James Joyce - Photo, Books, Biography, Personal Life, Cause



James Joyce - the famous Irish writer and poet, considered one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. Master of literature, made a contribution to the development of modernism, became famous thanks to the novels "Ulysses", "Portrait of the artist in his youth" and "Pominics on Finnegano", as well as the stories of the collection "Dublins".

Childhood and youth

James Augustine Aloie Joyce was a native of Ireland. He was born on February 2, 1882 in the southern Dublin district of John Stanislav Joyce and Mary Jane Marry and was the eldest of 15 children. The family of the future writer took place from farmers and owners of the enterprise for the extraction of salt and lime, perhaps consisted of relations with Daniel O'Connell Liberator, famous for the 1st half of the 20th century.

Writer James Joyce

Not having a business grip and business skills, the father of the future writer often changed the work. In 1893, after several layoffs, he retired, which was lacking for the content of a numerous family, went into pie and engaged in financial fraud.

For some time, John paid James's studies in the Jesuit boarding school, and when the money ended, the boy moved to home education. In 1893, thanks to the old Father's relations, the future writer received a place in Belvedere College, where he joined the school church fraternity and met with the phoma of the Foma Aquinas, until the end of his life heavily influenced him.

James Joyce as a child

In 1898, James became a student of the Dublin University College and began to learn English, French and Italian. The young man visited literary and theatrical mugs, wrote plays, materials for the local newspaper. In 1900, a laudatory review on the book of Henric Ibsen "When we, the dead, awaken" became the 1st publication in a 2-week student review.

In 1901, Joyce wrote an article about the Irish Literary Theater, which the University refused to print. She was published in the city newspaper "United Irishman", thus submitting the author to the general public.

James Joyce in youth

At the end of College, Joyce went to Paris to study medicine, which was too difficult for understanding and learning. The young man went in the footsteps of the Father, often changed the profession, trying to find a means of existence, spent a lot of time in the National French Library, wrote poems. Soon he received the news of the Mother's Mother's Mother's Death Disease and was forced to return to Dublin.


The creative biography of Joyce began in 1904, when he tried to publish an essay called "Portrait of the artist". The material did not like the publishers, and the author decided to recycle him into the novel "Hero Stephen", which reproduced the events of his own youth, but soon abandoned work on the work.

Writer James Joyce

In 1907, James returned to the sketches of the unfinished book and completely reworked them, as a result of which in 1914 the novel "Portrait of the artist in his youth" appeared, telling about the early years of the life of the chief hero of Stephen Grandfather, very similar to the writer himself in his youth.

Since 1906, Joyce began work on a collection of 15 stories called "Dublins", in which the realistic image of the life of the middle class in the capital and the surroundings at the beginning of the 20th century. These sketches were made when Irish nationalism was at the peak of development, they focus on the idea of ​​Joyce about human insight into the turning moments of life and history.

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The collection composition is divided into 3 parts: childhood, youth and maturity. Some characters subsequently reincarnated into secondary images of the novel "Ulysses". For the first time, Joyce tried to publish Dublins in 1909 in his homeland, but received a refusal. The struggle for entering the light of the book continued until 1914, when the collection was finally printed.

In 1907, James became close to one of his students - Arone Hector Schmitz, a Jew for nationality, a writer and playwright, known under the pseudonym Italo Schuevo, who became the prototype of the hero of the new novel "Ulysses" Leopold Bloom. Work on the work began in 1914 and lasted for 7 years. The novel became a key literary work in the history of the English-language modernism and the bibliography of the writer.

Portrait of James Joyce

In the "Ulysses" Joyce used the flow of consciousness, parody, jokes and other techniques to present characters. The actions of the novels were limited to one day, June 16, 1904, and echoed with the Homerovskaya "Odyssey". The writer suffered an ancient Greek heroes of Ulysses, Penelope and Telemach to modern Dublin and recreated them in the images of Leopold Bloom, his wife Molly Bloom and Stephen Grandfather, parody-contrasting with original prototypes.

The book has studied various areas of metropolitan life with a focus on its mission and monotony. At the same time, the work is a lovely detailed description of the city. Joyce argued that if Dublin was destroyed in some catastrophe, he can be restored, brick over a brick, on the pages of the novel.

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The book consists of 18 chapters that cover approximately one hour of the day. Each episode had its own literary style and correlated with a certain event "Odyssey." The main action took place in the minds of the characters and was supplemented with plots of classical mythology and sometimes obsessive external details.

The serial publication of the Roman began in March 1918 in the New York magazine "The Little Review", but after 2 years it was discontinued due to obscenities. In 1922, the book was published in England under the cartridge Editor Harriet Show Waiter. Interesting is the fact that soon the work was banned, and 500 copies of the novel sent to the United States seized and burned in English customs.

Monument James Joyce in Dublin

After completing the work on the "Ulysses", Joyce was so exhausted that for a long time I did not write a line of prose. On March 10, 1923, he returned to creativity and began work on a new product. By 1926, James graduated from the first 2 parts of the novel "Pominics by Finnegana", and in 1939, the book was published completely. The novel was written in a peculiar and obscure English, based, mainly on complex multi-level punctures.

The reaction to the work was ambiguous. Many criticized the book for the disadvantage and the absence of a single thread of the narration. The defenders of the novel, including the writer Samuel Beckett, talked about the importance of the plot and the integrity of the images of central heroes. Joyce himself said that the book would find the perfect reader who will suffer from insomnia, and, by completing the novel, turn to the first page and starts again.

Personal life

In 1904, Joyce met Naru Barnacle, a woman from Galue, who worked the maid at the hotel. Young people loved each other and together left Ireland in search of work and happiness. At first, the couple settled in Zurich, where James was listed by the teacher in the language school. Then Joyce was sent to Trieste, who was part of Austria-Hungary at that time, and was determined to the post of English language teacher in the class, where the naval officers were preparing.

James Joyce and his wife Nora Barnacle

In 1905, Nora gave birth to the first child, the boy, whom Georio called. In 1906, the tired of monotonous life in Trieste, Joyce moved long moved to Rome and settled the clerk to the bank, but he did not like it there. Six months later, James returned to Nore to Austria-Hungary and managed to the birth of Lucia's daughter in 1907.

The financial situation of Joyce and Nora was heavy. The writer could not completely devote himself to creativity, as I had to make a living. He was a representative of the film industry, tried to import Irish cloth to Trieste, made translations, gave private lessons. The family occupied one of the main places in the personal life of the writer, despite all the difficulties, he remained with the hole until the end of his life, which became his wife in 27 years after his acquaintance.

James Joyce after the operation in the eyes

In 1907, James began problems with vision, which subsequently demanded more than a dozen surgical operations. There were suspicions that the writer and his daughter suffered from schizophrenia. They were examined at the Charles Jung psychiatrist, which made the conclusion that Joyce and Lucia - "Two people sent to the bottom of the river, one dive, and the other tone."

In the 1930s, monetary problems retreated for the 2nd plan thanks to the acquaintance of Joyce with the editor of the Egoist magazine, Harriet Show Waiter. She provided financial support to the family of the writer, and after his death, he paid the funeral and became a manager of the property.


January 11, 1941 Joyce suffered an operation in Zurich to remove the duodenal ulcers. The next day he fell into someone. January 13, 1941 he woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning and asked her nurse to call his wife and son, before losing consciousness again. Relatives were on the way when the writer died less than a month before his own 59th anniversary. The cause of death was the body ulcer.

Grave James Joys

Joyce buried in Zurich in the Flunter cemetery. Initially, the body was buried in the usual grave, but in 1966, after the authorities of Dublin refused to relatives in permission to transport the remains to their homeland, the writer memorial was created in her place. After some time, next to the granite board, on which quotes from the works of Dublin Modernist are carved, put a statue, strikingly similar to the author "Ulysses".


"I always write about Dublin, because if I can comprehend the essence of Dublin, I can comprehend the essence of all cities in the world" "Feel the beauty of music - you have to listen twice, and nature or women - from one glance" "The thought is not You pay for lunch - the best sauce to the dinner "" The genius does not make mistakes. His misses - deliberate "


  • 1904 - "Holy Office"
  • 1904-1914 - Dublintsy
  • 1912 - "Gas from the burner"
  • 1911-1914 - "Jacomo Joyce"
  • 1907-1914 - "" Portrait of an artist in youth "
  • 1914-1915 - "Exiles"
  • 1914-1921 - "Ulysses"
  • 1922-1939 - "Poms for Finnegan"

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