Victor Frankenstein (character) - photos, biography, movies, actors, Mary Shelley, author


Character History

Viktor Frankenstein - the hero of the novel "Frankenstei, or modern Prometheus" of the English writer Mary Shelly. The frightened story about the monstrous monster became the cult and gave rise to a wave of interest in the image in literature and cinema. The author managed to shock the sophisticated public - the plot turned out to be exciting and frightening. The book raises the questions of morality and ethics, as well as problems of philosophical and religious nature.

History of character creation

In the summer of 1816, the Villa Diodeat was gathered by the British writers: George Byron, John Polidori, Persity Shelly and 18-year-old Mary Gervin (in marriage Shelly). They have fun entertained themselves with the reading of terrible German fairy tales, a collection of "Fantasmagorian", which was released in 1812. On the pages of this book contained a story about witches, curses and ghosts living in abandoned houses. Inspired by the works of other authors, George Bayron offered the company, too, try to compose a novel in horror genre.

Byron sketched a story about Augustus Darwell in the draft, but he refused this idea for which John Polidori, who wrote a story about the bloodstream called "Vampire". Mary Shelly also decided to realize the creative potential and composed a novel about a scientist from Geneva, who recreated a living creature from the dead matter.

It is noteworthy that the plot of works is not a real story. However, the writer was inspired by the stories about the paranific theory of the German physician Friedrich Mesmer, who claimed that with the help of a special magnetic energy, a telepathic connection could be installed with each other. Also, the writer inspired the history of buddies about galvanism.

The writer was known that the scientist Luigi Galvani, who lived in the XVIII century, disseminated a frog in his laboratory. When the scalpel touched her body, the professor saw that the muscles on the foot paws jerk. Galvania called this phenomenon with animal electricity, and his nephew Giovanni Aldini began to put such experiments on human corpses, surprising the sophisticated public.

In addition, Mary was inspired by the Frankenstein castle, which is located in Germany: the writer heard about him on his way from England to the Swiss Riviere, when he drove through the Rhine Valley. It was rumored that this estate was converted to an alchemical laboratory. Some sources argued that the scientist Johann Konrad Dippel lived here, who became the prototype of Dr. Frankenstein.

The first edition of the novel about the insane scientist saw the light in the capital of the United Kingdom in 1818. An Anonymous Book dedicated to William Godwin, readers' readers willingly, but literary critics wrote very ambiguous reviews. In 1823, Roman Mary Shelley was transferred to the theater scene and had the success of the audience. The phrases of the main characters became popular quotes.

Biography and image of Viktor Frankenstein

The narration begins the journey of the English researcher of Walton on the North Pole. Among the ice, the vessel team notices the exhausted Europeans - Viktor Frankenstein. Having arrived on board the ship and fixed, the hero shares with Walton's history and explains how he got into the cold edge. About the early years in the character's biography, the following is reported. The boy was born in the aristocratic family in Geneva. Since childhood, the child disappeared in the home library, absorbing the knowledge gained from books.

In his hands, there were works of Paracelles, the manuscripts of the Okkultist Agrippes of Nettesheim and other works of alchemists who dreamed of finding a cherished philosopher's stone, turning any metals in gold. After the death of Mother Victor Father, seeing the interests of the offspring, sent a young man to the Elite University of Ingolstadt.

Here, the young Frankenstein continued to comprehend the basics of science. In particular, under the influence of Valdman's natural science teacher, the scientist interested in the possibility of creating a live object from dead matter. Having spent two years on research, the main character of the novel decided on his terrible experiment. To create their own homunculus, the hero combined various parts of human corpses. When a huge creature came to life, stunned Victor fled from his laboratory.

The main characters are Frankenstein and its nameless creature form a certain Gnostic couple of the Creator and his creation. If we talk about the Christian religion, the rethinking of the terms of the novel illustrates that a person cannot take on the function of God and is unable to know it with the help of the mind. A scientist striving for new discoveries recreates an unprecedented evil: the monster is aware of his own personality and is trying to impose responsibility for Viktor Frankenstein. The young professor wanted to create immortality, but I realized that I would take a vicious way.

Victor hoped to start life from pure sheet, but he learned the terrible news: his younger brother William was brutally killed. The police recognized the guilty maid of the house of Frankenstein, because during the search, the girl found a medallion of the deceased. The court sent unhappy on the scaffold, but Victor guess that the true criminal was a revived monster. The monster went on such a step because he hated the creator who left the monster with an ugly appearance alone and overlooking him to unhappy existence and eternal persecution of society.

Next, the monster kills Henri Clerval, a better friend of the scientist. The reason is Victor's refusal to create a bride for a monster when he asked the Doctors about it. The professor presented that the Demons live soon from such a lover tandem, so the experimenter destroyed the female body by provoking the hatred of his creation. The monster does not stop in revenge - immediately after the wedding of Victor on Elizabeth Lavent, it shakes the wife of the doctor.

Victor is struck by the death of his beloved girl, and his father will soon die from a heart attack. We desperate a scientist who lost his family, glances to take revenge on the terrible creation and rushes him in chase. The giant is hiding on the North Pole, where because of the inhuman strength easily eludes his pursuer. In the finals, Frankenstein dies.

Viktor Frankenstein in films

Roman Mary Shelly got great popularity and was shielded. In 1931, the director James Will released the famous horror film "Frankenstein". The image of the monster, which was played in the film Boris Carlofoff, is considered canonical. The actor had to spend a long time in the dressing room, because the creation of the appearance of the hero from artists left about three hours.

The role of an insane scientist in the film was received by the actor Colin Clive, who was remembered by phrases from the film. Initially, the amplua monster in the 1931 picture was supposed to perform Bela Lugoshi, who was remembered by the audience in the image of Dracula. However, the actor did not want to make for a long time, and besides, this role was without text. In 1977, the film directed by Calvina Floyd's film was released on the screens, and in 1994 the public saw the director's version of Kenneth Barna.

In 2015, the director Paul McGigan pleased the film by the film "Viktor Frankenstein", where the brilliant cast was played: Daniel Radcliffe, James McAwa, Jessica Brown-Findlei, Bronsto Webb and Andrew Scott. Daniel Radcliffe, who was remembered on the films about Harry Potter, managed to be born into the role of "Gorbun" Igor Straussman, for which the actor has grown artificial hair.

Interesting Facts

  • Creating a mystical work has many interesting facts, despite the fact that the plot of books is artistic fiction.
  • Monster from Roman Mary Shelly is called Frankenstein, but this is a mistake, because the author of the book did not endorse the creation of Victor by any name.
  • Mary Shelley argued that the idea of ​​the work was to her in a dream. Initially, the writer, who still could not think of an interesting story, arose a creative crisis. But in a halfway, the girl saw a man's monster bodied over the body, which was the impetus for creating a novel.


The life of the stubborn and clings to us the stronger than we hate it. Then the most famous misfortune of the most terrible misfortunes. Suite tend to hate unhappy.


  • 1816 - "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus"


  • 1931 - Frankenstein
  • 1943 - "Frankenstein meets a man-wolf"
  • 1966 - "Frankenstein created a woman"
  • 1974 - "Young Frankenstein"
  • 1977 - "Viktor Frankenstein"
  • 1990 - Frankenstein released
  • 1994 - "Frankenstein Mary Shelly"
  • 2014 - "I, Frankenstein"
  • 2015 - "Viktor Frankenstein"

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