Faina Ranevskaya - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Actress Faina Ranevskaya conquered the old Russia and the entire Soviet Union. She was called a scandalous special, a stinging lady with a sparkling humor and a philosopher with a cigarette in the teeth. She was afraid and guarded at the same time, some were looking for meetings with her, and others were avoided. Such everyone remember the artist, who, hiding behind an outstanding personality, was lonely and vulnerable.

Childhood and youth

Faina Ranevskaya (real name - Fanny Girshevna Feldman) was born in a rich Jewish family at the end of August 1896, on the sign of the Zodiac Virgo. At that time, the Feldman family lived in his own house in Taganrog. In addition to Fainia, four more children were grown up: the sister Isabella Feldman and three brothers (one died in infancy). Mom Faina was a housewife - brought up five children. Dad was an influential manufacturer, owned by the manufacturing enterprise, had a shop, houses and a steamer.

Faina did not feel happy in the house of parents, on the contrary, she suffered from loneliness. As a child, she was a timid and insecure in himself, in part because of what he stuttered. Sometimes it happened in adulthood in minutes of excitement, but exclusively in ordinary life, and never on stage.

The girl communicated a little with peers and even threw her parents to pick it up from an elite female gymnasium, where he felt uncomfortable and did not love to learn. Since then, the teachers came to the Feldmans on the house, and Fanny received a decent education. The girl played on the piano, sang, knew foreign languages ​​well and read the swake.

After 10 years, Fain became interested in cinema and theater. A great impression was on it seen at the age of 13 the play "Cherry Garden". It was so big that the girl externally passed the gymnasium exams and began to go to class in the theater studio. Soon the daughter reported that he was going to study at a professional actress. It was the reason why Faina had a gap with his parents. Father did not communicate with his daughter for many years. In 1915, Fanny Feldman went to the capital.

Personal life

The personal life of Fainain Ranevskaya was unhappy. She was not married. Woman avoided men due to psychological trauma received in youth. Fanny fell in love with the actor troupe. As it seemed to her, he also sympathized her. When the girl invited him to visit, he came, but not alone, but with a woman, and asked Fain to take a walk. Since then, Ranevskaya and began to avoid all connections, which in the future could cause pain.

I did not feel like a lonely Faine Georgievna for a short time. In the 60s, Bella's native sister moved to her, deciding to pass loneliness after her husband's death with his native man. But soon she fell ill and died.

The media wrote about the relations of Ranenevskaya and Marshal Fyodor Tolbukhin, in some sources a couple called lovers, in others just friends. For what reason, their communication broke out, everything remains a mystery.

Faina Ranevskaya remained alone. The only love she called Pavlu Wulf. Russian actress did not enter the Moscow Art Theater, so worked in the Nizhny Novgorod and Riga theaters. The acquaintance of women took place in Rostov-on-Don after the revolution, Wulf for many years has become a teacher for Fain and a true friend.

Another close friend of the woman was Tatiana Peltzer. The Soviet actress of the theater and the movie did not give anyone to himself, but with Ranevskaya immediately found a common language and interests.

At the same time, Faina lived not alone, with her there was a friend, painting loneliness, is a dog boy. After death, the actress on her tombstones set a metal figurine of the pet.

In his youth, the appearance of Ranevskaya admired (height 180 cm, a piercing look, dark hair-kara). Holding a predetermined posture by presenting himself as a person with the status, she managed to and in old age, which is clearly visible in the photo, for this a woman continued to love, despite the wrinkling character.


In Moscow, Fanny arrived in Moscow: the father did not give her daughter to accommodation in the capital either a penny, because her desire to become a stupidly stupid Blazh. A little money secretly gave mom. The girl took off on a large Nikita tiny room and immediately felt completely happy and free. During these years, Fain got acquainted with the legendary personalities, cults even at that time by Poets of Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Anna Akhmatova, Vladimir Mayakovsky. Then he met with an artist Vasily Kadokov and even fell in love with him.

Unfortunately, Faina did not take in the capital theatrical colleges, and she had to find a private school. There was no money for the payment of training. The famous artist Ekaterina Gelzer did not give the abyss of the girl. She patted the girl to take into one of the theaters of the Moscow region. When the season of summer theaters ended, Ranevskaya had to look for another place. She managed to work in the theaters in Kerch, Kislovodsk, Feodosia, Baku, Rostov and Smolensk.

Spring of 1917 brought Faine the final gap with relatives. Feldman family emigrated. But there was a happy moment - the girl accepted in the capital theater actor. Finally, the young actress was appreciated. Theatrical biography of Faina Ranevskaya began from the play "Roman", where she played the role of Margarita.

Then followed the production, where the actress played more noticeable heroines. In the play "Cherry Sad", she tried on the image of Charlotte. In this theater, Faina Georgievna served until 1931. Then he moved to the more famous metropolitan chamber of theater, where he soon made his debut in the "Panthetic Sonate".

At the very beginning of the 50th Fain Ranevskaya passed to the theater. Mossoveta, where her stay was accompanied by frequent scandals. Talent Actresses often exceeded the talents of directories. Ranevskaya had her own vision of the game, and it often did not coincide with the director. For example, playing an episodic role in the play "Storm", she completely rewritten it and played her way.

At the same time, Faina Georgievna eclipsed even by major roles, which did not enter the plans or the artists themselves nor the performance of the performance. Recruitments and clashes with director Yuri Zavadsky later were reflected in the anecdotes and aphorisms attributed to the acute language of Ranevskaya. Nevertheless, in this scene, the actress appeared a quarter of a century.

Here she played noticeable roles. Viewers gladly watched Mrs. Savage performed by Ranenevskaya, applauded Lucy Cooper in the play "Next - silence". In 1978, the television version was released. Together with her, the main role was performed by Rostislav Plightt, he played Barclay Cooper.

He graduated from Faina Ranevskaya Theater Way in the theater. A. S. Pushkin, once former chamber. Her theatrical biography began with him, here and ended in 1963.


For the first time, the TV viewers saw Fain Ranevskaya in the role of colorful Mrs. Luazo in Drama Mikhail Romma "Pysk". It was 1934. The actress even managed to visit this play in France, where the theater troupe invited Romen Rolland, an extremely highly spent performance.

At the very end of the 30th Ranevskaya played in the three paintings, which made it recognizable. The artist appeared in the roles of spouse in all these ribbons. In the picture "Man in the case" she became the wives of the inspector, in the "error of the cochin engineer" - the spouse of the tailor Gurevich. Well, the most popular wife appeared in "Podlidysh", where Ranevskaya said an unforgettable and now the winged expression "Mulet, do not unwind me." Arise in this film played Rina Green, in the life of a woman was not friends, rather, they were called friend.

During the war, Ranevskaya, together with the body of the theater was evacuated and until 1943 worked in Tashkent. Upon returning to Moscow, she was suggested to play a mother in the wedding of Isidore Annensky. In this picture, Ranenevskaya starred with famous artists Estra Garyan, Zoy Fedorova, Mikhail Yanishin, faith in Maretskaya, Mikhail, and other recognizable actors. And in 1945 she appeared in the Military Music Comedy "Heavenly Skin", where he performed the role of a doctor, professor of medicine.

In 1947, the artist's filmography was replenished with the famous Spring Comedy, in which Ranevskaya played Margarita Lvovna. Orlova and Cherkasov who obeyed the main roles in the picture, and Faina Georgievna's Samig itself turned the film into one of the most popular and cash regimes.

In the same year, the artist played a stepmother in Cinderella. Writer's paintings Evgeny Schwartz adored Ranevskaya. He allowed the artist to insert unmatched phrases. This work is considered the best in the career of Faine Georgievna.

No less positive reviews had the Soviet film "Alexander Parkhomenko", filmed by Leonid Lukov. In 1962, a new director's editorial board was released, in it, Faina Georgievna played Tchapesha in a restaurant, fulfilling the romance "Let fly and twisted the yellowed leaves ...", while sitting at the piano, accompanying himself.

In 1964, she appeared in the comedy "Easy Life" with Yuri Yakovlev. Satyric tape shot director Veniamin Dorman. In it, Ranevskaya managed to phenomenally depict the speculatte Margarita Ivanovna, which was called "Queen Margo". As a result, the film took the 17th place in the list of the most cash paintings of that year.

The last role of Ranevskaya in the cinema - tape "Today is a new attraction." The actress played the director of the circus, but before it put the director a number of conditions. Since Faina Georgievna was already famous at that time, then, of course, the director agreed to everything, just to get a star to the film.

Faina Ranevskaya received the title of People's Artist of the USSR and the three Stalinist premiums.


The colleagues of Faina Georgievna recalled that the actress had weak health. She often walked to doctors and lay in the hospital. In order not to fall in the spirit and do not give diseases to take over yourself, a woman was joking over diseases and medical staff who served it.

The Great Faine Georgievna Ranevskaya in July 1984 in the capital, the cause of death became a heart attack, rejected by pneumonia. Contemporaries call the Ranevsky Queen of the second plan and recognize that it was the greatest Russian actress of the 20th century.

The funeral and farewell with Ranevskaya passed on the Don Cemetery. Before the death of the actress with sarcasm inherent sarcasm, he also visited the tombstone "died of disgust." But did not make it, Faina Georgievna was buried under the usual gravestone, fans of creativity constantly bring fresh flowers on the grave.

In 2016, the 120th anniversary of the famous actress celebrated the Dramatic Comedy "Lonely Mocking". In the formulation of Lion Shimelov, the audience saw the Queen of episodic roles in its Moscow apartment. Fragments of the production are taken from the life of Ranevskaya - visitors will visit artist, the heroine leads a witty dialogue with them using famous phrases.

A couple of times in Taganrog was planned to open a museum in honor of the actress in the apartment where she lived. There are interior and even some personal things. However, this event was postponed, and while the exact date of its opening is unknown.


  • 1934 - "Push"
  • 1939 - "Error engineer of cochin"
  • 1939 - "Podkinysh"
  • 1945 - "Elephant and Rope"
  • 1947 - "Spring"
  • 1947 - "Cinderella"
  • 1949 - "Meeting on the Elbe"
  • 949 - "They have a homeland"
  • 1964 - "Light Life"
  • 1978 - "Next - silence ..."
  • 1980 - "Comedy for the past days"


Speaks and quotes acute on the Little of Fainan Georgievna turned into a winged expressions. Often, the artist hardly fucked over the surrounding, and it was delivered by everyone, without taking into account ranks and posts. But she was joking and over his own difficult life. For example, Ranevskaya belongs to the words:

"If I, yielding requests, began to write about myself, it would be a complaint book" Fate Slut "."

And such a book was still born, but he wrote her other author Dmitry Scheglov, based on the notes and diaries of the artist. In this edition, it is not to meet its popular quotes now, there is rather lonely and difficult life of a woman who did not build a happy family life.

As for the creative and scenic pseudonym Ranenevskaya, then there is a sad and at the same time branded actress actresses to make fun in all situations, humor was a companion of Faini Georgievna. And the mat in speech is a woman at all ubiquitous. At the reproaches of the contemporaries she was answered like this:

"How to clarify ... Mata I do not hesitate, I can use freely at all. Better swearing and be a good person than a quiet, rapid creature. "

Often Ranenevskaya spoke about women, her winged phrases are now popular, sprinkling on the Internet in the form of pictures with quotes. Here is a couple of them:

"Why are women so much time and funds spend on appearance, and not on the development of intelligence? "Because blind men are much less than smart." "The fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. And the work is when the opposite. "

Faina Georgievna did not miss the opportunity to speak out about men in the manner inherent in her:

"A real man is a man who remembers the birthday of a woman and does not know how old she is. A man who does not remember the birthday of a woman, but knows how old she is, is her husband. "

Subsequently from the high-profile aphorisms of celebrities were taken their most sharp, and six of them were composed of six immodest advice from Faina Ranevskaya.

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