Baron Münhhausen - biography, adventure, quotes and facts


Character History

The biography of the German Baron with a complex surname of Münhgausen is full of unprecedented adventures. The man flew to the moon, visited the stomach of the fish, escaped from Turkish Sultan. And most importantly, all this really happened. So claims the Baron Münhgausen personally. It is not surprising that the thoughts of the experienced traveler instantly turn into aphorisms.

History of creation

The author of the first stories about the adventures of Baron Münhhausen is the Baron Munchhausen himself. Few people know that the nobleman existed in reality. Karl Friedrich was born in the family of Colonel Otto von Münhgausen. At the age of 15, the young man went to military service, and after retirement, he spent evenings behind the stories of non-pieces:

"Usually he began to tell after dinner, having littered a huge foam tube with a short mouthpiece and putting a smoking glass of Punch."

The man collected in his own house of neighbors and friends, sat down in front of the flaming fireplace and played the scenes from the adventures experienced. Sometimes the Baron added small details to believable stories to interest the listeners.

Karl Friedrich Jerome Baron Background Munchhausen

Later, a couple of such non-libeles were anonymously published in the "Der Sonderling" collections ("Durak") and "Vademecum Fur Lustige Leute" ("Guide to Merry People"). Stories are signed by the initials of Munchhausen, but the man did not confirm his own authorship. Glory among the locals grew. Now the hotel "King of Prussia" became a favorite place for conversations with listeners. It was there that the bikes of Merry Baron heard the writer Rudolph Erich.

Portrait of Rudolph Erich

In 1786, the light saw the book "The narration of Baron Münhhausen about his wonderful travels and campaigns to Russia." To add sharpness, it put in the original Baron's initial stories more faults. The work went out in English.

In the same year, Gottfried Burger - a German translator - published his version of the feats of Baron, adding more satire to the translated story. The main idea of ​​the book has changed dramatically. Now the adventures of Munchhausen ceased to be simply non-disy, and they acquired a bright satirical and political tint.

Monument to Gottfreed Burger

Although the Creation of the Board "Amazing Traveling of the Baron von Münhghausen on the water and on land, hiking and fun adventures, as he usually told about them for a bottle of wine in a circle of his friends" came out anonymously, the real Baron guessed, who glorified his name:

"University Professor Burger disgraced me to the whole of Europe."


Baron Munchhausen grew up in a big titled family. About the parents of a man almost nothing is known. Mother was engaged in raising offs, his father had a high military rank. In the younger, the Baron left the native home and went to search for adventures.

Baron Münhhausen

The young man accepted the duties of a group of a German duke. As part of the Sweets of the Employee Veelmazb, Friedrich got to Russia. Already on the way to St. Petersburg, a young man expected all sorts of turmoil.

Winter travel Baron is delayed, the night has already come. Everything was covered with snow and villages near was not observed. The young man tied a horse to hemp, and in the morning I found myself in the middle of a city square. The horse hung, tied to the cross of the local church. However, the faithful horse of Baron regularly happened trouble.

Baron Munchhausen on the roof of the church

Serving at the Russian yard, an attractive nobleman went to the Russian-Turkish war. To find out about the plans of the enemy and recalculate guns, the baron made the famous flight on the core. The projectile was not the most convenient means of movement and fell along with the hero in the swamp. Baron is not used to waiting for help, so I pulled myself for the hair.

"Lord, how do you bother me! Understand that Münhhausen is not good because he flew or did not fly, but by what is not lying. "

Fearless Mwerhausen fought with enemies, without sorry forces, but he still captivated. Imprisonment lasted not long. After the liberation, the man went on a journey around the world. The hero visited India, Italy, America and England.

Wedding of Baron Münhhausen

In Lithuania, Baron got acquainted with the girl named Jacobin. The charming charm of the brave soldier. Young people got married and returned to Munchhausen's homeland. Now a man spends his free time in his own estate, devoting a lot of time to hunting and sitting at the burning fireplace, and with pleasure tells those who wish for their practitioners.

Adventures of Baron Münhhausen

Frequently funny situations occur with a man during hunting. Baron does not spend time on the preparation for the campaign, so regularly forgets to replenish the stock of the bullet. One day, the hero went to the pond, in the populated ducks, and the weapon was unsuitable for shooting. The hero caught the Hero on a piece of Sala and tied game to each other. When the ducks were filled into the sky, then with ease, Baron raised and brought a man to the house.

Baron Munchhausen flies in ducks

During the trip in Russia, Baron saw a strange beast. In the forest on the hunt Munchhausen, an octopic hare was caught. The hero of three days drove the animal around the neighborhood until the animal was shot. The hare had four legs on his back and stomach, so he was not tired for a long time. The beast simply turned over to other paws and continued running.

Baron's friends are known that Munchhausen visited all corners of the earth and even visited the satellite of the planet. The flight on the moon took place during the Turkish captivity. Accidentally mastered on the surface of the moon, the Hero climbed to the stem of Turkish pea and found a loss in a haystack. It was more difficult to go down to go down - the pea stalk was put in the sun. But a dangerous feat ended by another Victory Baron.

Baron Munchhausen on the core

Before returning to his homeland, the man was attacked by the bear. Munchhausen squeezed Kosolapoy his hands and lasted the animal for three days. Steel arms of men caused a lap fracture. The bear died of hunger, since he had nothing to suck. From this point on, all local bears bypass the Boron side.

Munhgausen held incredible adventures everywhere. And the hero himself perfectly understood the reason for this phenomenon:

"Not my fault, if such dikovines happen to me, who have not yet happened to anyone. This is because I love to travel and ever looking for an adventure, and you sit at home and see nothing but four walls of your room. "


The first film about the adventures of fearless Baron came out in France in 1911. The picture called "Galucification of Baron Münhgausen" lasts 10.5 minutes.

Baron Münhhausen in the Soviet Cartoon

Due to the originality and color, the character fell in the soul of Soviet cinematographers and multipliers. Four cartoons about Baron came to the screens, but the spectators have gained great love in 1973. The cartoon consists of 5 episodes, the basis of which the Rudolph Book is laid. Quotes from the animated series still in the go.

Oleg Yankovsky in the role of Baron Münhhausen

In 1979, the movie "That Münhghausen" came out. The film tells about the divorce of the Baron with the first wife and attempts to tie themselves with a marriage as a long-standing beloved. The main characters differ from the book prototypes, the film is a free interpretation of the original work. The image of Baron embodied the actor Oleg Yankovsky, the actress Elena Korenev played the beloved Marta.

Jan Joseph Lifers in the role of Baron Münhhausen

Films on the exploits of the military, traveler, hunter and the conqueror of the Moon were also shot in Germany, Czechoslovakia and the UK. For example, in 2012 a two-series film "Baron Mwerhausen" came out. The main role went to the actor Jan Joseph Lifers.

Interesting Facts

  • Munchhausen translated from German means "Monk House".
  • In the book, the hero is represented by a sudden unattractive old man, but in the youth of Münhgausen was distinguished by impressive external data. The mother of Catherine Second mentioned a charming baron in a personal diary.
  • Real Munhhausen died in poverty. Glory, which overtook a man thanks to the book, did not help the baron in his personal life. The second spouse nobleman was waste family.

Quotes and aphorisms from the movie "That Munchhausen"

"After the wedding, we immediately went to the wedding trip: I am in Turkey, my wife is in Switzerland. And they lived there for three years in love and harmony. "" I understood what your trouble was. You are too serious. All nonsense on earth is made with this expression of the face ... Smile, gentlemen, smile! "" Every love is legal, if it is love! "" A year ago in these very edges, imagine, I meet with a deer. I raise the gun - it turns out, there are no cartridges. There is nothing but cherry. I charge a cherry bone rifle, pah! - Shoot and get a deer in the forehead. He runs away. And this spring in these very edges, imagine, I meet with my handsome deer, on the head of which the luxurious cherry tree grows. "" Did you come off, dear? Sorry ... Newton delayed me. "

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