Nikolai Gumilev - biography, photos, personal life, poems and books



Nikolai Gumilev, whose poems were withdrawn from the literary treatment in the second half of the 1920s, was an image of a literary theorist who sincerely believed that the artistic word could not only influence the minds of people, but also to convert the surrounding reality.

Portrait of Nikolai Gumilev

The creativity of the legend of the Silver Age directly depended on his worldview, in which the idea of ​​the celebration of the Spirit over the flesh was the dominant role. Throughout the life, the Prosper deliberately drove himself into severe, difficult solvable situations for one simple reason: only at the time of the wreck of hopes and loss to the poet came true inspiration.

Childhood and youth

On April 3, 1886, Stepan Yakovlevich Gumilyov and his wife Anna Ivanovna were born a son, who was named after Nikolai. The family lived in the port city of Kronstadt, and after the resignation of the head of the family (1895), they moved to St. Petersburg. As a child, the writer was an extremely painful child: everyday headaches brought Nicholas to the frenzy, and increased sensitivity to sounds, smells and tastes made his life almost unbearable.

Nikolai Gumilev as a child

During the exacerbation, the boy was completely disoriented in space and often deceived hearing. His literary genius manifested itself at the age of six. Then he wrote his first quatrains "Lived Niagara." Nikolai arrived in the Tsarsko Sellic Gymnasium in the fall of 1894, but he studied there only a couple of months. Because of his painful view, Gumilev was repeatedly subjected to ridicule on the part of peers. In order not to injure the child and unstable psyche of the child, the parents from sin were away from his son to home learning.

Nikolai Gumilev in his youth

1900-1903 The Gumilev family spent in Tiflis. There, the sons of Stepan and Anna corrected health. In a local educational institution, where the poet was trained, his poem was published "I fled to the forest from the cities ...". After a while, the family returned to the royal village. There Nikolai resumed learning in the gymnasium. It was not carried away to neither accurate nor humanitarian sciences. Then Gumilev was obsessed with the work of Nietzsche and spent all the time for reading his work.

Nikolai Gumilev in youth

Because of the incorrectly arranged priorities, Nicholas began to significantly lag behind the program. Only by the efforts of the director of the Gymnasium - the Poet-decadener I.F. Annensky - Gumilev in the spring of 1906 managed to get a certificate of maturity. A year before the issue, the first book of the poems of Nicholas "Path of Conquistadors" was published on the basis of parents.


After exams, the poet went to Paris. In the capital of France, he visited lectures on literary criticism in Sorbonne and was regulant at the exhibitions of paintings. In the homeland of the writer Marseille Prousta Gumilev published a literary magazine "Sirius" (3 rooms came out). Thanks to Bryusov Gumilev, I was lucky to get acquainted with Hippius, and with Merezhkovsky, and with white. At first, the masters were skeptical about the work of Nicholas. The poem "Androgin" helped recognized artist workers to see the literary genius of Gumilov and change the anger to mercy.

Nikolai Gumilev in Paris

In September 1908, Prosper went to Egypt. In the first days of stay abroad, he led himself as a typical tourist: examined the sights, studied the culture of local tribes and bought in Nile. When funds ended, the writer began to starve and spent the night on the street. Paradoxically, but these difficulties did not exempt the writer in any way. Lying caused exclusively positive emotions in it. Upon returning to his homeland, he wrote several poems and stories ("rat", "Yaguar", "Giraffe", "Rhino", "Hyena", "Leopard", "ship").

Few people know, but a couple of years before the trip, he created a cycle of poems called "Captains". The cycle consisted of four works that united the overall idea of ​​travel. Thirst for new impressions pushed Gumilov to the study of the Russian north. During the dating with the city of Belomorsky (1904) in the mouth of the mouth of the river, the poet saw the hieroglyphs carved on the stone slope. He was sure that he found the legendary stone book, which, according to believing, contained the initial knowledge of the world.

From the translated text, Gumilev learned that the ruler of the Fab was buried on the island of the German body of his son and daughter, and on the island of Russian body - wife. With the assistance of Emperor Gumilev, organized an expedition to the Body Archipelago, where he opened the ancient tomb. There he discovered a unique "hyperborean" comb.

Poet Nikolai Gumilev

According to the legend, Nikolai second handed the find to the ownership of the ballerina Matilde Kshesinskaya. Scientists suggest that the comb is still lying in the cache of Kshesin's mansion in St. Petersburg. Soon after the expedition, the fate of the writer with a fanatical researcher of the Black Continent - Academician Vasily Radlov. The poet managed to persuade the ethnologist to enroll his assistant to the Abyssinian expedition.

In February 1910, after a dizzying trip to Africa, he returned to the royal village. Despite the fact that his return was caused by a dangerous disease, from the former decline of the spirit and decadent poems there was no trace. Having finished working on the collection of poems "Pearls", the prose again went to Africa. From the journey, he returned on March 25, 1911 in a sanitary cibble with a tropical fever attack.

Nikolai Gumilev in Africa

He used forced recording for creative processing of the collected impressions, which subsequently resulted in Abyssinian Songs, which were included in the collection "Alien Sky". After a trip to Somalia, the African poem "Mick" saw the light.

In 1911, Gumilev founded the "shop of poets", which included many representatives of the literary beaumd of Russia (Osip Mandelstam, Vladimir Narbut, Sergey Gorodetsky). In 1912, Gumilyov declared the emergence of a new artistic flow - aqmeism. Poetry of Aqmeistov overcame symbolism, returning the strictness and harness of the poetic structure. In the same year, aqmeists opened their own Publishing House "Hyperbori" and the magazine of the same name.

Nikolay Gumilev is written by Glalany songs from the words of singers

Also Gumilev as a student was enrolled in the University of St. Petersburg at the Historical and Philology Department, where he studied Starofranzuz poetry.

The First World War destroyed all the writer's plans - Gumilev went to the front. For courage, manifested during hostilities, he was elevated to the rank of officer and awarded two George crosses. After the revolution, the writer completely surrendered literary activities. In January 1921, Nikolai Stepanovich became Chairman of the Petrogradsky Department of the All-Russian Union of Poets, and in August of the same year, Matra was detained and entered into custody.

Personal life

The first wife - Anna Akhmatov - the writer met in 1904 on the ball dedicated to the celebration of Easter. At that time, the ardent young man tried to imitate her idol Oskar Wilde: he wore a cylinder, curled his hair and even slightly tinted his lips. Already a year after acquaintance, he made a pretentious part of the proposal and, having received a refusal, plunged into the hopeless depression.

Lev Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova

From the biography of the legend of the silver century, it is known that because of the failure on the love front, the poet twice tried to reduce the scores with life. The first attempt was furnished with the theatrical porch peculiar to humilely. Mount Cavalier went to the spa city of Turvil, where he planned to be drocking. The plans of the critic was not destined to come true: the rest accepted Nikolai for the vaga, called the police and, instead of going to the last path, the writer went to the site.

Uzrev in his failure sign over, the prose written the Akhmatova letter, in which he again made her an offer. Anna once again answered with refusal. Mount Humilev killed, he decided to complete the started: he accepted the poison and went waiting for death to the Boulogo Forest of Paris. The attempt again turned his shameful curiosity: then his body was picked up alert forests.

Nikolai Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova and Son

At the end of 1908, Gumilev returned to his homeland, where he continued to seek the location of young poetess. As a result, the persistent guy received consent to marriage. In 1910, the couple was married and went to the wedding trip to Paris. There, the literators had a stormy novel with an artist Amedeo Modigliani. Nikolay, in order to preserve the family, insisted on returning to Russia.

A year after the birth of the son of Lion (1912-1992), the crisis happened in the relationships of the spouses: indifference and coldness came to replace unconditional adoration and all-consuming love. While Anna in the secular rounds provided signs of attention to young writers, Nikolai also searched for inspiration on the side.

Nikolai Gumilev and Olga Tsight

In those years, the actress of Meyerhold Theater Olga Vysotskaya became the case of the writer. Young people met in the fall of 1912 at the celebration of the anniversary of Konstantin Balmont, and in 1913 the son of Gumileva appeared on the world - Orest, the existence of which the poet never found out.

Polarity in love views led to the fact that in 1918 Ahmatov and Gumilev broke up. I barely freed from the shackles of family life, the poet met his second wife - Anna Nikolaevna Engelgardt. With the hereditary nobleman, the writer met Bruceov's lectures.

Nikolai Gumilev and Anna Engelgardt

Contemporaries Prosaika celebrated the immense stupidity of the girl. According to Vsevolod, Christmas, Nicholas put it in a dead end, devoid of all the logic of judgment. A student of the writer Irina Odointev said that the chief of the Matra is not only in appearance, but also for the development seemed to be a 14-year-old girl. The writer's wife and his daughter Elena died of hunger during the blockade of Leningrad. Neighbors told that Anna could not move from weakness, and rats ate it for several days.


On August 3, 1921, the poet was arrested as an accomplice of the Anti-Bolshevik conspiracy "Petrograd military organization V. N. Tagansev". Colleagues and friends of the writer (Mikhail Lozinsky, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Nikolai OtsUP) were trying in vain to rehabilitate Nikolai Stepanovich in the eyes of the country's leadership and rescue it from imprisonment. A close friend of the leader of the world proletariat Maxim Gorky also did not stay away: he addressed Lenin twice with a request for the pardon of Gumilyov, but Vladimir Ilyich remained faithful to his decision.

Photo Nikolai Gumileva from the investigative department

On August 24, a resolution of Petrograd Gubbf about the execution of the participants of the "Tagantevsky conspiracy" (only 56 people) was published, and on September 1, 1921, the execution list was published in the Petrogradskaya Pravda newspaper, in which Nikolai Gumilev was the thirteenth.

The poet held his last evening in a literary mug, surrounded by his youthful youth. On the day of the arrest, the writer, as usual, stopped with students after lectures and returned home far over midnight. An ambush was organized at the apartment of Prosaik, which Mother could not know about which the Mother could not know.

Estimated Scene by the shooting of Nikolai Gumileva

After imprisoning in custody in a letter addressed to his wife, the writer assured her in what was not worried about what, and asked him to send him Tomik Plato and tobacco. Before executing Gumilev wrote on the camera wall:

"Lord, forgive my forelegations, I go on the last path."

After 70 years since the death of the famous poet, materials proving that the conspiracy was fully fabricated by the NKVD officer Yakov Agranov. Due to the absence of a crime in 1991, the writer was officially closed.

Monument Nikolay Gumilev in Koktebel

More unknown, where the writer is buried. From the words of the former wife of Prosaik Anna Ahmatova, his grave is located within the city of Vsevolozhsk near the Berngard microdistrict at the powder cellar at the Rzhevian artillery polygon. It is there on the banks of the river Lobya, and to this day there is a memorable cross.

The literary heritage of the legends of the silver century has been preserved both in poetry and in prose. In 2007, the singer Nikolai Soskov imposed the text of the poem of the famous artist of the arts "monotonous ..." to the music of Anatoly Balchev and revealed the world composition "Romance", which in the same year the clip was shot.


  • "Don Juan in Egypt" (1912);
  • "Game" (1913);
  • "Akteon" (1913);
  • "Cavalery notes" (1914-1915);
  • "Black General" (1917);
  • "Gonda" (1917);
  • "Child Allah" (1918);
  • "Soul and body" (1919);
  • "Young Franciscan" (1902);
  • "On the walls of the empty house ..." (1905);
  • "For so long, the heart struggled ..." (1917);
  • "Horror" (1907);
  • "I don't live flowers ..." (1910);
  • "Glove" (1907);
  • "Skey-unprecedented reflection" (1917);
  • "Caldong" (1918);
  • "Sometimes I am sad ..." (1905);
  • "Thunderstorm Night and Dark" (1905);
  • "In the desert" (1908);
  • "African Night" (1913);
  • "Love" (1907)

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