Giuseppe Garibaldi - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, commander



The commander Giuseppe Garibaldi is the National Hero of Italy, the leader of the liberation movement in the 1860s. Views to society, politics and fate of the historic Motherland The revolutionary formulated in journalistic works.

Childhood and youth

Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in France in July 1807 in the family of the Italian shipowner and his legitimate wife. Domenico Garibaldi and Maria Rosa Nicoletta Raymondi adhered to Catholic religion and observed the traditions of the country.

As a child, the boy was preparing for admission to the spiritual seminary, but he was dreaming by journey at the Mediterranean Tartan Father. Being under the supervision of strict mentors who taught general educational items, the future revolutionary thought that the lessons would not end.

Despite the lack of traction to study, Garibaldi became interested in Dante Aligiery's creativity, Francesco Petrarki, Niccolo Makiavelli and other authors of past years. He knew about Scypion's military campaigns, Hannibal and Napoleon I, which in the distant time was interested in cultural light.

In adulthood, the Italian spoke French, English and Spanish, there is information that he tried to master Latin and ancient Greek. Considering "Ilia" and "Odyssey" of the ancient poet of Homer, Giuseppe experimented with rhymes and tried to compose poems.

In mid-1823, the son of the captain of the merchant vessel made children's desire and became a professional sailor. During the expeditions on the Mediterranean, he served until Captain, Schoonen called "Clorinda" he loved as a parental house.

Personal life

In the personal life of the Italian revolutionary there were three official spouses, the first wedding took place in 1842. With Anna Maria Di Gesus Ribeiru, he met Brazil when during the war in South America commanded the Rio-Carnation vessel.

A woman who has become a companion Garibaldi, a numerous offspring, sons have become politicians who have deserved honorary orders. Rising children, Anna participated in wars and seizure of the Roman Republic, and then, sick malaria, unexpectedly died.

In January 1860, Giuseppe married Juseppin Raymondi, but the marriage was recognized as invalid after a long 19th year. After getting rid of the spouse, the commander went to Francesca Arosino, he adopted the boy and girls before the wedding appeared on the light.

Anna-Maria's extramarital daughter, born by the mistress of Battysina Ravello before his death from Meningitis, received the surname of his father. There were other well-known women who were coating with the commander, but they did not wait for the proposals from loving widow.

Polat Polati, the relative of Marshal Marshal Murata, the British Aristocrat of Emma Roberts and the revolutionary Jesse White. European writer Ellis Melen Financely supported Garibaldi, the memoirs placed on the historical site testified.

The Countess Maria Martinique Della Torre also did not resist the appearance and character of the Italian, who was trying to unite the country. She sighed about a prominent man for a long time, but the revolutionary did not reciprocate, preferring the feelings of the war.

The portrait of Garibaldi surrounded by a numerous family, children and grandchildren captured the artist in 1878. The successors of the case of the commander from an early age are accustomed to frequent business trips and involvement in dangerous work.

A bright page in the biography of Giuseppe was membership in the Masonic bed, he was a master of the "Great East Italy" in the 1860s. His colleagues Francesco Chrisli, Ishthan Türr and Giacomo Medici entered the "refuge of virtue" - a union known in narrow circles.

Military Career and Politics

In the spring of 1833, Garibaldi joined the Society "Young Italy", he tried to organize an uprising in Genoa and brought the anger of local authorities. Under the fictional name, the young man was hiding in Tunisia, after several months of expulsion moved to Marseille.

After a couple of years, Giuseppe went to Brigger "The Maritime" in Brazil, during the war in the Republic of Rio Grandi he captured the warships. The man commanded the Flotilla of President Bratu Gonzalvis and became famous in the expanses of the independent South American land.

In mid-1842, a recognized commander with numerous supporters became a legionnaire of Uruguay, who participated in the defense of the country. After the reforms of the Pope Pia, IX Garibaldi went to Italy, believing that his outstanding abilities were more needed there.

Arriving in Nice, a man became acquainted with the philosopher Giuseppe Mazzini, as well as Carl Albert, who became the king in Sardinia. Having formed the Volunteer Corps within the framework of the national liberation movement, the revolutionary fought against the Austrians who came to Italy by the Owl Path.

The actions of the Catholic Church changed the political views of Garibaldi, he raised the uprising in Rome and proclaimed the republican system. Reflecting attacks of supporters of Pope - Ferdinand II and Nicolas Udinos - a man received the status of a revolutionary and the national hero.

In the summer of 1848, Piy IX returned to power, Giuseppe fled to the north, along the way reunited with the first wife. Spouses and volunteers found shelter on the territory of San Marino, but soon the commander with volunteers wanted to continue the battle.

After a decade, the war broke out for the union of Italy, Garibaldi became Major General in the Army of the Sardinian Islands. Commander "Alpine Hunters" Camillo Benzo di Kavur, a man destroyed hundreds of pivest invaders and irreconcilable enemies.

As a result of the campaign, Milan and Lombardy became part of the proclaimed kingdom, Giuseppe elected a member of parliament in the early 1860s. Then he became a dictator of Sicily, who did not join the state, after injured in the battle with aspromote, he was saved by the surgeon Nikolai Pirogov.

The Army Garibaldi was attempted to become the owners of Rome, speaking against the Catholic Church, the Pope of the Roman and local authorities. The activities of the commander and its contribution to the national policy subsequently rated thousands of reputable people.

For calls for the seizure of Rome Giuseppe, they refer to the island of the carper, from the link he sent a letter to former colleagues to fight. In addition, a man created publicist works containing exclusive information about the liberation war.

During the conflict of the German State with the Empire, Napoleon III Italian got freedom and joined the French troops. Fighting the legions of Otto Bismarck, the native of Nice showed courage, his merit was celebrated by people involved in the Supreme Circles.

In the early 1870s, Garibaldi worked at the National Assembly, but the lack of status of a citizen of Paris made the deputy mandate made the deputy. During the formation of the commune, he was asked to lead the army, after refusing this place there was another young candidate.


Numerous injuries and psychological load undermined Garibaldi's health, by 1876 he fell noticeably. The man has been made by financial problems with loved ones, the minister of justice and internal affairs helped them helped them.

For the adoption of the gift from the state, Juseppe was brutal criticism, but the position of the right and left parties did not affect the opinion of ordinary people. The fighting spirit of the famous Italian raised a trip to Sicily, the enthusiastic reception of local residents made a pleasant stay of days.

Death for natural reasons overtook the commander and the policy of the house, he died in the estate on Caprecher surrounded by family members. The grave on a small island in the Maddalena archipelago because of a secluded location a hundred years was in forgetting.


  • "If I do not risk himself, then just because I do not see any hope of success."
  • "The value of the grain is determined by its yield, the value of a person is the benefit that he can bring his neighbor. Born, live, eat, drink and finally die can and insect ... A person lives life useful for the masses. "
  • "In order to achieve agreement between the Italians, a good stick is needed."


  • The name of Giuseppe Garibaldi is named streets in Moscow, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Derbent.
  • Films Mario Caselini "Garibaldi" films are dedicated to the lives of the revolutionary, Alberto Delia Abbey "Thousand", Valeriu Gazhiu "Great Prisoner", Roberto Rosselini "Long live Italy", Series Paolo Poet "General Robbers", Jamie Monzhardim and Marcos Shishtman "House of Seven Women" .
  • In honor of Garibaldi, a view of Hypsypops Rubicundus agenic fish
  • In Odessa, there is a center of history and culture of Italy named after Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • Monuments of the commander installed in Nice, Bologna, Milan, Bergamo, Geke, Pisa, Padua, Mantua.
  • Portrait of Garibaldi is depicted on the brands of Italy and the USSR, on a commemorative jubilee coin the dignity of 2 euros released in the Republic of San Marino.

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