Stephen Hawking - biography, personal life, photo, illness, cause of death



Physico theorist and a peaceful scientist Stephen William Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in the city of Oxford, United Kingdom, in the family of physicians. Frank Frank was engaged in research activities, My Mother Isabel held the position of secretary of a medical institution, working in one team with his spouse. Steve grew in the company of two sisters and a consolidated brother Edward, whom the family of hokings adopted.

Stephen Hawking in childhood and youth

After graduating from high school, Stephen entered the University of Oxford, at the end of which he received a bachelor's degree in 1962. Two and a half years later, in 1966, the young man became one of the first doctors of the Tiniti Hall College Philosophy at the University of Cambridge.


From the early children's years, Stephen was a healthy boy, even in his youth was not disturbed by any ailments. But in his youth, misfortune happened to him. The young Stephen found a terrible disease - lateral amyotrophic sclerosis.

The diagnosis sounded like a sentence. Symptoms of the disease developed at a huge speed. As a result, the future genius of science remained completely paralyzed. Despite this, Stephen Hoking always appears with a good smile. Being chained to the wheelchair, Stephen did not stop in mental development, was engaged in self-education, studied scientific literature, visited the seminars. The guy fought every minute. His moral spirit helped in 1974 to obtain permanent membership in the Royal Society London.

Stephen Hawking

In 1985, Stephen Hawking suffered a larynx surgery, which was impossible to avoid due to complicated pneumonia. Since then, Stephen completely stopped talking, but continued to actively contact with colleagues with the help of a synthesizer of speech, developed by his friends - the University of Cambridge - especially for him.

For some time, Hawking could move with an index finger right hand. But this ability over time has fallen. The only mimic muscle cheek remained moving. The sensor installed opposite this muscle helped Stephen in the computer management, with which he could communicate with his people around him.

Stephen Hawking

Despite the difficult paragraph, the biography of Stephen Hawking is filled with rainbow events, scientific discoveries and achievements. A terrible disease is not broken by Stephen, only a little changed the flow of life. Almost fully paralyzed Stephen Hawking did not see the barriers in his own subsession, led a full-fledged rich job.

One day, Hawking made a real feat. He agreed to experience the conditions of stay in the weightless space, having flown on a specially equipped aircraft. This event that occurred in 2007 has fully changed the representation of Stephen Hawking on the world around. The scientist put a goal - to conquer space no later than 2009.


The main specialization of Stephen Hawking is cosmology and quantum gravity. The scientist explored thermodynamic processes arising in moles, black holes and dark matter. Its name is called a phenomenon describing and characterizing the "evaporation of black holes" - "Radiation of Hawking".

In 1974, Stephen and another known at the time, Kakorn Korn's specialist argued about the nature of the Space Object Swan "X-1" and its radiation. Stephen, manages to contradict his own research, argued that this object is not a black hole. However, damaged defeat, gave the winner of the dispute in 1990. It should be noted that the rates of young guys were pretty "serious." Stephen Hawking put on his annual subscription to the erotic glossy magazine "Penthouse", and the Korn Korn is a four-year subscription to the humorous magazine "Private Eye".

Stephen Hawking

In 1997, Stephen Hoking concluded one more betting, but now, together with the boiled car against John Philipp Pleaskill. The controversial discussion became the starting point in the revolutionary study of Stephen Hawking, with a report on which he spoke at a special press conference of 2004. According to John Preskill, in the waves that emit black holes, there is some information that cannot be decoded.

Hawking contradicted this arion by relying on the results of the studies of 1975. He argued that the information cannot be subjected to decipher, since it falls into the universe, parallel to our galaxy.

Stephen Hawking

Later, in 2004, in the framework of a press conference in Dublin on the topic of cosmology, Stephen Hawking put forward a new theory about the nature of the black hole. With this conclusion, Hoking again suffered a defeat in the dispute, forcingly recognizing the correctness of the opponent. In his theory, the physicist still proved that the information does not disappear without a trace, but one day will leave the black hole along with thermal radiation.

Stephen Hawking is the author of several documentaries about the universe.

In 2015, the premiere of the full-length feature film "The Universe Stephen Hawking", in which the young scientist performed the outstanding Hollywood actor Eddie Redmein, according to producers, ideally suitable for this role. The film went to quotes that actively uses British youth.

Eddie Redmein as Stephen Hawking

Kinokarttina In the director's work, James Marsha contains a genuine history of Stephen, talks about his difficult relationships with the first wife of Jane Wilde. A young actor who played the legendary scientist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking, after the premiere received Oscar for the best male role of the first plan.


In addition to other achievements and achievements in the field of science, Stephen Hawking became famous in another area. He wrote several books that scattered around the world with a huge circulation. The first work was the book, published in 1988. The artistic and scientific work called the "Brief History of Time" of Dynam remains bestseller.

Also, the scientist became the author of the books "Black Holes and Young Universes", "Peace in the Walnut Silver". In 2005, he wrote another book "The shortest history of time", now in collaboration with the writer Leonard Mrododinov. Together with her daughter Stephen Hawking wrote and released a book for children "George and the Secrets of the Universe," which was released in 2006.

Stephen Hawking

At the end of 1998, the scientist compiled a detailed scientific forecast for the fate of mankind for the nearest millennium. The relevant report was made in the Government House. His arguments sounded quite optimistic. In 2003, the researcher's statement was no longer so encouraging, he advised mankind, without thinking, move to other living worlds away from viruses that threaten our survival.

Personal life

In 1965, Stephen Hawking married Jane Wilde, who met at a charity evening. The girl gave birth to a scientist two sons and daughter. Personal life Stephen Hawking with his wife did not work out, and in 1991 they had a divorce. The official causes of the divorce were not committed to publicity.

Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde

Already in 1995, Stephen Hawking married the second time, on his nurse Eline Mason, which for a long time he cared for scientists. After an eleventh-year-old Marriage Hawking also divorced his wife.

Eline Mason and Stephen Hawking

Children Stephen Hawking supported the Father in all his affairs and endeavors. In addition to them, the scientist constantly supported his close friend, the Hollywood artist of the comedy genre Jim Kerry, with whom he had repeatedly appeared at the evenings and photo sessions for magazines.

Politics and religion

The scientist rejected all the theory about the existence of God and was an atheist. Despite this fact, he was blessed by Pope Francis at a special symposium, which was held in the walls of the Scientific Academy of Papal Residence. According to political preferences, Stephen Hawking refers itself to the laborists.

In the spring of 1968, scientist, together with the Public Worker, the Tarik Ali and the film actress Vanessa Redgrave took part in shares against the War in Vietnam.

Stephen Hawking

Later, the 1980s, the scientist supported the idea of ​​his colleagues about nuclear disarmament, universal health and normalization of the global climate of the Earth.

The decision of the American president, who led to the war in the territory of the Iraqi Republic in 2003, the scientist called the crime of military officials. In the same year, he supported the boycott of the participants of the Israeli Conference on political authorities against Palestine residents.

Recent years Stephen Hawking worked on new issues of the Universe, gave lectures on physics at the institute, engaged in active research activities.


British media reported that early in the morning of March 14, 2018 Stephen Hawking died in his home. Children of the scientist confirmed this information, saying:

"Once he said:" In the Universe, there would be no particular sense if she were not a house in which the beloved people live. "We will always miss him" "

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