Leopold von Zahero Masoch - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Writer



Leopold von Zaher-Masoch - Austrian writer, famous for works with frank scenes. The plot of the writings of the author is tied to the subordination of the men's heroes with excellent ladies, gaining pleasure from beatings applied by mistresses. The writer's texts subsequently became the subject of studies of the psychiatrist and neurologist Richard Background Kraft Abing. A scientist based on the material studied brought the new term "masochism", which is actively used in psychiatry. Ebing believed that the writer himself was predisposed to the physical deviations described by them.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born on January 18, 1836 in the city of Lemberg (currently Lviv, Ukraine). By nationality, Austrian, sefardian roots are found in the pedigree. His parents lived in the Catholic faith. Father Leopold von Zaher held the post of police chief. Mother who originated from the genus of Masochov, gave birth to a senior son 8 years after the wedding.

The child was painful, the parents were seriously afraid that hersal could lose. To rectify the situation, the boy was given to the cormalce, living in a small town near Lemberg. Leopold not only corrected health, but also replenished the stories by the stories of this Ukrainian peasant. Many years later, the writer escaped the heard stories into the texts of their own novel.

At 9 years later, a bright event occurred in the life of the boy, which, according to literary crop, influenced the further biography and the specifics of the creativity of the Chere Masoch. This is already an adult writer reports in the book "Memories of childhood and reflections on the novel." At that time in the house of the parents of the future the author of the spicy novels, the Countess of Xenobia, which comes to the relative of Leopold Senior. The woman was distinguished by sophisticated beauty and was famous for cruelty.

Especially the boy admired in a decanter the passion for the fuses that the lady constantly wore. Once, the young Leopold played his hide and sisters and hid in the bedroom of aunt. Soon, the Countess returned to the room with her lover. A few moments in the rest appeared a furious husband with two buddies. A angry woman thrown with his fists on the spouse, forcing the removal of the unwanted guest.

Seeing this, the lover was retraced, and the little Leopold gave her presence. Countess grabbed the nephew for the hair and continued to remove the anger on the boy. The writer noted in the book that the tears were ready to be sprinkled from the eyes, and at the same time under blows he felt "a kind of pleasure." But on this events, struck him, did not end. Husband returned to the Ksenobia room, kneeling with the pursuit of for forgiveness. The countess pushed his spouse with his knee.

According to the memories of Zakher-Mazoha, this minute in front of him was revealed "the proximity of cruelty and passion, a natural female of the floors." The scene seen in the bedroom has influenced not only on the special preferences of Leopold in intimate life, but also on the relationship of a man to the ladies. The writer believed that a woman needs to be at the same time to love and hate.

Leopold turned 12 when parents moved together with her son to Prague. In the capital of the Czech Republic, the teenager was trained by the German language, where he wrote the works in the future. Already then, he was fascinated by the web, portraying the scenes of executions, and the elected literary genre was the life of martyrs.

After school, Zaero Masoch studied at the universities of Prague and Graz. In the walls of these institutions, the young man studied jurisprudence, mathematics and other disciplines. In 19 years, the writer received a doctoral degree, and after invited to work in the post of Privat-Association to the University of Graz.

Personal life

Austrian was fond of nature, often started novels. One of the bright hobbies in the writer's personal life was the widowing Baroness Fanny von Pistor. The relationship between Leopold and this lady was regulated by the contract drawn up before the commencement. The document was prescribed by the duties of each party.

So, the writer pledged to fulfill whims and orders of a woman, Fanny should not have interfere in the work of the Master. In addition, the lady should have often worn fur, especially at the moments of anger, aimed at Leopold. Relationships, according to the document, lasted six months.

Leopold background Zahero Masoch and Fanny Pistor

Later, Leopold entered the frank correspondence with the Avruori Background Ryumelin. Letters of the ladies were given to understand that she adheres to similar to the writer of views on an intimate life. After some time, Aurora became the author's wife. The spouse of Zakher-Mazoha also tried his strength on a literary field, signing the creations by the pseudonym Wanda von Dunaev (the name of the heroine of the story of Leopold "Venus in Furs").

Aurora gave birth to her husband three sons, the first of which died in a year old. The marriage turned out to be short-lived. The wife of the writer was selfish, eager for money, loving secular entertainment.

Soon because of her spending the family was on the verge of poverty. Leopold was forced to move away from fiction, began writing boulevard erotic stories. Despite the efforts of her husband, Aurora left him. Zakher-Masoch remained without livelihood. The governess of children became salvation for a man who married him and made a comfort and harmony in family life.


The debut essay of the writer became the novel "One Galician History. Year 1846, "published in 1858. From this point on, Leopold begins to produce annually on the book, creating works of different genres. The author's bibliography includes historical novels, fechens, drama. The popularity of the writer was made by the writings of the erotic direction. Most of them trace the facts from the biography of Zaher Masoha.

Among the frank works, the novel "Venus in Furs" occupies a special place. The main character of the narrative Severin dreams of a beautiful lady, which would make him feel his slave, would help to humiliate in front of her.

Leopold von Zahero Masoch and wife Aurora von Ryumelin (Wanda von Dunaev)

After going to the resort in the Carpathians, the character meets with a bright and charming wandow von Dunaev. The lady to the philosophical teachings of antiquity glorifying sensuality, and also denies prejudices associated with traditional Christian marriage.

Osseliev, Severin offers a new acquaintance to become a member of his secret fantasies. Initially, Wanda refuses to offer, but later, having experienced the role of Mrs., no longer comes from this image. The book was popular, and in the XX century was repeatedly decreed. The studies of the writer's creativity converge in the opinion that the prototype of the widow von Dunaev became Fanny von Pistor.


Shortly before death, the writer settled in the village of Lindheim. There, Leopold died in March 1895. The cause of death is unknown.


  • 1858 - "One Galician History. Year 1846 "
  • 1867 - "The last king of Magyar"
  • 1870 - "Venus in Fur"
  • 1870 - "Divorced Woman"
  • 1872 - "Don Juan from Kolomyia"
  • 1874 - "Mesalinki"
  • 1876 ​​- "Galician stories"
  • 1876 ​​- "Ideals of our time"
  • 1878 - "Jewish stories"
  • 1882 - "Gaidamak"
  • 1882 - "Paradise on the Dniester"
  • 1882 - "New Jewish Stories"

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