Matthew Perry - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, "Friends", filmography, in youth 2021



Matthew Perry is American and Canadian movie star, which sets the world cinema in the sky after the appearance in the famous youth Sitkom. A talented actor with amazing charisma and charm won the hearts of millions of viewers worldwide. At the same time, he managed to correctly alternate the comedy and dramatic role, not allowing the audience to get used to one role.

Childhood and youth

Actor was born in August 1969 (zodiac sign Lion) in the US state of Massachusetts, in the city of Williamstown, in the acting journalistic family. Mother Matthew, Susan Marie, in his youth dreamed of a career in the model business. Father, John Bennett Perry, managed to consolidate in the film industry, but the star status did not reach.

Even in early childhood, Matthew his parents divorced. Susan returned to his native Ottawa, but did not care a career. The woman settled the stationery clerk at the reception chapter of the government of Pierre Trudo, but soon became the press secretary of the Prime Minister.

Susan Marie found personal happiness in the second marriage, coming out married to a television journalist Kit Morrison. Matthew's lonely left for a long time: John Bennet married the actress Debbie Boyle, who gave her husband to Miu's daughter. Matthew Perry has one-utilous brother and three sisters, with which the future star had to be nursed when the mother and stepfather were busy in service.

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Matthew studied at the prestigious Rockcliff Park in Ottawa, then in an elite private college. In the school, Perry was carried away by tennis and the theater, and the guy's sport took the first time more than a hypedificent: Matthew repeatedly defeated on junior competitions and intended to make a sports career. To this end, at the age of 17, the young man moved to the Father in America. But the point in the shake of tennis victories was given an annoying defeat in an important competition.

Matthew Perry focused forces on the second hobby - the theater. He studied at the school of arts in Sherman-Oaks (Los Angeles area). Then the cinematic biography of the actor started: Perry starred in the melodrama "One night from Jimmy Ryndon". Matthew liked to work on the set, which he no longer dreamed of anything else. But the father who knew about the underwater reefs and the flow of the profession, insisted on the receipt of Matthew to the university. John Bennett set the condition: if during the year the son will be able to do without parental material support, then let it goes the chosen road. Matthew lasted and became an actor, although success came to him no sooner.


In Los Angeles, the novice actor Matthew Perry appeared on the theater stage, playing noticeable roles in the play "Our city", "sounds of music" and "Wonderworker." The game of the young man saw the Hollywood Diva Patty Dyuk, in whose piggy bank were "Oscar", "Golden Globe" and "Emmy". The star highly appreciated the potential of the young colleague, noting the talent of Perry to improvisation.

Soon, critics and colleagues Matthew Perry in one voice praised the artist for a thin game and a lightning reaction, overlooking it as a brilliant comedian, able to balance on a thin face between junning and wit. These qualities helped Matthew on television: the producers involved the actor in several televisions.

In the mid-1980s, Matthew Perry appeared in a charlz situational comedy. Then his filmography replenished the melodrama "Silver spoons". During these years, the actor thought about admission to South California University, but the proposal to play in the lead role of the series "The second chance" changed plans. At the beginning of the project, Perry shared the main role with a colleague Kyle Martin, but reviewers forced producers to change the format of the series and make Matthewing the only key character.

Until the late 1980s, Matthew Perry starred in the films "Dancing to Dawn", "10 of us", "she unmanaged", "empty nest" and "Growth Problems". The last tape is a 7-serial family comedy about the life of the Sievers family.

In the 1990s, Matthew Perry as a comedic role actor has repeatedly increased. He starred in the comedy TV shows "free from home", "empty nest" and "Who is here a boss?". The last Sitka stretched out for 8 seasons and was broadcast on the ABC channel from Autumn 1984 to the spring of 1992.

Matthew Perry becomes famous, but triumph was expecting an actor in 1994, when Megapopular Sitter "Friends" was released on world screens, the main characters of which Jennifer Aniston played, Lisa Kudrou, Courtney Cox, Matt Leblan, David Schvimmer and Matthew Perry. He got the image of Chandler Bing - a loser and sprawling burdened by complexes. The role of Chandler becomes a business card of the artist and assumes it to the Hollywood Olympus. "Friends" broadcast until 2004, 10 seasons of the cult sitcom were released on the screens.

Since the end of the 1990s and after the comedic series release, the Hollywood directors were invited to Matthew Perry to the main roles in the series and full-length paintings. He starred in the comedies "Hurry - Money Make People" with Salma Hayek, "Almost heroes" with Chris Farley and Tango Threesome. These are the full-length paintings, where the directions have exploited the families of Chandler's "Friends" familiar to millions of friends.

Another loud success in the career Matthew Perry is the comedy of Jonathan Linna "Nine Yards". The comic got the image of the dentist of Nicolas "Oza" Laranovsky, the life of which was naked until the former criminal and killer Jimmy "Tulipa" said Tuesska, in which Bruce Willis was brilliantly reincarnated. The comedy had such a success that after 3 years the picture was released, where the audience saw the favorite couple again.

During the break between the two films, Matthew Perry starred in the Comedy "Scammers" with Elizabeth Herley, the comedy-dramatic tape "El McBle" and the Motheric Political Drama "West Wing". In the last project, Perry demonstrated to the audience, which perfectly copes with comedy, and with dramatic roles. He played the employee of the White House of Quincy, hitting at once in two nominations "Emmy".

In 2004, Matthew Perry debuted as a director in the comedian-dramatic project "Clinic". In the 11th series of the fourth season, he played with his father.

2006 brought a star to a new wave of success: the drama "History of Ron Clark" was released on large screens, in which the audience saw her favorite artist in the form of a teacher, "taming" difficult teens. For work in the project, Perry nominated on the prestigious "Golden Globe" and "Emmy". In the fall of the same year, the comedy drama "Studio 60 on Sunset Strip" was published, broadcasting NBC television channel until the summer of 2007. In 2007, Matthew Perry fans saw the idol in a dramatic image in the full-length film "helpless".

Next, the star alternates comedy and dramatic images. From 2009 to 2016, the Law Drama "Right Wife" comes out on the CBS channel. In the projects of the "Birds of America", Mr. Sunshine, "On Start" and "Pape, 17" Matthew Perry starred in the usual amplus of the comic. In the kinicomedy "Dad again 17" he played in Tandem with Zak Efron. In addition, Matthew Perry became a guest actor in the series "City of Predaters". He appeared in the 5th season as a billionaire Sam.

In 2015, the artist became co-author and producer of the comedy series "Strange couple", having played a key character of Oscar Madison - a rampant, abandoned by his wife. Colleague Thomas Lennon became the second "strange" half, which appeared in the role of a storage-photographer expelled by his wife. Sitkom - the remake of the serials taken on the work of Nile Simon in the 1970s and 1980s. The tape went on the screens on the CBS TV channel and "stretched" for three seasons. The last series of spectators saw in May 2017.

In 2016, a two-hour program was published on the NBC TV channel, in which the producers collected the whole composition of the cult sitcom "Friends". But the audience was disappointed, not seeing Matthew - Chandler in the project. Later, Perry admitted that he refused to participate in the program and would never give consent to continue Sitkom, because at 47 years he sees himself in a dramatic role, and not in comedy. In addition, Perry was busy on the Broadway scene, where he played a major role in the play on his scenario "End of long expectation." He had work and on the set.

In February 2017, the premiere of the drama "Good struggle" took place, where Matthew got a bright role of the second plan. In Russia, the film was presented in March. At the same time, in March 2017, the fans saw the Hollywood Favorite in the dramatic mini-series "Clan Kennedy: after Camelota," where Perry appeared as Edward Kennedy. The image of Jacqueline got Katie Holmes.

Personal life

In the charismatic blue-eyed and state handsome man with an excellent sense of humor, on the move in-minded Kalasbura and sharpness, millions of televisers around the world fell in love. Among them and the actress "Games of Thrones" Sophie Turner. In one interview, she told that he tried to flirt with the actor through Twitter. In January 2016, she wrote: "I went to the local supermarket every day and saw Matthew Perry smokes. I hoped that he would notice me and invite a date. " It seems that the only lack of Perry was the absence of the middle finger phalange on his right hand.

Matthew Perry, who took the survey of the journal "Piple" in 1999, the 7th step in the top 50 most beautiful people of the planet, and star colleagues. Ranking, the comic was the novels with Julia Roberts, Lizzy Kaplan, Lauren Graham and Yasmin Brit. But Matthew is a famous conspirator who knows how to keep his teeth. The prudent paparazzi rarely managed to find out at least some details of the privacy of the star.

Increased attention of the female audience to the actor did not led to the marriage Uzam: Matthew remained enviable bachelor. He never had an official wife, none of the women with whom the novels attributed to him did not give birth to the star of children.

In 2015, rumors were leaked in the press that Matthew Perry meets with Courtney Coke, who played in the "Friends" of Monica, the beloved Chandler. In November, the actress broke up with the Irish musician Johnny McDeid and found a friendly shoulder and understanding Matthew. The tabloids were naughty with joyful messages that 11 years after the closure of the Monica and Chandler project were combined outside the screen. But the novel of two stars was just rumors. A week later, official refutation was followed: Perry and Koks stated that they had friendly relations, and they were not ready for new novels.

In 2019, Matthew Perry caught the paparazzi with a new girl - the couple came out from the Italian restaurant. Molly Gurwitz, the agent for searching for talent and producer. The girl for 22 years younger Matthew, but this did not prevent them from finding a common language. Insider told that relations went to a serious level:

"Molly meets Matthew for several months. They rotate in the same circles. She comes from New York, where they spent time together. She has a very peculiar sense of humor, and they immediately found a common language. Molly is not interested in glory, she rarely goes to parties and makes great to Matthew. They kept relationships secret, but everything becomes serious. Christmas they met with friends in his penthouse. "

And in the near time and Molly itself confirmed the novel. During the Christmas holidays in the Instagram closed, she laid out a photo from Penthouse actor.

In the spring there were rumors that the couple broke up. The source reported that Matthew conducts self-insulation regime alone. With his girlfriend, he did not come down in character. However, after a few months, the actor himself refuted this information. In an interview with People magazine, he stated that he made a beloved offer: "I decided to engage. Fortunately, all this time I met with the greatest woman on the planet. "

In 2020, fans were finally able to subscribe to the "instagram" of the beloved artist: Matthew registered his own account on the social network. The page even put a kind of record: Literally in the first day, the number of stars' subscribers exceeded a million mark. On her, the actor shares a photo from his personal life.

Health status

Matthew Perry has suffered from drug addiction for a long time. In 1997, he was treated in a specialized clinic. His weight changed dramatically and even reached the critical mark - the actor lost weight to 66 kg with an increase of 1.83 m.

In 2001, the actor again fell into a rehabilitation center due to depression and dependence on Vicodin, methadone, amphetamines and alcohol. Later he admitted that because of his disastrous attraction lost his memory - he does not remember three years of filming the series "Friends". The situation was repeated in 2015.

However, on this health problems, Matthew Perry did not end. In 2018, doctors diagnosed herself acute gastrointestinal perforation. The actor conducted an emergency operation to prevent sepsis.

Matthew Perry now

In 2021, Matthew Perry starred in the film "Do not look up". He got the role of Dan Paukketi. Also in the picture involved such actors like Leonardo Dicaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, John Hill, Timothy Shalam, Ariana Grande.

The film directed by Adam McKea with a budget of $ 75 million talks about scientists who find out that in 6 months the giant meteorite will land on Earth and destroy all living things. Not wanting to inactivate, they go to the press tour to notify the world of danger and prevent a disaster.

Pictures should have started in April 2020. However, due to a pandemic of coronavirus infection, they were transferred to November. At first, they were filmed in Boston, and then in Fremingham.

And at the end of May 2021, a special episode of the cult series "Friends" was released. All actors who played key roles took part in the project. True, contrary to the hopes of fans, they appeared on the screens not in the image of their characters - it was not about restarting the project.

In the special issue of Sitkom Matthew played himself. The actor fans were glad to see him in the long-awaited series, but they expressed concern about the state of the health of the idol. In the Perry preview, it was not important - attentive spectators noted a vague speech and a removed look. Many have tied up with the consequences of the drug addict.


  • 1985 - "Charles in Answer"
  • 1986 - "Silver spoons"
  • 1988 - "Dancing to Dawn"
  • 1989 - "Empty Nest"
  • 1989 - "Growth Problems"
  • 1994 - "Friends"
  • 1997 - "Hurry - people mockery"
  • 1999 - Tango Threesome
  • 2000 - "Nine Yards"
  • 2004 - "Clinic"
  • 2006 - "History of Ron Clark"
  • 2009 - "Dad again 17"
  • 2011 - "Mr. Sunshine"
  • 2015 - "Strange couple"
  • 2017 - "Good struggle"
  • 2021 - "Do not look up"
  • 2021 - "Friends: Return"

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