Ravil Bikbaev - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books, poems



Ravil Bikbaev is a Russian literary and public figure, the Bashkir poet. In Motherland, the writer had a great authority and held high posts at the State Assembly of the Republic.

Childhood and youth

Ravil Bikbaev was born in a small Bashkir village of Upper Cunachabai on December 12, 1938. The boy's childhood had to wage. He graduated from the seventellae, he received higher education at the time of restoration of the country after bloody battles.

From 1953 to 1956, Ravil was a student of Akbulak Pedago. Then the young man entered the Bashkir State University, where he received a specialty "philologist." In the future, Bikbaev decided to tie a biography with the study of literature and languages, so he became a graduate student of a specialized educational institution at the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Personal life

Ravil Bikbaev was married, but his family and personal life preferred not to spread. This is not accepted in accordance with the traditions of the nation, and the situation of the scientific and cultural actor did not have to talk about everyday life. The singer of the Republic of Native and the True Patriot, he devoted himself to creativity and research. On rare published photos of the author, you can see the spouses, grandson and relatives captured in the company.


Creativity fascinated the beginning of the author from the young age. In the student, he undertook the first steps to implement talent. Since 1957, Ravil print poems in newspapers and magazines. In 1962, the Agidel edition published his debut poem "Station". This work demonstrated the originality and uniqueness of the worldview of the writer. The lyricity, intertwined with philosophical judgments, was distinguished by his manner. The work station in writing is the personification of the country with a difficult fate. The main leitmotif was the description of the life of ordinary people, and the theme - the complexity of the war.

Two years later, the poetic book of Bikbaev "Steppe Dali" was published. She motivated public recognition of the talent of the poem. His potential was rated colleagues and scientific figures. Despite active employment, the writer continued to work at the Institute of History, Language and Literature. Since 1965, Ravil has been a researcher, and in 1966 successfully defended his candidate and doctoral dissertation.

Doctor of Sciences later entered the Union of Writers Bashkortostan and even was the Chairman of the Board. He was also entrusted with the responsible post of the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the country. The prolific author regularly released poetic collections and research works. Bashikira bibliography has 30 books, monographs and scientific works. Experts and critics noted the tendency of the artist to account for historical nuances and the philosophical interpretation of household realities.

Particular attention to Bikbaev paid the fate of the people, his culture and language. It was focused on the topic of the Motherland, which has repeatedly figured in patriotic writings. Problems, consonant time, the poet described in the works "Letter to my people", "thorough thirst!", "Basal ax". Full symbolism and bright images, his creations affected the feelings of the educated community and ordinary people.

By studying scientific research, Bikbaev was interested in a literary study of monuments of the past and heritage of modern authors. He made an emphasis on the coverage of the spiritual and poetic world in the composition of colleagues and predecessors. Conducting and comparative analysis, the scientist published the works describing the specifics of Bashkir lyrics and poetics. So, in 1986 he saw the light book "Time. Poet. People, "5 years later released a biographical publication dedicated to Shaikhzade Babich, and in 1997 the work was published" The word poet - the conscience of the poet. "

The beginning of the 2000s was marked for the author of the book "Year of Man". She united articles, interviews and selected writings of the writer. In them, Bikbaev described the special spirit of the renewing republic, which felt the sharper of many. He argued about the spirituality of contemporaries, covered social problems and affected the philosophical and moralistic issues.

Critical articles of Ravil Bikbayev united into collections and were produced by separate books. They were in demand in their homeland and abroad. Foreign researchers transferred writings into foreign languages, and in Russia they were adapted to Yakutsky, Altai, Chuvash and others. Bikbaev often traveled and became a bright representative of Bashkir culture in the USA, European countries, in Korea and the CIS. Inspired by trips, he published copyright notes, collected under the name "at the dawn leaving on the road." It was a sip of fresh air for national literature, since previous genre did not pay attention.

The merits of the writer and literary critic is highly appreciated by the administrative authorities. It was resorted to the organization of cultural and public events in the republic. Critical and journalistic works of the author have always found a living response from government representatives. In 1989, the culture figure presented the award to them. Salavat Yulaeva. He was the owner of numerous awards, and among the rewards on behalf of the state were also the Order of Friendship, the title of Honorary Citizen Ufa and the People's Poet.

In 2007, the writer was invited to enter the Presidential Council of the Republic, and he became a deputy of the State Assembly.


The People's Poet died in April 2019. The cause of death has become a continuous struggle with the disease. The exact diagnosis is not covered by the media. The grave of the writer is in Ufa, on the Muslim cemetery.


  • 1964 - "Steppe horizons. Poems and poem "
  • 1967 - "Milky Way. Poems and poem "
  • 1971 - "Lyrics"
  • 1976 - "Middle Life"
  • 1978 - "Singing Rocks"
  • 1979 - "Joyful News"
  • 1980 - "Poetic Chronicle of Time"
  • 1982 - "My Lights"
  • 1986 - "Time. Poet. People"
  • 1991 - "Thirst - Give Water!"
  • 1991 - "Evolution of modern Bashkir poetry"
  • 1995 - "Shaikhzada Babich: Life and Creativity"
  • 2007 - "Rami. Book about the poet "
  • 2013 - "Dastan about Bashkortostan"

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