to believe in itself, and not the virtual something that has created on the network.

When wishing estimates ok

If a person, for example, lays out his own drawing, a musical composition or a book for universal review, then for him the natural will wait for the assessment - this is the result of labor. From the perception of readers depends on the further fate of the project. It is possible that this interest will be able to monetize, turning virtual "thumbs" in tangible paper with a nonzero face value.

Life Points: Is it worth being frank in social networks?

But when a person, by sending a photo of his own job in "Instagram", is waiting for the assessment of other visitors to the web page, without hoping to make money, but only for self-satisfaction - it is already out of the framework of adequate and normal. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately deal with the limits permissible for yourself, then and avoid genuine "exposure" and leakage representing the danger of information in unreliable hands will be easier.

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