Rudolf Abel - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, scout, spy bridge, book, William Fisher



Rudolf Abel is a Soviet scout, a person who lived a few lives and was known under different names, which remained a mystery for contemporaries and descendants. The whole world broke his head, who is this mysterious person without a name and the past, but with a fan of passports in his pocket. About the last agent of communism Rudolph Abele, who fascinated his own prosecutors and escaped electric chair, Stephen Spielberg removed the film "Spy Bridge" nominated for six Oscars.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Rudolf Abel - William Hernichovich Fisher. The legendary scout was born in England in the family of the divorce German-Bolshevik Henry Fisher and the Russian revolutionary love of Korneeva. The second son was named after the "king of the tragedy" of William Shakespeare. The elder brother of William Harry later died, trying to save the girl sinking in the river.

In his youth, Willie was fond of music, loved to draw, then he learned some secrets of conspiracy from his father. Children grew in a working environment, differed in realness and strong spirit.

By the age of 15, Fisher Jr. managed to work on shipper and enroll in University in London, but did not have time to gain education there, since because of political beliefs, parents decided to emigrate in the USSR. There, the family was given room in a communal service, and William got a job first by the translator, and then the drawer in the civil service.

In 1922, Fisher entered Vhutemas - a artistic and technical educational institution - but the avant-garde direction, which was taught there, did not have to Villam to taste, and he left the walls of the workshop. Two years later, it began to study Oriental Science at the Moscow Institute, preferred by India.

When Fisher has studied one course, he was called on to the army, where he got into the radio telegraph regiment. Serving in an elite company 4 years, showed itself as an otnaya radioist and demobilized in the rank of officer. Soon the well-proven to be the Komsomolets to serve in the foreign department of foreign intelligence management. So in the biography of the English loyal and Soviet citizen, intelligence appeared.


In 1930, William Fisher received permission from the British Embassy to return to his homeland, but did not go to England immediately. For 4 years she was engaged in agent work in Norway, where he went with his wife and daughter.

The next business trip was already in the UK as a radio station under the leadership of Alexander Orlov, more known as the Swede. After betrayal and the escape of the last William was forced to return to Soviet Russia, where on arrival is increased to Lieutenant.

At this time, William met and moved to another intelligence officer, Rudolph Abel, whose name later was called on the interrogations of the Americans.

As a result of cleaning in the ranks of the NKVD in 1938, a radar is dismissed, despite his passionate desire to continue intelligence. The ability to again serve as a country after the start of the war. The NKVD was needed radioists to communicate partisan detachments in the rear of the enemy. It is Fisher and trusted personnel training.

After the war, economically weakened and destroyed Soviet Russia has keenly needed information on the state of affairs in the West: US plans, their nuclear potential, submarines. We needed a person who could create an extensive agent network. The States decided to send William Fisher, and the latter under the guise of the artist Emil Goldfus settled in New York, the more painted it well. The scout family remained in Moscow.

Nobody suspected in a polite photographer and artist, with a cigar and a glass of champagne swaying in the prestigious restaurants of Soyo among the Bohemia of the New World, the Soviet agent of intelligence. The disguise was more than successful, and under the pseudonym Mark Fisher organized an extensive agent network in North and South America. For the successful work, William received the Order of the Red Banner.


There was a lot of work in America, so Reyo Hayehanna (Agent Name Vic) sent to the aid of intelligence, but the Soviet leadership did not like the psychological state of Reyno, and it was decided to withdraw the Vika to Moscow. Hayehanen surrendered to the American authorities, and the brand passed at the same time. Moscow knew about leakage, but did not have time to evacuate the agent.

On June 20, 1957, policemen were broken into the Room Hotel Laten and Arrested William Fisher.

"We knew who he was when he was taken," the Commissioner Joseph Swing told journalists.

It is curious that under the very nose in the police Mark, with an expression of the Olympic calm, destroyed the most important evidence. Allegedly offended by the behavior of the Guardians of the order, Fisher asked a pencil to write a complaint, in front of them sweat him right on encryption, crumpled a sheet and washed into the toilet. However, the apartment still found a "spy set": microplenches and transmitters.

In the same year, a loud trial of Rudolph Ivanovich Abel began in New York. So called the American authorities Soviet intelligence officer illegal. However, this is the only thing that he told the Fabeerer who bought to deception, without even suspecting that the real Rudolf Abel was already two years old.

During the interrogations, Abel kept silence, the accusations of espionage denied, did not go to the transaction with the FBI, and the advice denied any connection with the arrested. Not knowing what to do with him, the Americans condemned Rudolph for 32 years in prison. The United States did not find out that Abel "merged" with the advice of information about the economy, combat resources, but the most important thing is the materials on the creation of atomic bombs.

The daughter of William Evelyna Fisher told that in prison the intelligence was entertained by mathematical tasks, taught languages ​​and silkographic, painted paintings.


Rudolf Abel would spend the rest of the life in prison, but the situation has changed dramatically, when an American aircraft was shot down near Sverdlovsk, who managed Francis Powers. Soviet intelligence immediately detained him and condemned for 10 years in prison."My hopes for quick exemption from prison are hopes that did not leave me all the time - now they have gained real soil," wrote Abel in his memories.

The United States wanted to return her man and offered to exchange intelligence. The operation was carried out on the Glyniki Bridge. In addition to the pilot, the USSR had to give American student suspected of espionage. Two for one. The exchange was conducted by the KGB officer Yuri Drozdov and two lawyers - Wolfgang Fogel and American James Donovan.

"Together we went to the Soviet end of the bridge, got into cars and after some time drove up to a small house, where I was expected by my wife and daughter. The fourteen-year-old business trip is over! "

After the exchange of William Fisher continued his work in intelligence, but not as an operative, but as a mentor.

Personal life

The worker of the scout was the harvester Elena Lebedev, on which William married in 1927. In marriage, a pair was born daughter Evelyn. During a three-year-old business trip in England, Elena Fisher taught ballet. Later, Fisherah shelted the niece of Elena Girl Lidia. Father Lida Boris Lebedev cut off, and his mother died from tuberculosis.

After returning from the US, William spent a lot of time at the cottage in Mytishchi: photographed, I read a lot, and even came out a crow, which Karlusch called. The bird is very attached to William.


William Fisher died on November 15, 1971, the cause of death was the lung cancer. Intellectual, erudite, unsurpassed a conspiracy master was 69 years old. Scouts buried on the new Don Cemetery, first as Rudolf Abel, so as not to disclose his true personality, but later the real name of the scout engraved on the grave.

Several documentaries were shot about William Fishera: "Unknown Abel" Yuri Linkevich and the Russian documentary "US Government against Rudolf Abel" 2009. And also released the book "The Secret Archive of the Soviet intelligence officer illegal", in which the materials on William Fisher, declassified at this moment: letters to his wife and daughter, surviving archival photos. Contemporaries still continue to lay a career and personal life of the famous intelligence officer.


  • Three Orders of the Red Banner
  • The order of Lenin
  • Order of Labor Red Banner
  • Order of the Patriotic War I degree
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Medals


  • 1965 - Roman Vadim Kozhevnikova "Shield and Sword" (prototype)
  • 1990 - Series of Mail Stamps of the USSR with intelligence portraits
  • 2008 - Documentary film Yuri Linkevich "Unknown Abel"
  • 2009 - the film "US Government against Rudolf Abel" (Actor Yuri Belyaev)
  • 2015 - Film Stephen Spielberg "Spy Bridge" (Actor Mark Rielanx
  • 2015 - Memorial Planks William Herrykhovich Fisher in Samara at the house number 8 on the street. Young Guard
  • Abel Scout Street in Sootshchi near Moscow

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