Anastasia Belakova: biography, photo, personal life, model, news 2021



Anastasia is called the "Girl with an Angel's face." Famous fashion houses and modeling agencies are ready to pay sleeveless impressive fees for taking pictures. Not every adult model can achieve such heights as Anastasia Belakova.

Nastya was born on January 4, 2004 in Moscow. Father Dmitry Bezrukov works as a lawyer, mother is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. In the family the youngest daughter will grow up. Actor Sergey Bezrukov is not a relative of Nastya, they are just namesakes.

Model Anastasia Bezrukov

Anastasia is studying at a regular Moscow school, engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and English, dancing in the team "Freckles". The girl is not at all a children's schedule, sometimes in virtue of employment Nastya has to skip the lessons at school, and then crawl the program. Thanks to such employment, Bezrukov has already learned to work a lot, overcome difficulties and not complain. The power of the girl and endurance envy adults.

Model Career

The model career Nastya Bezruek began in 8 years. The girl participated in the competition of young talents, where the director of the show drew attention to the photo of Nastya and recommended sending pictures to the prestigious Mature Model Agency. Those photos for Anastasia made Zhanna Chamomile. The photographer and the young model listened to the director's opinion, and soon a popularity came to the girl.

Anastasia Bezrukov

A few months later, in the life of Anastasia, the first serious shooting for the Italian brand in the Palace-theater on Jauze took place in the life of Anastasia. Together with Nastya, dozens of children who photographed the famous Daniele Federichi. The beauty of Nastya struck most European modeling agencies, and soon the girl began to receive offers from the famous European brands.

Anastasia is the only girl from Russia, removed for Vogue Bambini. Nastya's face appeared on the cover of Fashion magazines Collezioni, Yes!, Kenguru, Dolores, Daisy, Mamas & Papas, Harper's Bazaar, welcomed passersby with billboards in the cities of Europe.

Model Anastasia Bezrukov

Anastasia Belakova has not been filmed for Italian brands. The girl advertised clothes and accessories for children from the brands "Baby Marlene", "Happy parents", "Silver Schued" and others. In the advertising posters of the brand brand of underwear Incanto, the Muscovite appeared in the image of a young ballerina. Young model collaborated with fashion houses Moschino, Benetton, Dolores, Pinko, Monnalisa, Armani.

During the successful cooperation of Anastasia Bezruek with the Armani brand, the face of the Russian woman saw all over the world. Nastya became the second-girl model from Russia after Christina Pimenova, who collaborated with this famous world brand. From this point on, the Belakova combines taking pictures with participation in fashion shows.


Nastya debuted into the cinema immediately in the lead role. The girl played in the New Year comedy "Milky Way" (the second name of the film is "one is not at home") Daughter Sergey Bezrukov. Only the Star Composition was filmed in the film: Marina Aleksandrov, Valentin Gaft, Yuri Kuznetsov, Vladimir Menshov, Tatiana Vedeneev.

The comedy told about the spouses Andrei and Net, who, together with two children, decided to celebrate the last family new year in their lives. But a series of magical events led Kaigorodskaya to the main night of the year Olkhon Island, where they realized that they would not be able to live without each other.

The next film of the young model was the picture "After you." In the film, Sergey Bezrukov, Sergey Bezrukov, once again performed by the Chief Hero, Dancer Alexei Temnikov. His illegitimate daughter Chiara, a young dancer, played Anastasia.

Before filming, Nastya took the lessons of choreography from Rada Poklitar, and the lessons of acting skills - Yana Godovsky. In addition to the dramatic actors, the Conductor Valery Gergiev, Artists of the Todes show ballet and even the artist in the light Alexander Sivaev, participated in the film.

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Later, Anastasia Belakova also starred in the music project "insomnia."

Personal life

Anastasia Bezrukova tries to live like other girls of her age. The model continues to engage in gymnastics, training four days a week, performs with a dance team and communicates with friends. Friends have a lot of friends, the dizzying career did not affect the character of the girl - Nastya is the same sociable and friendly, which was always.

Mom Anastasia says that the model business is a hobby for her daughter, and she also thinks with which will connect with further life. While studying at school and sports - priorities for Bezless. Anastasia will further choose independently. Parents say they are not going to influence the choice of daughter, because they completely trust Nastya.

Anastasia Bezrukov

But, most likely, Anastasia Bezrukov will continue the creative biography of the model, since the girl has been received from the best model agencies of the world for several years. Nastya is waiting for its 15th anniversary to sign the contract with IMG Models, whose vice president wrote the parents of Bezless about the readiness to cooperate with Anastasia.

Now Anastasia continues to receive education at the Moscow School. The girl has a favorite dog breed of Chihuahua on nicknamed squirrel. At the time of the 14th anniversary, the growth of the model was 170 cm, and the weight is 47 kg.

Anastasia Belakova now

In March 2017, the girl participated in the show of the "Angels and Demons" of Artem Krivda designer at the Moscow Fashion Week. Anastasia Bezrukova appeared in a blue dress made of lightweight material with ruffles, which embodied by the image of an angel in the model of the fashion designer.

Model Anastasia Bezrukov

Despite the fact that the profession of the model implies a concern around the world, in his free time the girl likes to get out of independent trips. In 2017, Nastya visited Tallinn, from where she brought a series of photographs and placed in "Instagram". But most of all Anastasia loves to be in Sochi.

In addition to studying and model business, Anastasia does not stop filming the cinema. With the participation of Bezless to the exit, the series "Five minutes before January" is being prepared. In the family picture, it was about the pre-holiday distance of the film crew, which by mistake the editor fell into the village near Moscow. An unplanned trip ended safely: televisers got acquainted with the wizard on nicknamed Petrovich. Anastasia Bezruek again was lucky to work on the stage platform with star cast - Natalia Ore Toyovoy, Dmitry Miller, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Kirill Pletnev.

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